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Harpies Are a Little Underrated


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Now if only they could stand up to some of the common OP cards... Anyway, I've run a Harpie deck for the past few years, and this is the most recent incarnation.

2x Alector, Sovereign of Birds
1x Dragunity Darkspear
2x Flying Kamakiri #1
3x Harpie Lady 1
3x Harpie Queen
2x Harpie's Pet Baby Dragon
3x Hunter Owl
1x Mist Valley Falcon
1x Sangan
2x Sonic Shooter

1x Dark Hole
2x Elegant Egotist
2x Harpie's Hunting Ground
1x Monster Reborn
1x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Phalanx Pike
2x United We Stand

2x Bottomless Trap Hole
1x Call of the Haunted
1x Hysteric Party
2x Icarus Attack
1x Mirror Force
1x Solemn Judgement
1x Torrential Tribute
1x Uniform Nomenclature's Treaty of Alliance

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Birdface isn't worth it as a searcher. Kamikiris let you summon the monster, so you don't need to Normal Summon it next turn, and can get you Hunter Owl and the dragon (and Sonic Shooter) as well. I'd put Pet Baby Dragon down to two - unless you already have harpies out it's no more than a poor meatshield. To get them to your hand, Sangan still works better, because it has more targets and activates more often.

Simorgh is hard to summon and with Hunter Owl + Lady 1 redundant. Birdman Joe is nice, but Harpies wreak spells and traps, so they don't really need him. Sonic Shooter is OK, but there are other options which better support the Harpies, such as:

Summoner Monk: Pitch a dead spell, summon a Harpie.
Mist Valley Falcon: Return a Harpie to your hand to use the effect of Hunting Ground again, a used Hysteric Party, or Hunting Ground itself if you plan to summon a Harpie when your opponent has no Spells or Traps.
Dragunity Darkspear: Revives a Harpie Lady, and with Hunting Ground that's also a Mystical Space Typhoon.
Sangan: Searches most things you're using
Reborn Tengu is fun, but costly IRL. Blackwing - Zephyrus the Elite does what Falcon does as a one-off, but summons itself in the process.

Spells don't look too bad. Drop Rising Air Currents - what makes Harpies decent is the +1s Hunting Ground gives them.
You need Monster Reborn, ideally Dark Hole and if you can find room Book of Moon - all three are good general-purpose spells.

You should have Call of the Haunted over Hysteric Party - the Multiple Revival is nice, but topdecking it will kill you. Drop Scrap-Iron Scarecrow, and try either Torrential Tribute or Seven Tools of the Bandit, unless you want Call and 2 Hysteric Party.

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[quote name='Time Psyduck' timestamp='1312151598' post='5402763']
Birdface isn't worth it as a searcher. Kamikiris let you summon the monster, so you don't need to Normal Summon it next turn, and can get you Hunter Owl and the dragon (and Sonic Shooter) as well. I'd put Pet Baby Dragon down to two - unless you already have harpies out it's no more than a poor meatshield. To get them to your hand, Sangan still works better, because it has more targets and activates more often. [b]Eh, Birdface is a low-quality searcher that doubles as a basic shield/beatstick. Kamakiris are great, but they don't work well on the defense. Sangan would work pretty well, though...[/b]

Simorgh is hard to summon and with Hunter Owl + Lady 1 redundant. [b]Thanks for the reminder. Removing.[/b] Birdman Joe is nice, but Harpies wreak spells and traps, so they don't really need him. [b]Yeah... Really, I don't often get the chance to summon him anyway. Despite that, though, I draw him almost every game.[/b] Sonic Shooter is OK, but there are other options which better support the Harpies, such as:

Summoner Monk: Pitch a dead spell, summon a Harpie. [b]Spells are most often used right away for me, so no thanks.[/b]
Mist Valley Falcon: Return a Harpie to your hand to use the effect of Hunting Ground again, a used Hysteric Party, or Hunting Ground itself if you plan to summon a Harpie when your opponent has no Spells or Traps. [b]Wow... I have to wonder why I didn't consider that.[/b]
Dragunity Darkspear: Revives a Harpie Lady, and with Hunting Ground that's also a Mystical Space Typhoon. [b]Fun idea, but we'll see if I have the room first.[/b]
Sangan: Searches most things you're using [b]See above.[/b]
Reborn Tengu is fun, but costly IRL. [b]Yeah... That ain't gonna work well with me. [/b]Blackwing - Zephyrus the Elite does what Falcon does as a one-off, but summons itself in the process. [b]Honestly, I don't really like Zephyrus that much. Not without the right Tuner out, anyway, and this deck has no Tuners.[/b]

Spells don't look too bad. Drop Rising Air Currents - what makes Harpies decent is the +1s Hunting Ground gives them.
You need Monster Reborn, ideally Dark Hole and if you can find room Book of Moon - all three are good general-purpose spells. [b]You're right, they are. Unfortunately, Dark Hole runs a heavy risk--I'm a slightly lousy deckbuilder (yes, I admit it), and I don't like the concept of losing all of my monsters. Even if it can provide fuel for Phalanx Pike and Hysteric Party. It's great on defense, though.[/b]

You should have Call of the Haunted over Hysteric Party - the Multiple Revival is nice, but topdecking it will kill you. Drop Scrap-Iron Scarecrow, and try either Torrential Tribute or Seven Tools of the Bandit, unless you want Call and 2 Hysteric Party. [b]Given this deck's already-huge anti-trap stuff, Torrential sounds like a better option.[/b]
All nice ideas. I'll try to implement what I can, though I personally prefer to keep the deck mono-WIND. Call me single-minded, but I like the universal WIND boosts.
[quote name='THE GOD OF OBELISK' timestamp='1312153241' post='5402805']
Why are you running Pet Dragon?
Because Pet Baby Dragon is amazingly powerful with 2 or 3 Harpies out. A level 4 with 2400 ATK that can blow up one card a turn for free [i]and[/i] protects the Harpies? Gods yes!

Regular old Pet Dragon, however, sucks.
[quote name='Konoe A. Mercury' timestamp='1312163498' post='5403159']
Or Simorgh, for that matter
Alternate beatstick that supports that anti-S&T strategy that Harpies grant. Frankly, he's only really in there because this deck is loosely based off of the old Lord of the Storm Structure Deck.

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Deck has been updated. First post edited, and the list is right here if you don't really feel like scrolling up.
[spoiler="New Decklist"]
2x Alector, Sovereign of Birds
1x Dragunity Darkspear
2x Flying Kamakiri #1
3x Harpie Lady 1
3x Harpie Queen
2x Harpie's Pet Baby Dragon
3x Hunter Owl
1x Mist Valley Falcon
1x Sangan
2x Sonic Shooter

1x Dark Hole
2x Elegant Egotist
2x Harpie's Hunting Ground
1x Monster Reborn
1x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Phalanx Pike
2x United We Stand

2x Bottomless Trap Hole
1x Call of the Haunted
1x Hysteric Party
2x Icarus Attack
1x Mirror Force
1x Solemn Judgement
1x Torrential Tribute
1x Uniform Nomenclature's Treaty of Alliance[/spoiler]

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[quote name='Vough' timestamp='1312238147' post='5405848']
better, but still bad.
Yeah... But what do you want? Harpies haven't received any real support since way back in Force of the Breaker.
[quote name='Konoe A. Mercury' timestamp='1312239290' post='5405883']
Phalanx Pike

Yes. And? It's a good buff card, and this deck often finds at least one Harpie stuck in the Graveyard. Especially when my opponent suddenly pops out Dark Hole or Scrap Dragon...

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