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Jerkiest Thing Done to You?


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we have a girl in our class (classical b**** and a big pain in the @$$). In the accounting room when we entered we found the following woeds on her desk.

[spoiler=please dont see if you are under 13]

F*** you (her name)

Suck my C***



and my friends thought it would be funny if they would blame me for it and blame me they did. i got punished even thought they said that i didnt do it. i was not even in school until the period started. still i got trashing and punishments.

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Man C.D. , thats really annoying what your friends did


I remember one time during after school, I was asked by a boy who was a Freshman to help him on his homework, so I said yes to helping him on his homework. We both were apparently avoiding much flirting and his reason happened to come right into the study hall. His girl friend comes walking in and then apparently in rage she shouts his name. I was ignoring her as I was trying to give some help as he asked for it. She happens to be yelling and stomping over to where we were (Me and the boy were the only 2 in the study hall on a Friday) and starts pulling my hair and is insulting me like "(Boy's Name), what are you doing with this *****". Me I was in pain right now not emotionally but physically because of the hair pulling. The boy tried to explain that I was only trying to help him on his homework to at least pass his science class, well shes going off like "NOW! NOW! NOW! I Want To Go NOW!!", so they left in all without his homework finished.


My reason for not flirting with boys or girls is I currently not interested in either. I also didn't tell the teacher on them as the boy was just trying to get good grades.


To Sum this up, the jerkiest thing done is me getting scolded for helping someone on their work.

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Well, it's not really that much worth mentioning, but it's pissing me off and I'd like to say it here.


I have quite long hair (and yes, I'm a guy), and I don't plan to get a cut anytime soon. Two other guys in my class seem to think that my long hair is real fun, since at any possible time, they'd sneak up behind me and pull it backwards. It doesn't hurt much, but it's annoying as hell. And no one seems to care, either.

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Well' date=' it's not really that much worth mentioning, but it's pissing me off and I'd like to say it here.


I have quite long hair (and yes, I'm a guy), and I don't plan to get a cut anytime soon. Two other guys in my class seem to think that my long hair is real fun, since at any possible time, they'd sneak up behind me and pull it backwards. It doesn't hurt much, but it's annoying as hell. And no one seems to care, either.


Yeah, I have long hair, but that doesn't happen to me (much).

Uhm, well, nothing I guess.

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Some guy tried to take my lunch, so I stabbed him in the knee with a bottle opener and when he was rolling on the ground, I urinated on him. Actually not. I just kicked him in the shins. Same thing really. But that isn't the meanest thing I've done. I think the meanest thing I've ever done is breaking my brother's finger and then pushing him down the stairs. He had it coming to him after he erased and sold some of my games.


How's that for nicest member? :P

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Some guy tried to take my lunch' date=' so I stabbed him in the knee with a bottle opener and when he was rolling on the ground, I urinated on him. Actually not. I just kicked him in the shins. Same thing really. But that isn't the meanest thing I've done. I think the meanest thing I've ever done is breaking my brother's finger and then pushing him down the stairs. He had it coming to him after he erased and sold some of my games.


How's that for nicest member? :P



Stabbing someone in the knee is far meaner than breaking your brothers finger. I'm assuming he didn't give you any money from the sold games?


If we must talk about means things I've done. Well...


Told a Jewish friend "Panera has a walk in Oven, thanks for powering it/you need to try it/endless horrible things on that topic"


Put my brother at knifepoint for f*cking with me. Never seen a kid run that fast before in my life.


Chased him with a knife, he ran a lot faster then. Of course, I didn't cut him at all.


Yelling out people's insecurities. You should see the reactions I get.

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Stabbing someone in the knee is far meaner than breaking your brothers finger. I'm assuming he didn't give you any money from the sold games?




I never stabbed anyone in the knee. I was kinda joking. And I was still playing some of the games he sold. And no, I didn't get any money. He got about $150. He ended up getting a DS with it.


What did your brother do to you?

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Slimey, wasnt the pushing-your-brother-downstairs/finger-breaking incident like 3 or 4 years ago?>?? i remember it. and one time he got his ankle fractured in a folding bed in a hotel or something right??? xD



Eli, i VERY LOL'D at your comments. the walk-in oven was quite great.

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Stabbing someone in the knee is far meaner than breaking your brothers finger. I'm assuming he didn't give you any money from the sold games?




I never stabbed anyone in the knee. I was kinda joking. And I was still playing some of the games he sold. And no' date=' I didn't get any money. He got about $150. He ended up getting a DS with it.


What did your brother do to you?



Knowing me, it was probably him turning off the computer while I was typing up something that I didn't/couldn't save, and spent a lot of time on it. That stuff bothers me, having to start over.

