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One Piece, The Race of 3! | (Accepting Reserves for Later Crew Members/Started!)


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[center][font="Impact"][size="4"]The Story of Nakama, 3 Friends Depart![/size][/font]

[i][size="3"][font="Comic Sans MS"]Sunrise...the time of day when everyone awakes from their nightly slumber, however on the docks of Windmill Village 3 17 year old's stand side by side, gazing at the majesty of the sun as it rises in the distance. The Ocean, calm and blue, welcoming all travellers to it's vast array of area. The 3 stood on the edge of the docks, in front of them floated 3 small fishing boats with paddles in them.

"It's too bad." The individual to the left began. "Could have been fun having you'se on my crew." He stated with a smile.

"Are you kidding?!" The individual in the middle mocked. "Your ways are way to wreckless, and besides, how can I become the Pirate King whilst serving under another?!"

"Are you still day dreaming?!" The individual to the right stated with a large smile. "Don't you remember I'm going to bcome the Pirate King?!"

The 3 looked at each other and in unison, laughed. The 3 then faced each other in a traingular formation and put their right hands in the centre.

"No matter what happens!" One of the individuals began.

"One of us!" Another individual continued.

"Will become the Pirate King!" The final one finished.

The 3 then rose their hands into the air and called out.


The 3 hopped on their respective fishing boats and set sail, one heading West, one heading North, and one heading East, although in different directions, they all aim for the same area the Grand Line!

Who will join them on their crew and become their Nakama? What adventures await the groups as they discover more about themselves and their crew? And who will become the Pirate King?![/size][/font][/i][/center]

[size="6"] [center][font="Impact"]Recruitment! The Search for a Crew![/font][/center][/size]

[b]First post:[/b]

A Bright Sunny clear day welcomed the awoken citizens of the Blue Sea. The sun glistened off the motions of the waves as 3 small fishing boats each carrying a unique individual, parted ways. One of the Boats headed East, inside the gently rocking boat, stood a boy, 17 years old and with fiery orange hair, a black vest and black pants and bandages around his hands and wrists. The boy's large smile depicted his affection for adventure and the sea.

"[color="#FF8C00"]It all begins now!"[/color] Leo D. Gallow thought to himself as he then called out. [color="#FF8C00"]"I can hardly wait! Look out world!"[/color]
3 hours later.

Leo lay asleep in the small boat however the small boat approached a small wooden dock with fishermen on it.

"Oh!" One of the men called. "He must have got lost at sea! Quick pull him in!" 3 of the men grabbed the fishing boat and motioned it towards the docks, securing it tightly with a rope. The 3 men then proceeded to take the sleeping Leo out of the boat and lay him on the docks.

"Is he dead?!" One of the men asked but was assured that he wasn't by another.

"No just sleeping, poor kid."

Leo's eyes suddenly sprung open. [color="#FF8C00"]"I am not a....KID!" [/color]He called out as he stood up with fury, the taller men all fell back caught off guard by his sudden change of action. Leo was panting with anger as the men stood up and asked him.

"Who are you? Why were you lost at sea?!"

Leo looked at him blankly then pointed his thumb at his chest and replied with confidence.

[color="#FF8C00"]"I'm Leo D. Gallow! What kind of a Pirate would I be if I was lost?! Well anyway I got to go look for a Crew! Cyas!"[/color] leo then dashed on past the men.

The men watched Leo run on the path towards an average wealth town.

"Should we let...him go?"

"I-I guess..." the other man said.

Leo walked into the average looking town, brick like houses, grey brick paths, a moat going through the centre of the town and various shops all sharing area. There were also a lot of people in the town.

[color="#FF8C00"]"Where should I start?!"[/color] Leo asked himself.
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Jikka sat out by a building, playing his guitar for a few kids that he always played for, when he finished a song, one of the kids asked, "Jikka, can you play another, please please please!?" he pleaded, "Sure thing" Jikka smiled, and began to strum a few chrods, then started playing a happy tune, the kids cheered and laughed happilly as he played, after he finished he told them, "Sorry, I just made that up off the top of my head," He laughed, so did the kids, "Tell you what, I'll play as many songs as you like, not like I got any where to go!" Jikka exlaimed, the kids cheered, and he began playing an especially loud tune for them.
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Leo looked side to side as he walked past people.

