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For you Devil May Cry Fans....


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i was pissed when they made a 3rd game, and Dante yet again, has a totally different personality, and he magically seemed too get younger.


DMC1 = Decent game, dark and dingey, dante = mysterious bad-ass demon killer


DMC2 = meh pretty lame storyline, dante = cocky, high-pitched voice retard


DMC3 = ahahaha not even a game, dun dun dun dunnn he magically had a brother. the only decent part about that game was the end when him and virgil fought together. yet again Dante = high pitched voiced retard, who seems too have decreased in age by atleast 10 years from the first game.


so honestly i wasn't really intrested when i found out a 4th game was coming out. and i find it amazingly lame and non-original that 'Nero' looks EXACTLY like dante, talks EXACTLY like dante and actually just is, Dante.

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Well the 3rd Devil May Cry was actually the first devil may cry in the storyline. It's what introduces his brother, then in the 1st one Nelo Angelo is actually his brother because Vergil lost to that Evil Demon guy and was taken control. Then IDK what happens in the 2nd one, and the 4th was kinda lame. Nero is crap compared to Dante.

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I'm bigger than you, and probably faster than you. I too have taken boxing....for 1 year then the Gym closed. Now I'm playing Football and Judo, so I could definetly take you to the ground. I learned some Jiu-jitsu from my friend, so I can get you in a Armbar, Legbar, etc. Then I dibble-dabble in the Boxing classes in the new gym at the YMCA.


I have to disagree, I'm way harder than you are. I can take a hit or 50 more, since in football and judo that's all you do. Besides I've fought with kids before that took boxing, I lost sometimes and sometimes I won. But unless you kick me in the nuts nothing bads gonna happen to me.


Besides who actually learns moves from video games? :? Lame[/align]

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lol technically, its not from a video game. its a combat technique that the SAS and Special Ops learn, but Metal gear adaptided it and changed it. So yeah, not lame, i find it funny how you can judge all that stuff from me, when you havnt seen me, how do u know your taller or faster? how do u know i cant take a punch? and how can you classify football as making you 'hard'? lol football's gotta be one of the weakest sports out their.


dont judge when u cant back it up, and stop feeding your ego again, its not healthy

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Im not judging anybody. And if you dont believe Im bigger than you, say how much you way and how fast you can sprint. I wont lie, Im slow, but Im fast for a guy my size. And football does make you hard, especially when your on the line. Your getting hit constantly trying to get to the Quarterback, and then after that if you dont sack him which will probably not happen, you have to go run after him or an O-Line will get a dirty hit on you.


Weakiest sports huh? You really think so? Well let's see you get out there and do it. Get on the line, if you can handle. How does taking a hit from a 230 O-Line feel? Then have another O-linemen fall on your legs. You can't fall, cause if the QB still has the ball he could just run through that big gap. Football is a way harder sport than Boxing. I will admit though that boxers do have good conditiong. That's something I would take from that sport. Other than that Boxings a bunch of bull anyway. In a real fight boxing wont help for nuts, cause if you dont take me down in 5 punches before I get you, your gone. I'll just simply overpower you and push you to the ground and start throwing punches at your face. Then what? has your special ops loser stuff taught you anything? No. You'll be asking yourself What do I do when a bigger guy has total control over me, and I'm currently getting beaten upon with now time to react because in a few seconds I'll be out crying for my mom.


I didnt say that you couldnt take a punch. I suggest you stop putting words in my mouth, cause I didnt say anything about that. Your being a total idiot cause I didn't say anything like that. I could care less about your scrawny body.


Besides I can take full body shots and punches and kicks. I dont know and dont care if you can, I'm just stating what is true. I'm big, pretty fast for a big guy, and can take hard hits from punches to being tackled. I know some judo and jiu-jitsu, can control my body, and stay on my feet for a long time. I know Boxing basics, and can take a lot of punches before I get K.O. So if all you got to say is I know how to take a punch and fight like a guy in Metal Gear then you better shut up.


And you shouldn't say stuff when you don't even know me. Just cause your a year older doesnt mean crap. So what if Im not bigger? I KNOW I have more heart than you sure do, so even if you were bigger than me there is no way in hell I'm letting you take me down. Chances are you're lying about all this stuff your saying, and I swear on my word that I am not. I weigh 210, and I ran 40 Yards in about 5.5 Seconds. I'm one of the fastest guys on my judo team. I'm only 5'6", but that's good for me since I have good leverage to toss your butt around the ground.


Also reason why I have never played your lame SASSTUPID game is because I have a life. I'm only online right now because I dont want to do homework. I hate homework more than I dislike you, so for now Im gonna stay online. I probably wont even be here for the next month or so cause spring break is getting close by, and I'm gonna train for Judo. After training I'm gonna chill with my RIDICULOUS amount of friends. What are your plans? Lie down and play Metal Gears? Pathetic. Or what you gonna try and intimidate me and say "No I'm gonna train in boxing so I can kick your butt" it wont work.


