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[MTG] Green Mana Swarm

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This is my first magic deck I've posted so please help me out. This deck is competely M11 Core Set.

Creatures: 19
4Giant Spider
4Lianowar Elves
2Garruk's Companion
2Aura Gnarlid
Daggerback Basilisk
Wall Of Vines
Leatherback Baloth
Ondu Giant
Viridian Emissary
Pelakka wurm
Palladium Myr

Equipments & Enchantments: 7
2Strider Harness
Tristy Machete
Spider Umbra
Boar Umbra
Savage Silhouette
Leyline of Vitality

Instants: 8
3Giant growth
Unnatural Predation

Sorcerys: 8
2Hunter's Feast
Growth Spasm
Nature's Spiral

Lands: 18
16 Forest
2 Terrramorphic Expanse

[spoiler=heres a link so you can check card effects][url="http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Default.aspx"]http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Default.aspx[/url][/spoiler]

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next time i go to the card shopp ill look for them and give it a try if it works out way better then ill keep bothe decks and run my form as a have fun with my friend and the other as an event deck. thank you for the rebuild.

Just got done testing my design with my other deck i have 6/2 its not bad but it doesneed to be better so im going to get the cards i need and make ur design and test it.

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