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A friend of mine told me Dark World's were better without Gate...


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But I'm gonna ignore him anyway. :P

Apparently it's better without Goldd and Sillva, but I like then Rank 5's. :/ Tour Guide plays are too good to remove.

[size=3]3 Broww[/size]
[size=3]2 Goldd[/size]
[size=3]3 Grapha[/size]
[size=3]1 Morphing Jar[/size]
[size=3]1 Sangan[/size]
[size=3]2 Sillva[/size]
[size=3]3 Snow[/size]
[size=3]3 Tour Guide[/size]
[size=3]1 Tragoedia (was thinking of gorz but dem rank 5's)[/size]

[size=3]1 Book of Moon[/size]
[size=3]1 Dark Hole[/size]
[size=3]3 Dark World Dealings (Dragged down into the Grave?)[/size]
[size=3]2 Dark World Lightning[/size]
[size=3]1 Foolish[/size]
[size=3]3 Gate [/size]
[size=3]1 Trunade[/size]
[size=3]1 Reborn[/size]
[size=3]2 MST[/size]

[size=3]1 DDV[/size]
[size=3]1 EEV[/size]
[size=3]1 Solemn J[/size]
[size=3]2 Solemn W[/size]
[size=3]1 TT[/size]

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