[color="#FF8C00"]"Crew, crew, crew....crew...." [/color]Leo then heard something from the tip of his ear, he looked directly North West, on the other side of the river that cut the town in two sat a man a little older then him with a black hat with a gold trim on italong with a black jacket and pants and a blue collared shirt playing a guitar. There was alot of fuss about him from the kids, they all sat around him cheerfully humming the tune and dancing with it. However noticably, all the adults walking past would shake their heads and murmur to each other.

"An absolute disgrace, not doing his part..."

"We work hard for the town while he sits there!"

"He has to do his part to!"

Leo walked up tot he group of kids and sat behind them with his legs crossed and eyes widened in marvel. The tune was soothing and relaxing, this man was able to play so fluently.

Leo turned to one of the kids sitting next to him whilst pointing to the man.

[color="#FF8C00"]"Hey who's that?"[/color]

"You don't know?! That's Jikka!" The little boy replied.

[color="#FF8C00"]"Oh, and he plays for you'se often?"[/color]

"Yea! Everyday, the rest of the town is miserable! But not him!"

Leo turned to face Jikka with a big smile. [color="#FF8C00"]"i can see why you'se like it!"[/color]

A loud ranting started from the right of all the kids, from the bar a few spaces down exited 3 Pirate looking fellows with scimitars around their waste, theyw ere obviously wasted and creating a scene, however it appeared no one dares to do anything. The 3 then began making their way over to the group of kids and stood behind them calling out at the musician.
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Jikka continued playing for a bit while the drunk pirates were calling out to him, and while the new guy had come over, but after about 10 seconds, he stopped playing and looked up at the pirates, "Excuse me, I don't know who you are, but I was just playing for my friends here, I think it'd be best if you just went away" He told them, then went back to playing, meanwhile in his mind, he wanted to beat them up, but he couldn't do that infront of the kids, he had a moral that he wouldn't fight infront of children, especially the ones that he was with right now.
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OOC: If you're not okay witht his I can change it?

The skinniest pirate began laughing as he walked over the kids causing them to stop dancing and cheering and watching on, the adults walking past just looked away and continued walking right by. the skinny pirate but his scimitar across Jikka's neck.

"Do you know who I *hicup* am?!" the pirate was out of it. "I'm one of Cannon Arm's loyal men, you can't tell me to do anything!" The pirate then hit the hilt of the scimitar on Jikka's head causing his hat to float and land on leo's lap.

"I do what I want! because I'm with Cannon Arm!" leo turned tot he adults walking by.

[color="#FF8C00"]'Why aren't they doing anything?"[/color] he thought to himself.

The pirate continuously hit Jikka with hilt of the scimitar, however not hard enough to knock him out. The 2 other pirates laughed continuously as it happened. many of the kids began backing away slightly. Except one kid, one small boy with short black hair and ragged clothes began pulling on the pirates pants call ing out.

"Leave him alone!!!"

The pirate turned to the kid with a furious expression, the kid suddenly looked frightened, the skinny pirate then lifted his scimitar in the air as if to attack the kid.

Still the adults did nothing. Still the other 2 pirates laughed on end.

Leo disgusted by the sight carried the hat in one hand and stood up. However the 2 pirates put their hands on his shoulder and said.

"Don't be a *hicup!* fool, that kid is gonna die." Leo with absolute fury elbowed the two pirates in the gut causing them to fall into the river. As the scimitar was swung down, leo caught the scimitar with his hand before it reached the head of the cowering kid. blood seapred from Leo's palm as he looked at the man with complete anger.

Leo pulled the sword to his right causing the man to roll on the ground and get to his kness as he never let go of the blade. Leo then put Jikka's hat out in front of him.
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Jikka waited until the guy was finished beating up the pirates, and though he didn't show any emotion on his face, his hands were in fists, then grabbed his hat and put it on his head, Jikka stood up, and put his guitar away, he slung the case over his back, then nodded at the man, "Thanks, bye" Jikka said, then walked away, and went up to a hill that overlooked the ocean, sat down, got out his guitar, and started strumming slowly, '[i]Damn drunks, interupting my nice day[/i]' Jikka thought bitterly, but then let his music absorb him, and he became calm and relaxed.
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(Do we start out with out Devil Fruits? I ment to ask that before)

