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They don't seem too bad for a first attempt, although they're a bit too powerful.

Aristomache is way too good. Finding any fish from anywhere means it's an instant level 5 or 8 Synchro or Rank 4 Xyz, never mind the fact that it could be very helpful in setting up for later plays.

Hydra is ridiculous. It's fusion materials alone give it 4800 ATK, and late game you could easily have a dozen or more Oceanic Guardians in the Grave.

Leviathan is another 'Instant Plus' card, this time giving you two monsters however it's summoned. Also, it basically renders nearly all commonly used defensive spell/trap cards useless for no cost.

Marinus isn't bad, but should probably have 1500-1600 ATK. His effect gives him a boost from himself, so whatever value you give him he effectively has 100 ATK more than that.

Palaemon is nice. It's good, but it's not insanely good. I could see a lot of use for it in other decks as an anti Reborn Tengu measure.

Pelagios is broken, again. If it only took them from the grave, it would be fine. If only took one, it would also be fair. If it were Level 4 or lower, it would still be workable. If it were more than one of these, it would be balanced. But a +2 for any members of the archetype that also thins the deck and needs no setup? Broken.

Tiburon's restrictions don't seem that restrictive. Since they almost all have at least one good stat, they're likely to stick around for a turn to let you summon it. It's rather dull though, just another >2000 level 4 with some limitation.

Valdete seems a bit much, returning 5 cards. Good players won't have that many cards too often. Maybe make it 3 cards, with 800 ATK for each. You only lose 100 ATK, but you'll be able to get it more reliably and won't remove you're opponent's entire field as often doing so. Also, consider limiting it to spell and trap cards, as monsters are harder to get back.
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