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meanest thing every done to me is well I play yugioh and at me school people who play yugioh are considered dumb morons and stuff like that unless you keep it a secret, well once I had a new friend over and showed him my room and he found out I play yugioh and then the next day at school everybody knew about it and I was getting teased and laughed at and called some cuss words when I'm only younger that 12!!!!! It is still happening and they won't stop that idiot that told me secret moved away later that year so I couldn't get back at him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Man this is so unfair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want to kill that kid!!! >>>>>>>>>>>>_<<<<<<<<<<<

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This is just me, but I personally wouldn't care if everyone I knew found out I like Yugioh (I'm 16 by the way). Most the people I've known have known me for a while, and I'd like to think they were mature enough to realize that just because I like Yugioh doesn't change who I am to them. And if I don't even know them and they're making fun of me, why should I care about what they think about me? And it's high school. No one who is mature really cares what other people do.

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The jerkiest thing ever done to me, was being betrayed by my best friend, alright, this happened like 4 years ago, around the beginning of school, sarting my 6th grade, I was just about to ask this one girl out, but my best friend got to her first, he said things to her that made her see me as a sex-addicted stalker. which I wasn't, I was like 13 years old then. But later on in the year I found a different girl, sarted going out with her, found out my best friend and his "NEW" girlfriend were having alot of trouble with each other, I didn't care, serves him right, I decided to stay with my girl, and to this day I still have that same girl. Never gotten in a fight with her, (or atleast I don't remember getting into one) we never split apart, and starting this thursday I'll have been going out with the same girl for exactly 4 years.


Story of my life...lol

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The jerkiest thing ever done to me' date=' was being betrayed by my best friend, alright, this happened like 4 years ago, around the beginning of school, sarting my 6th grade, I was just about to ask this one girl out, but my best friend got to her first, he said things to her that made her see me as a sex-addicted stalker. which I wasn't, I was like 13 years old then. But later on in the year I found a different girl, sarted going out with her, found out my best friend and his "NEW" girlfriend were having alot of trouble with each other, I didn't care, serves him right, I decided to stay with my girl, and to this day I still have that same girl. Never gotten in a fight with her, (or atleast I don't remember getting into one) we never split apart, and starting this thursday I'll have been going out with the same girl for exactly 4 years.


Story of my life...lol



Go you :)



Oh, that reminded me, worst thing I ever did.


Straight up betrayed this kid. Sorta told this girl he liked back in eighth grade that he was a stalker who wanted to have buttsecks with her. Well, now he's stuck with this other girl, who has nothing on the girl he could have been with.



Please note that I'm joking.


Realistically, Betrayed this kid, been friends with him a couple years, brought a bunch of people over his house when his family was on vaca for the sole purpose of stealing items from him. Horrible Ain't I?

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Worst thing I did to someone:

He turned off my computer in IT, before I saved my work. So I had about 2 pages to start from scratched in the last 5 minutes. Got up, held him with his arm behind his back, tripped him over, threw him into someone else. He basically hit them over the head, and crashed someones computer, meaning they lost their work as well. He got blamed, and caught a weeks detention (or similar). The guy whose computer crash was as annoyed as me, so he punched him at his next free lunch, about a week afterwards, in front of a small crowd. Hehe. Evil me. >: D

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oh alright, nvm, didn't see that...oh well, I guess the meanest thing I have ever done is accidentally hit my best friend of 9th grade, but yet, like i said, it was an accident, I lose my grip on my drumstick as I was playing and it flew and hit him while playing the last note of our song. but yet, he understood that it was an accident, so he forgave me, then punched me in the arm for screwing up the song...lol (in my sig is a picure of what I play in the marching band, and in indoor drumline...)

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The new girl Chelsea from California came at the beginning of the year and she's a friend, but not a close one. Ok, in P.E, we play badmitten alot (and I have to say that I'm pretty darn good at it too 8) )Well, today, she likes to play with Danielle (my best friend) and Dani said no, She likes to play One on two for some reason. ANYWAY. Another girl Gabby wanted to play, so we split into teams. Gabby played Dani and I played Chelsea. Well, this other girl wanted to play and to be nice, I said she could play with us.


Chealsea, being stuck up, said she didn't want her on her team, so it was me & that girl against Chelsea.3 minutes later, she doesn't want to play cuz that girl joined us.

I asked later why she quit and sshe said "No reason." Grrr. She gets rude and annoying at times, and she freaks out about every thing and screams a high pitched screech. And she's been talking about me, and treating me like a dog.But she's nice at times too.


But I GUESS I'm still her friend, not as much tho.

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