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The best way to win locals. So entertaining.

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Okay - be prepared to see lots more Final Countdown and Exodia decks. All thanks to this brand new baby.


Normal Spell Card
Both players [url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Draw_a_card"]draw 1 card[/url]. Until your opponent's next [url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/End_Phase"]End Phase[/url], all [url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Damage"]damage[/url] either player takes becomes 0

Makes the deck insanely better. Haven't lost a match yet.

Decklist (40)

[3] Zero Guardna
[3] Swift Scarecrow
[3] Battle Fader
[1] Morphing Jar
[2] Winged Kuriboh

[3] Final Countdown
[3] Upstart Goblin
[3] Pot of Duality
[3] Gold Sarc
[1] Level Limit Area B
[1] Swords of Revealing Light
[3] Momentary Truce

[3] Threatening Roar
[3] Waboku
[2] Frozen Soul
[1] Torrential Tribute
[1] Mirror Force
[1] Gravity Bind

Other cards I've used and/or considered are "Flute of Summoning Kuriboh", and "Reinforcement of the Army". I am considering taking out Morphing Jar, and a Gold Sarc or two. Thoughts?

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[quote name='Vough' timestamp='1312229265' post='5405361']
Winged Kuriboh and Morphing Jar are unneeded. You should run 3 Cyber valley. You also need Dark Hole, maybe Gorz.

I prefer Winged over Cyber, because he doesn't care if he dies before the battle phase to negate damage. He has saved me many times when Cyber Valley would have lost. I'll give it another try though.

I'd prefer stalling spells over Dark Hole here.

Same about gorz - I almost always have a card on the field, which makes him dead. Yeah, I know that he is really awesome, and game saving. But I've had more success with my stall monsters. I might neg Morphing for him though.

The only reason I'd run Trag is if I also ran Gorz. IMO. Gorz > Trag. I usually don't have that many cards in my hand, making trag weak.

Also, no one in their right mind would use Thunder of Ruler over Waboku / Threatening Roar.

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[quote name='THE GOD OF OBELISK' timestamp='1312271635' post='5406814']
Scrap Dragon and Solemn Warning destroy this deck.

[quote name='D・モバホン' timestamp='1312263621' post='5406688']
-1 Roar
-1 Waboku

+2 Scarecrow

Saved my ass so many times. Also an MST target.

And just in case, simply because you're running Jar, may I suggest Book of Moon? Even if you don't use it on the Jar, it's also useful for stopping an attack if you're in a bind.

I run 3 crow :)

I agree, Scrap Dragon really hurts this deck. The only thing that saves me then is my chainable traps and monsters. Solemn Warning not so much. It is annoying, but not the end of the world.

One book is a good idea.

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