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Savior Dragon.dek

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For fun. Suggest anything that will change the efficiency of the deck, BUT NOT THE OBJECTIVE.


Gorz the Emissary of Darkness
Flamvell Firedog x3
Flamvell Magician x3
Junk Synchron x2
Debris Dragon x2
Doppelwarrior x2
Kinka-byo x3
Glow-up Bulb
Battle Fader x2
Majestic Dragon x3


Cards of Consonance x2
Dark Hole
Giant Trunade
Monster Reborn
One for One
Pot of Avarice
Rekindling x2


Call of the Haunted
Dimensional Prison
Limit Reverse
Mirror Force
Solemn Judgment
Solemn Warning x2
Torrential Tribute


Majestic Red Dragon
Majestic Star Dragon x2
Shooting Star Dragon
Red Dragon Archfiend
Scrap Dragon
Gaia Knight the Force of Earth
Stardust Dragon x2
Black Rose Dragon x2
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Ally of Justice Catastor
Formula Synchron x2
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[quote name='Welche' timestamp='1309545169' post='5325437']
Damn that's the hard part >.< I have no idea. What isn't testing well?

The problem is you'd have to remove the LV5 engine for it to work >.<
-2 Vice
-2 Dark Resonator
-2 Debris
-2 Fader
-1 Limit Reverse
-1 Pot of Avarice
+9 Flamvell Engine
+1 Foolish Burial

Really hard to take things out because the Deck isn't consistent with single copies of Avarice and Reverse...I would suggest negging Prisons if you want to run 2 Avarice with Flamvell engine
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[quote name='CDDRodrigo' timestamp='1309545754' post='5325478']
Well, I made some modifications.

This is the result :D


wtf Grapha

oic u reborn'd it

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