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Soul Core (not started / accepting / PG-13)

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[font="Arial Black"][size="4"]Story:[/size][/font][size="3"][font="Arial"] It was 3,500 years ago, that life began to emerge on Vexium. That life was the borgs. Robotic machines with a destructive power. They were given life by the divine power called, Soul Core. It is the force that goes beyond the laws of nature, it’s mysterious and unpredictable. The higher universe, the source of Soul Core was discovered by the borgs. But only one specie was allowed to enter the higher universe, or in their language, heaven. That specie was the humans. The borgs were then filled with a jealousy that tore them apart. The king of the borgs declared that they would whip away the human race, and that by doing this, maybe they would be allowed to enter the higher universe. So for 3,500 years they traveled the universe, till they found it; Earth, home to the humans. The humans were not prepared for what was to come. The borgs entered Earth, destroying everything they came across. The human population was reduced enormously, and now the Earth was inhabited by more borgs than humans. The humans formed a group, the United World Army (U.W.A.); this group being an army for humans all around the world. They combined the technology gathered from defeated borgs with their own to create different weapons and devices. Slowly the humans began to take back parts of the Earth that were under borg control. The big cities that were destroyed were rebuilt. They were protected by a strong energy field, impossible for the borgs to penetrate. Still, the humans had no knowledge of Soul Core, given the borgs a big advantage. Only a select few borgs had this godly power, but a few was just enough, to erase the humans from existence.[/font][/size]

The U.W.A's ranking system is pretty much the same as the American system, except for a few things.

There are four generals, and one head general (he/she is the equivalent to a commander).

Teams are the top branch in the military. There are 26 teams, each named after a letter in the Greek alphabet. Each team is then organized into battalions, which are then organized into companies, which are then organized into squads.

[size="4"][font="Arial Black"]Character Forms:[/font][/size]
[size="4"][font="Arial Black"]Human:[/font][/size][size="3"][font="Arial"]
Soul Core Power (optional):

[size="4"][font="Arial Black"]Borg:[/font][/size][size="3"][font="Arial"]
Soul Core Power (optional):

[size="4"][font="Arial Black"]RP Rules:[/font][/size] [size="3"][font="Arial"] For Humans the rank of Captain and under are the only officer ranks available and for Borgs the only officer ranks available are Captain and under as well. Your Soul Core power cannot be too powerful and in your character's history you must specify if your character has his/her soul core power when the RP starts. If not you will get your power later in the RP.

[size="3"][font="Arial Black"]Minimum Post Length – Each standard IC post should have the equivalent of at least 4 lines of text. However, a good post should have around one to two paragraphs with proper English spelling and grammar, and should have enough material for other RPers to expand and elaborate on in their own posts. (As a rule of thumb, 4 unbroken lines of text on YCM at standard size and font is roughly 100 words.)

Dialogue – Dialogue should be done in one of two ways; in quotation marks or in speech lines. Script format is prohibited, because it doesn’t allow as much description and is dull overall.

Expies – Copy-paste characters from either separate RPs or from already existing franchises, with only minor detail changes, are frowned upon. This doesn’t allow true “evolution” as a unique character.[/font][/size]

The rules above must be followed at all times.[/font][/size]

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