The boat that laid within the center of the three carried within it a young girl around 17 - well technicly she will turn 18 in a few days - laying down so she could stare up at the clouds and bright blue sky. She couldn't believe she was finally setting out of her pirate adventure. The very thing she dreamed about doing from the moment he was born. She swore she was born with a pirate hat on, it had to have been. This young girl was named Sena D. Wolf. Sena knew that one day her name would be widely known across the whole entire nation for becoming Queen of the Pirates. However, she knew that conquering that dream would take a while. And it would not happen while in some small fishing boat. She would need to get a bigger boat, with cannons, and a Jolly Rodger, and some crew mates-

"Gah!! I'm so excited just thinking about it!" Sena shot up in the boat causing it to rock and almost tip over. She quickly held onto the edge for dear life gasping in her slight panic moment. "Woah, that was ctoo close."

Almost too slowly, the seconds ticked away until they became minutes, and then hours. It felt like she was sitting in that boat for days, when finally- "LAND HO!!" She shouted leaning forward a smile on her face and her stomach rumbling. She had managed to eat through the all of the provisions she had brought with her. Sena always burned through energy quickly so always required fuel - which often came in the form of food, and at the expense of someone else.

It took almost another hour and a half before reaching the Island. After placing her small fishing boat at the docks and tying it up, she set out into the town. This was the first town other than her home town she had ever been in. It was almost too surreal to even think that this was actually happening.

A few kids ran past her playing pirates, three boys. Sena couldn't help but smile. It reminded her of when she was younger playing with her two friends. She fiddled with the swords she had on her before continuing her walk. Her stomach grumbled again causing her to double over in pain, "Ahhh~!*grumble!!!*...I-i need f-food...."
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Leo was surprised that the ma known as Jikka was able to be so calm about the situation. leo observed his hands, shaking with anger and clenched with absolute rage.

"Such tolerance, but why?" leo looked at the surrounding kids. "Them maybe?"

"You wait!" The pirate on his knee threatened as he stood up with the other two pirates the got out from the rive holding their guts. "we-were gonna get captain Cannon Arm here!"

"So bring him." Leo stated with absolute confidence causing the skinny pirate to scold at him as the 3 turned and walked off. many of the adults turned to Leo.

They began murmuring to themselves about him.

Leo didn't pay attention though as he turned to the kid that was almost attacked. Tears began streaming down his eyes. Leo knelt down and put his hand on his shoulder.

"Hey! Cheer up! You were real brave back there!" leo stated with a large smile. "What's your name?" The boy hesitated at first, then replied.


"hey jack! I'm Leo! haha!" Leo tried to make any bad situation seem good, he tried his best to uplift anyone who was down. "Say Jack who'se Cannon Arm? And hat's with the adlts of this town? It seems like Jikka is the only one who actually has some joy here?"

A Young lady about 20 years old walked behind Jack and put her hands on his shoulders.

"Thankyou so much!" She began to Leo who stood up and replied with confusion.

"Ahh...no problem, who are you?"

"Tala, this is my little brother, he should have known better then to stand up to those pirates."

leo shook his head "Don't worry, I'm leo by the way!"

"Nice to meet you" Tala replied. "This town isn't what it used to be, everyone used to take the utmost joy out of it. Until Cannon Arm legally bought the town, he set taxes to unebeliveable heights, we have to work excessive hours to make the weekly expense. Jikka is the only one who shines light in this dark town, through his music he uplifts the kids spirits so at least they have some fun. many of the adults dislike him for dedicating so much time to them, but really it wouldn't make a difference, everyone just likes to have someone to blame."

Leo looked down briefly then up. "Jikka, went off somewhere, do you know where?"

"Your best chance is the hill that over looks the Sea."

Leo nodded and headed for the hill.

"leo!" Tala called causing Leo to turn around. "Can you do anything about cannon Arm?"

Leo shook his head. "At the moment I'm sorry but it's none of my concern."


Leo walked up to the hill and sat next to Jikka with a big smile.

