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Near-Death Experience


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About a couple months ago, my friends and I were waiting for the bus. We were fooling around, as usual until my friend pushed me while I was on the curb and quickly pulled back, making sure a didn't fall. A split-second after that, a car zoomed in front of me. I realized I could have died. Right then, I saw a flutter or a light or SOMETHING a can't explain. Maybe it was death. Maybe it was heaven, but my life, litterally, flashed before my eyes. I was in total shock for the next 10-20 minutes. I sat on the bus bench, crying and shaking. I heard my friends saying, "Way to go, Steven, now look what you did".


Have you ever had anyting like this, or experienced the same thing?

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I was nearly hit by this really heavy thing at a shop once which fell from about 20 feet in the air, just missed be my a few inches. I didn't see my life flash before my eyes, but it made me realize just how unsafe the place was. Grr I should've reported it to a manager or something, but it was like 5 or 6 years ago so its a bit late now :D

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you seem rather blunt this morning jin lol


but yah, many a times. i didnt exactly grow up on the friendliest of neighbourhoods, so it was like those situations every friday night. Prob the one i laughed about the most, i was spraying on a wall up town, and it was pretty secluded, not far from the harbour. so after a while i had almost finished and a police officer came walking around the corner, he obviously saw me, so i sprinted off, towards the sea (because this harbour connected off into the ocean) but yeah the part i was on, it was like a raised path, and a set of stairs led down to the prom. so full on sprinting with this police officer pretty close behind, and like i said on a raised level, so i jumped ontop of a buildings roof, and started leaping over openings, which lead down too allyways, but as i was getting closer to the end of this building, and closer to the sea, i was still running flat out so i knew id have too stop, but this officer still behind me, i decided to risk it and leaped off the edge of this building. i kinda knew how high it would be, but i guess i under estimated, because i landed, rolled acorss the floor, smashing my ancle in the process. but it was like as i pushed off the edge and was looking down this huge leap, it went all slow and blurry, like you see in all those films, proper adrenaline rush. but yeah with my smashed ancle, it still took the officer ages too get down so i managed too drag myself over a wall and hide out for a bit. xD

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you seem rather blunt this morning jin lol


but yah' date=' many a times. i didnt exactly grow up on the friendliest of neighbourhoods, so it was like those situations every friday night. Prob the one i laughed about the most, i was spraying on a wall up town, and it was pretty secluded, not far from the harbour. so after a while i had almost finished and a police officer came walking around the corner, he obviously saw me, so i sprinted off, towards the sea (because this harbour connected off into the ocean) but yeah the part i was on, it was like a raised path, and a set of stairs led down to the prom. so full on sprinting with this police officer pretty close behind, and like i said on a raised level, so i jumped ontop of a buildings roof, and started leaping over openings, which lead down too allyways, but as i was getting closer to the end of this building, and closer to the sea, i was still running flat out so i knew id have too stop, but this officer still behind me, i decided to risk it and leaped off the edge of this building. i kinda knew how high it would be, but i guess i under estimated, because i landed, rolled acorss the floor, smashing my ancle in the process. but it was like as i pushed off the edge and was looking down this huge leap, it went all slow and blurry, like you see in all those films, proper adrenaline rush. but yeah with my smashed ancle, it still took the officer ages too get down so i managed too drag myself over a wall and hide out for a bit. xD



OMFG!! You're crazy, mate! :lol:

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you seem rather blunt this morning jin lol


but yah' date=' many a times. i didnt exactly grow up on the friendliest of neighbourhoods, so it was like those situations every friday night. Prob the one i laughed about the most, i was spraying on a wall up town, and it was pretty secluded, not far from the harbour. so after a while i had almost finished and a police officer came walking around the corner, he obviously saw me, so i sprinted off, towards the sea (because this harbour connected off into the ocean) but yeah the part i was on, it was like a raised path, and a set of stairs led down to the prom. so full on sprinting with this police officer pretty close behind, and like i said on a raised level, so i jumped ontop of a buildings roof, and started leaping over openings, which lead down too allyways, but as i was getting closer to the end of this building, and closer to the sea, i was still running flat out so i knew id have too stop, but this officer still behind me, i decided to risk it and leaped off the edge of this building. i kinda knew how high it would be, but i guess i under estimated, because i landed, rolled acorss the floor, smashing my ancle in the process. but it was like as i pushed off the edge and was looking down this huge leap, it went all slow and blurry, like you see in all those films, proper adrenaline rush. but yeah with my smashed ancle, it still took the officer ages too get down so i managed too drag myself over a wall and hide out for a bit. xD



Thats just beastly. Rep for you, because 1, you were spraying, 2 a cop saw you, and 3, you got away with it.

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster

Oh... my... god.


All cases outlined in this are CRAZY. I feel sorry for anyone who's ever had an NDE. I guess I could beg them for details, but I figure having an NDE would be traumatizing. I certainly wouldn't want to have them. O,x


Does anyone agree with me when I say that thinking about death is a lot worse than actually dying?

