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Phantasy Dreamz

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[center][center][b]I'm not a huge fan of Marvel characters, but some does interest me. X-Men characters only, for now.[/b][/center][/center]

[b]I like to keep them as a set, so I do tend to make their effects link. And I like making their effect similar to their power. Rate if you like. Criticize if you hate. Give advice if you will.[/b]


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[quote name='Umbrax' timestamp='1311871615' post='5395510']
I personally don't like Deadpool as a character so I don't like that one. I would have gone with Iceman, Beast, or Shadowcat.

I've yet to grab the pics for those, but I will.

[quote name='pppaulius' timestamp='1311957807' post='5398613']
Deadpool has same healing factor like wolverine, yet he feels somewhat less immortal, Cyclops's effect doesn't make sense, overall, good 8/10

Deadpool can't be destroyed by battle with monster's that are stronger than he is. How's that less immortal?
And Cyclop's effect, it gains ATK when it attacks. 300 for each X Factor monster you control.

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