"hey!" He began as he then overlooked the ocean.
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Jikka looked at the guy as he came up the hill, "Oh, its you agian" Jikka recalled, he stopped playing, and stood up, "Listen, don't get me wrong, I wanted to bash those guys' heads, but I couldn't do it around the kids, It's just wrong" Jikka explained, "So, what is it you want?" Jikka asked, he knew there must have been some reason this guy came up to find him, "And whats your name anyway?" Jikka contiued, he stood there waiting, and began picking at his fingers while waiting for his answer, not really realizing he was doing it, he just did it alot, for no reason really.
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"Leo! Leo D. Gallow! And you're Jikka!.......I know!" Leo replied his smile still surfaced. "Those kids get no joy from this town. Without you they'd grow into the same life as their parents, at first I thought you just played music, but it's more isn't it, you bring joy to these kids lives, I could call you the bringer of joy!" Seeing little reaction from Jikka leo continued. "Anyway, you remind me of me.... Might sound a bit surprising, but I like to bring Joy into people's lives to, even if it is a small bit, if their down their not themselves. The adults of this town did nothing because they are not themselves as they have no joy" Leo smiled widely and stood up pointing to himself. "So I bring them joy to make them themselves! And i've decided, I want you to join my Pirate Crew!"


"Captain! Captain!!!" Came the voice of the skinny pirate but from a ship. Noticably a tall but fat man with a long black beard and a bald patch sat on a large chair inside the Deck of the Pirate ship.

The 3 suboordinates from before walked in and went on their knees.

"Captain Cannon Arm! Some Kid! Interfered with our meddlings! Execute him please!!!"

The captain looked furious as he stood up showing his 6 foot 5 inches stature. He wore a large red shirt covered by a red and black pirate coat. there were many pirates in the deck that all mummbled to each other in anger.

"This is unnacceptable!" The captain called as he lifted his right arm into thre air revealing it had been replaced by a black cannon like gun.

"Lead me to them!!!
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"Pirate crew huh? So you're a pirate... who likes to bring joy to other people," Jikka paused for a moment, then laughed, "Thats amazing... but... I can't leave this town, not like this, not until Cannon Arm is dead and gone!" Jikka told Leo, "Tell you what, I'll join your crew after I kill Cannon Arm, and trust me, I can, I've eaten one of the Devil Fruit!" Jikka explained, then looked out twords the docks, "Hey, you say you're a pirate... where the heck is your ship!?" Jikka asked, he pictured him as having a big pirate ship, but he didn't see anything except a few small fishing boats.
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Leo scratched his head laughing ina comical way, the littl fishing boat was then seen sinking.

"I'm in between ships right now! hahaha" leo then jumped at the sound of hearing the devil fruit. "Oh! Wow really? I've heard of them before, they make you really strong ha! What can you do, what can you do!?" Leo then turned to his right and looked at the sea, a pirate ship was heading for the town, the flag had a picture of a skull with a cannon as one of the teeth. As it docked a few pirates followed by a tall fat pirate headed for the centre of the town.

"Oh, who's that?" Leo asked as he watched them head to the town. "I have a feeling the joy of this town will be restored!"
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OOC: Black said he was going to the gym, so I'm taking over his charecter for a bit.

"I ate the devil fruit known as the Muse Muse fruit, it allows me to amplify sound waves and turn them into, well, a form of energy I guess. In simpler terms, I make sound hurt" Jikka explained to Leo, then looked out at the sea with him, "I think you might be right, Leo. Thats Cannon Arms ship..." Jikka explained, and he smiled, "Lets go kick his ass!"


Cannon Arm arives in the town and hops off the ship, he walks into town and looks around at the citizens, who start cowering, "I'm looking for the guys who beat on my men, where are they!?" Cannon Arm commanded, "No one wants to talk? Fine!" Cannon Arm exclaimed, and he fired a shot into a building, causing it to crumble, "Hey! Are you looking for me?" Leo asked, as he jumped down in front of Cannon Arm, Jikka folowing, Cannon was surrounded by a bunch of men, and they move out of the way, "That was him captain! It was that guy!" The skinnier pirate said pointing at Leo, "Alright, I'll show you the penelty for messing with MY mens meddelings! But first, I'm raising the taxes in this town to 85%!" Cannon Arm said and laughed, Jikka glared at him, he clutched his guitar by the neck, then ran up to one of the pirates and smashed his head in, knocking him out cold to the ground, "GRRA! GET HIM!" Cannon Arm commanded, Jikka swung his guitar around, bashing around the pirates in groups as they came to get him, knockng them together, and bashing there heads in, then sweeping them aside into the ocean, "Thats nothing" Jikka braged, "I didn't even have to use my Muse Muse fruit!" this angered Cannon Arm, "GAAH! TAKE THIS!" He shouted, and fired a shot at him, suddenlly, Leo ran up infront of Jikka and took the shot, without even flinching, "Wh... what? How!?" Cannon Arm exclaimed, "Oh by the way Jikka... I ate a devil fruit to!" He smilled back at him, "One that makes me immune to explosions, and lets me make them"
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Leo smiled a big smile whilst facing Jikka.

