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My Arcana Force Cards


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[img]http://img199.imageshack.us/img199/3766/97974.jpg[/img][spoiler]=lore]This card's attribute is also LIGHT. If you control an "Arcana Force" monster you can activate trap cards from your hand (limit 2 trap cards). This card cannot attack directly. Once per turn you can sacrifice 1 "Arcana Force" monster to allow this card to attack your opponent directly. If you do this, this monster's attack is halved until the end phase.[/spoiler]


[spoiler=lore]When this card is summoned flip a coin: Heads; you can exchange this card for a monster on your opponents side of the field. If you do this, this monsters attack becomes equal to the monster your opponent exchanged. Tails; This card gains 3000 Atk points. This card cannot attack directly[/spoiler]


[spoiler=lore]5 "Arcana Force" monster.
This card cannot be special summoned except by fusion summon. Flip a coin: Heads; Destroy all cards (except this card). You and your opponent lose 1000 lifepoints. Tails; Destroy all spell and trap cards on the field. Your opponent loses 500 lifepoints for every card. Once per turn this card can attack every monster on your opponents side of the field. If the monster has a flip effect that effect is negated.[/spoiler]


When this card is Summoned, toss a coin: Heads; Switch this monsters ATK and DEF points. Tails; Switch this card to defense mode. Draw 1 card.


[spoiler=lore]1 Tuner monster + 1 or more non tuner monster(s)
When this card is summoned flip a coin: Heads; This card is unaffected by spell or trap cards. You can discard 1 "Arcana Force" monster from your hand to negate a monster effect. Tails; This cards Atk and Def points are switched. This card cannot attack directly. If this card attacks a monster with lower Def points inflict piercing damage. If the monster is a flip effect monster negate the effect and switch this monsters Atk and Def points.[/spoiler]


[spoiler=lore]When this card is Normal Summoned or Special Summoned, toss a coin. Heads: Special summon 2 "Arcana Force" monsters from your deck. These cards cannot attack directly. These monsters cannot be used as Material monsters for a Synchro or Xyz summon. When this card is destroyed destroy those two cards. Tails: Once per turn during your Standby Phase you can draw 1 card from your deck. The type of card determins the effect.
Spell: This card can attack twice this turn.
Trap: Destroy all spell and trap cards on the field. you take 100 damage for every card destroyed.
Monster: Special summon the card to your side of the field. That monster's attack is halved. The monster cannot be targeted as an attack target.[/spoiler]


[spoiler=lore]This card cannot be normal summoned or set. This card cannot be special summoned except by banishing 1 "Arcana Dark Dragon" from your side of the field. This monster cannot attack directly. Once per turn you can banish 5 card from your graveyard to have this card gain 1000 atk.[/spoiler]

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for Dragon I see no need to prevent direct attacks

for The Soul, you should give it a better name

remember, Arcana Force cards are based on Tarot card names, you should have called it Death or something (I THINK that's not among the names taken yet)

not to mention for the coin toss, both effects benefit you. The tails effect should be bad for you

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