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>>Ventus Volatilis Gryphon<< A gryphon by GAK. Awesome pic! A must see!


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[align=center]Ventus Volatilis Gryphon





When this card attacks or is attacked you can discard 1 card from your hand to return this card and the monster that this card would battle with to each players' opponent's Deck. When a player draws 1 of the returned cards during his Draw Phase, that card is added to his opponent's hand. If a player adds 1 of the returned cards to his hand by a card effect it is Special Summoned to its original owner's side of the field.


Some comments and feedback would be appreciated :D!


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A Good Rating for a Bird Card.



10/10 Why? Its a bird!:D




Okay now my real rating. First of all it is a Winged Beast not a Winged-Beast. prove.

The first thing that I think of when I see "If a player adds 1 of the returned cards to his hand by a card effect it is Special Summoned to its original owner's side of the field." makes me think of Dark Designator simply use this card to as Gryphon to your opponents hand so it gets back to your field. Thats a nice combo and the only one I think that make Dark Designator usefull so it is a + point. The fact that this card added to your opponents deck is worthless in allways that I can think of makes it a nice for you. The only downside to that story is that the card added to your deck also is worthless except if you are realy lucky and the card is searchable with Flying Kamakiri #1 or any other one of the element searchers OR you could get realy luck for a card like Advanced Ritual Art. The fact the card added to a deck coudn't give anyone a nice advantage or a warid twist is -/+ point. The combination of a not to high ATK and the fact is effect is option is also a + point because this way there aren't many ways for you or your opponent to abuse it. (if it wasn't an option you could just attack with a weak monster to get rid of yours). I also realy like the picture.


It gets a 9.5/10 from me because it doesn't give a weird twist to the game (something I realy like) and The Winged Beast thingy. It is a realy nice and original effect.

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