"Oi Jikka." leo began as the smoke cleared and he turned to Cannon Arm and Leo stood next to Jikka. "Will you do the honour?"

"Leo!" came the girls voice from before, she stood in the crowd with her brother in front of her. "I thought you said it wasn't your concern?"

Leo turned to face Jikka, then back at Cannon Arm. "Ah, that is what I said, but that was before he attacked my Nakama." Leo smiled.

cannon arm looked furious he pointed his cannon arm at Jikka.

"I-I-I Know the Marines! A-A Captain!!! I'm in good ties with him! You'll be punished by the marines!!!" Cannon Arm said while studdering.

"Pirates....marines, either way they're both anobstacle to reach my goal!" Leo called. "Jikka I want you with me on this journey!" Leo pointed at Cannon Arm, give him everything you got!

Cannon Arm looked terrified as suddenly all the adults began cheering on Jikka.

"Get him Jikka!" "We're sorry Jikka!" "Jikka! Jikka! Jikka!"
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"You bet!" Jikka replied to Leo asking him to be on his crew, then he slung his guitar over his shoulder, ran up to Cannon Arm, "Leave this town!" Jikka said bringing his guitar down to his side, "THROUGH HELL!" He yelled, striking him smack in the jaw, sending him up into the air, "MUSE MUSE, CHORD BASH!" Jikka yelled, he strummed his guitar, and suddenly Cannon Arm started getting hit around by seemingly nothing, "Whoa what is that?" One of the villigers asked, "My devil fruit power, I can turn sound waves into energy that I use to beat people up, Now I'll finish him off! Muse Muse... CUTTER!" Jikka yelled, he hit a single note and a far away Cannon Arm spat blood from the center of his body, as he was nearly cut in half, "Everyone!" Jikka announced, "You are free of the evil Cannon Arm! Live your lives the way you used to before he bought this place! However, I will be leaving to join Leo on his pirate crew" Jikka told them, motioning to Leo, "Lets go Leo, now wheres your ship agian?"
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Leo cheered with the town until Jikka mentioned the ship, leo had just remembered the ship has sunk while they were on the hill.

"Uh...." Leo began but couldn't find the words to reply.

One of the townsman stepped forward and stated. "Please we have various fishing boats, good sized ones that could fit at least 3 people, there's a little cabin inside it as well, we call it the "Tug Boat", Please feel free to use it."

Leo cheered and jumped up and down with the man in a comical way.

leo then stopped and asked. "Well I guess Joy has been returned to this town and the people own it again. We got to get going, our journies just started!" Leo began walking to The docks.

"Let's go Jikka!" leo said in excitment.
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"Its not much of a Pirate ship, but it'll do for now" Jikka sighed, then went on with Leo, "So Captain, where off to next, I guess we need more then just a Captain and a Musician, so I suggest we go to the nearest island and search for someone there" Jikka said to him and then leaned over the side of the boat, "Hey guys, do you have any idea where the nearest island might be?" Jikka asked the villagers, hoping he'd get a good answer, "Also can we get some food so we don't starve to death while were sailing?" He continued, just now realizing that he was hungry at all, that battle sure made him hungry.
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Chuck stood on the bow of a merchant ship as it rocked gently in the waves. His eyes were fix on the island before him and he was filled with nostalgia. He thought to himself how his sister Sarah was doing and looked forward to seeing her again after 3 years of being at sea. He smiled to himself, then alerted the crew to adjust the sails with the changing wind. When they arrived at the dock, Chuck said his farewells to the crew and took his payment with him to head towards the bar. Before he did something caught his eye. A pirate ship was docked nearby. Pirate ships were not rare on the island since the marines control had been weakened, but Chuck always liked to keep cautious eye on them. Hopefully they'll just get drunk at the bar and leave without incident. Then he was reminded that he was planning on doing the same.
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"Uh Yes of course! said an overjoyed man who then ran into a resturaunt.

