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Contact, Genetic & Doomed Monsters [Fake Card Types]


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Here are some fake monster types, do not criticize i just posted these as ideas for new card types on YCM. So please do NOT criticize these ideas.

Contact Monsters

Contact monsters are monsters that do not need a specific card (Ex: Polymerization) to summon them.


1 Contact Monster + Any other monster type.

You can only summon [Genetic] monsters with Contact Fusion, or cards that say "This card can only be summoned through Contact Fusion"


Genetic Monsters

Genetic Monsters can only be summoned through Contact Fusion by fusing 1 Contact monster with any other monster. Genetic Monsters always have effects, and use the basic/effect template.


Doomed Monsters

Doomed Monsters are used to bring monsters back from the Graveyard, by sacrificing said Doomed monster.

You can only Doomed Summon a monster from the Graveyard, whose level equals the level of the Doomed monster (Or lower level)

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