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I did nearly die, it was a medical operation gone wrong, and it has something to do with the MMR shot, (that's something you get twice, first when your about to leave the hospitol to sleep at home for the first time sense you were born, the second before you enter 6th grade) It was my first MMR (how I know is my mother told me the story) Alright, I was just in the car, my mother was holding me as any mother would do, but out of no where I stopped breathing, they rushed me back to the hospitol, the docs rushed me to the emerginacy room, anylized all my symptoms, took blood tests, rushed me everywhere, (I wasn't even 1 yet, this is crazy) Out of all this time, they were anylizing my blood, and found some of egg protein from the MMR shot was reacting unplanned, it was literally fading through my heart and into my lungs, (unbalievable I know, but it's true) They hurried up and extracted the egg protein from my body, it took 15 minutes because it was all spread out through my blood stream and resperatory system...I was saved. The doctors told my parents that I had literally 2 minutes left. The scariest thing in the world is know that you had 2 minutes left of life before you get saved,....If you think that someone can have a horrible life? Well I had a horrible experience 3 monthes after my birth...

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well me and my cuz were playing around on halloween and we running round the neighberhood and we got lost wen we finally got bak to his house when we found it(his parants and brother were gone at some party) we saw a big truck some guy put us on gunpoint took our phones robbed his house then ran! the cops came like 3 minutes later and asked wat happend i was so freaking scared i was crying and my cousin was like patting me on the bak(hes 2 years older then me) so yeah so i guess thats the cloest thing

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Actually, I've had a couple. My first was when I was 12 and I went to go swim in my friends pool. I wasn't really expecting my friend to launch me off a tube and duck me under water. I swallowed a big bunch of water, and was probably under for a good 45 seconds, which is a lot for me anyways. MY FACE WAS TOTALLY PURPLE! It was cool.


Then, I was coming home from indoor soccer on the night of November 13th,2006 with my mother driving. It wasn't an extremely dark night, and Nova Scotia didn't see snow that year until Boxing Day. We were on the highway, when suddenly a car in the other lane began to cross over the yellow line. My mother swerved to miss it, and lost control of our red Toyota Four-Runner, going back and fourth to the sides of the road, hitting gravel (which worsened the control situation), and not seeming to lose any speed. But it all felt like it happened very slowly. I knew what was going to happen as soon as she began to swerve. The trunk ended up hitting a bank and flipping a good 3 or 4 times, I'm not sure (you aren't usually counting these things while its happening). Right before we began to crash against the pavement and the windows began to shatter, I put my arms infront of my moms face blocking the glass from her. I came out of the accident with a pretty ugly scar on my right wrist, as well as a fracture. My mom had a few cuts on her face from the glass, but that was all. NOW I HAVE TO STRESS THIS: MY SEATBELT SAVED MY LIFE. Do not take these things for granted. If I didn't have mine on, I wouldn't been out the windshield. I'm extremely happy that my mother got out of it the way she did.

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Thats just beastly. Rep for you' date=' because 1, you were spraying, 2 a cop saw you, and 3, you got away with it.



haha cheers man lol, i have many a story's about my graff and the fuzz xD


Oh... my... god.


All cases outlined in this are CRAZY. I feel sorry for anyone who's ever had an NDE. I guess I could beg them for details' date=' but I figure having an NDE would be traumatizing. I certainly wouldn't want to have them. O,x



personally i could explain all of mine, sure they freaked me out back then, but like i said, most of mine were running away from the police or doing something with my friends, so the adrenaline surpasses the fact u almost died xD

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I have one, I was with my brother (Death12328 ) at a swimming pool, we were playing in the water, and some random person that I never did see began dunking me underwater, I remember panicking trying to get to the surface for air, I don't remember getting above the water for air for around 40 seconds or so. The reason I am here today, is because very shortly after my brother saved my life by shoving the dude away from me and getting me out of the water and used CPR. This was during November 2007.

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lol, well mine is a bit funny.


i was at the swiming pool and it was before i learned swiming and i took the worst of friends anyone has could have. when we were near the deep water (real deep) they shoved me right into the water and started laughing. i not knowing where the frunk i was thought i was dead alright and i saw a few flashes of my life until a wierd man took me out. i thanked him then shoved the bastards into the water.

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Well, my involves a swimming pool.


I was walking by a swimming pool, I didn't know how to swim back then. Then I tripped over somebodies slipper and I fell in the deep part of the pool. And the person that got me out of the water was the person who owned the slipper I tripped over.


And that conclude, my near death experience.

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well me and my cuz were playing around on halloween and we running round the neighberhood and we got lost wen we finally got bak to his house when we found it(his parants and brother were gone at some party) we saw a big truck some guy put us on gunpoint took our phones robbed his house then ran! the cops came like 3 minutes later and asked wat happend i was so freaking scared i was crying and my cousin was like patting me on the bak(hes 2 years older then me) so yeah so i guess thats the cloest thing






The other stories were kinda believable, but yours is laughable.



I had appendicitis, almost died, got my appendix removed, now i'm fine. hurt like crap tho.

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