"Don't worry I have a great sense of direction" Leo insisted whilst folding his arms. Leo looked at the townspeople they all began walking off waving at the 2 and smiling. "A smile tells a whole story." leo thought to himself as he the man ran out fromt he resturaunt with a big bag holding within it bread and fruit and canned goods. "Woah thanks!" Leo stated as he took the bag and headed for the boat.

"I don't trust your friends sense of direction" one of the villagers joked to Jikka. " Head East exactly 10 Miles you'll find the next town, but be careful the Seas won't be as calm as they are here."
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OOC: I think you got a little ahead of yourself King

IC: "Thanks, well, maybe we'll meet up agian someday!" Jikka called back, nodding at the man who gave him the directions, "Alright Captain, set the helm to the east! 10 miles to the next town!" Jikka exclaimed happily, then took a loaf of bread from the sack of food and ate it quickly, "Mmm, thats some good bread" Jikka moaned happily after he finished, then he thought of somthing, "This may be enough to hold us over for quite a bit, Leo, but were going to have to stock up... do you have any money at all?" Jikka asked, a little bit worried about what they would do when they ran out of food.
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Leo stopped right in his tracks as he heard "Money". A big sweat drop dropped from his head. He turned to Jikka and stated. "Hehe, I didn't think of that..."

A villager who appeared to be the mayor walked over to the 2 with a bag of cash. "This is nothing compared to what we would have had to pay on the weekend. Please take it."

Leo nodded his head, "we'll pay it back someday." he stated as the mayor smiled and walked away, Leo turned to Jikka and shook his head as if to say "No."

"Alright we set?" (~N~ stop bringing stuff up!!! lol)
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OOC: Sorry, but I figured it would come up later at some point

"Yeah, were ready!" Jikka replied, he went over to the end of the boat, and raised the sail, and pointed it eastward, "Now we set sail, twords adventure!" Jikka exlaimed, then raised the anchor, setting it on the side of the boat, a gust of wind caught the sail and pushed them forward, "Only 10 miles Leo, shouldn't take long if the wind keeps blowing Eastward like this!" Jikka smiled, and started happily strumming on his guitar, the music being carried far by the wind, he soon got lost in his music as he does alot, and leaned agianst the side of the boat, almost falling asleep while he was playing.
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Leo smiled and laughed as he jumped into the "Tug boat"

"Yea adventure!" leo stated in a childish way, as the boat took off Leo was full of excitement, he saw Jikka almost asleep by his music. Leo blocked the sun from his eyes and viewed theocean thinking to himself.

"Hmm. Nope this isn't East Way." he looked at Jikka again and then motioned for the boat to go another way. "We'll be there in no time now!" leo thought to himself witha smile.

3 hours later.

Leo and Jikka were in the Tug Boat as it approached an island
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Chuck looked out at the horizon. It was then that he spotted the dingy of a small fishing boat. Chuck removed his hat started fixing his hair. From what he could tell there were two people sleeping on board. He watched the boat floating nearer to the harbour, being rocked back and forth by the waves. He enlisted the help of two of the merchant ship's crewmen to rope in the boat and tied it down to the dock. Chuck then noticed he had been fixing his hair and immediately messed it up as much as he could and replaced his hat.

"Hey you two!" Chuck said cheerfully to Leo and Jikka. "I hope you two werent just trying to drift your way to this island"
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A teenage boy lay inside a small boat headed west, the boat similar to 2 others that departed roughly 3 hours earlier in different direction his headed west. "hm.. Now i need to find a few people to join.. hm.. well can't expect anything with a boat like this.. perhaps.. If I managed to find a larger boat at the next town, I'd be able to take it if there was no one there though I'd most likely get in trouble" he muttered to himself thinking what to o seeing something out of the corner of his eye not sure whether it was another boat or just floating wood from something and ignoring it

ooc: as hotru asked do we start with the fruit?
oh and techi i just gave you an opening to bump into me/whatever..
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