I'm done with this conversation, cause I know in the end I would mop the floor with you. So peace. Have a nice life playing Metal Gears while I only get stronger and stronger in sports, and better and better in my social life. So how's bout you stop trying to act smarter and more wise, cause you didn't even handle this situation correctly. If your so high and mighty how's bout you just do the Mature thing? Talk to the kid, his younger than me. No, you don't cause your a fake, a big fake who lies constantly. Get over yourself, loser. If i ever see you in real life I'm gonna make sure I hit you as hard as I can, then when your down I'll tell you that I knew you sucked, then I spit in your face cause of what a disgrace you are to people who think they are better than others because of their age, and just for the fact that your one of the most stuck up people I've ever meet. And perhaps I might get banned for this conversation, I dont care. Just less time I have to think about some loser like you. So I guess this time I'm not gonna be the mature one, but the one who knows they could beat the other person down with no effort at all and sure as hell talks about it. So bye YCM for just a little while, with or without the ban. Azwolop get over yourself, and come out clean. Cause I sure did. The statement I made above is pure honesty. Knowing you you'll probably call me a fake, only realizing in the back of your mind that I am probably stronger than you, and tougher. If I were you I would back off, cause I seriously held back a lot on this message. I dont want to have to fight some small dork who plays video games all day, and talks bull in every message he posts.

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erm you called me an idiot multiple times? excuse me but your the idiot, you just flipped out and wrote an essay over nothing, something i was simply joking about, not taking seriously at all.


football = UK terms, is Soccer, which i thought u were talking about meaning one massive chunk of that lame ass essay u just wrote, was totally pointless


2, you pointed out your one dirty fighter if u have too tackle them and then punch them in the face multiple times, get some dignity man


3, you have a life? but u play DMC games, and then make fun of me for playing MGS games? yeah that makes sense


for teh record, i read like 3 lines of that crap, because all of it you were just repeating yourself. so seriously dude, delete it, i wasnt taking any of this seriously, i thought we were messing around, and like u did mention in tha story you wrote, theres a risk you might get banned, which i dont exactly want too happen.


who ever said i was acting high and mighty dude? you say i put words in your mouth? you just contradicted yourself so much, its actually hilarious. i would reply with an epic story like yours, but i wouldnt want too show yoo up, and too be honest i actually am better than that. you say im a loser and i need too stop being so 'high' when your the guy whos just sat there, acting like your better than me, but u still feel the need too insult me too make yourself look bigger. so yeah congrats


for teh record, just because i play MGS games, doesnt mean i dont have a social life ya know? but obviously, you being all mighty and high, would realise that your just jumping to conclusions, and making up lies too insult me over, yet again contradicting yourself. Your RIDICULIOUS amount of friends? could u be anymore up your own ass? jesus man.


so no you grow up man, and just drop it. i could go all day about how you made yourself look more of an idiot than me with that essay, but im actually not that low. so either reply and make more of an idiot of yourself. cause i wont reply, or drop it and realise you just flipped off over nothing

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dante's yeah


but i mean come on, Snake is one hardcore mo'fo! i mean he's been tortured in many different ways, he's beaten psychic people, immortal people, old todgers in wheelchairs, invisible people, ninja's, he's had his eye blown off, and now, he's like 60 yrs old and he still kicks ass, all with one of the crappiest gun's known too man!


altair, he's missing a finger and he's got a pocket knife xD

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erm you called me an idiot multiple times? excuse me but your the idiot' date=' you just flipped out and wrote an essay over nothing, something i was simply joking about, not taking seriously at all.


football = UK terms, is Soccer, which i thought u were talking about meaning one massive chunk of that lame ass essay u just wrote, was totally pointless


2, you pointed out your one dirty fighter if u have too tackle them and then punch them in the face multiple times, get some dignity man


3, you have a life? but u play DMC games, and then make fun of me for playing MGS games? yeah that makes sense


for teh record, i read like 3 lines of that crap, because all of it you were just repeating yourself. so seriously dude, delete it, i wasnt taking any of this seriously, i thought we were messing around, and like u did mention in tha story you wrote, theres a risk you might get banned, which i dont exactly want too happen.


who ever said i was acting high and mighty dude? you say i put words in your mouth? you just contradicted yourself so much, its actually hilarious. i would reply with an epic story like yours, but i wouldnt want too show yoo up, and too be honest i actually am better than that. you say im a loser and i need too stop being so 'high' when your the guy whos just sat there, acting like your better than me, but u still feel the need too insult me too make yourself look bigger. so yeah congrats


for teh record, just because i play MGS games, doesnt mean i dont have a social life ya know? but obviously, you being all mighty and high, would realise that your just jumping to conclusions, and making up lies too insult me over, yet again contradicting yourself. Your RIDICULIOUS amount of friends? could u be anymore up your own ass? jesus man.


so no you grow up man, and just drop it. i could go all day about how you made yourself look more of an idiot than me with that essay, but im actually not that low. so either reply and make more of an idiot of yourself. cause i wont reply, or drop it and realise you just flipped off over nothing



Okay you know what I've dropped it. I did flip over nothing and I'm sorry. I was being up my ass and a total whatever you want to call me. I understand what your trying to say and your totally right. Now we can just drop the issue and become friends. If not friends then just fellow Card Makers. Deal?


EDIT: Anyways....


Metal Gears sucks....:lol:


That be funny if that one sentence above this one just started a whole other argument.

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DMC4 was the first game in the series I got. I think it's pretty cool. I'm probably going to check out the first 3 once I finish DMC4. That way I don't have more games to add to the list of games I need to finish.


And I thought we were talking about DMC, not MGS and FF. I've never played any of the MGS games by the way. I have wanted to play MGS2, but I couldn't find it anywhere. I will get MGS4 once it comes out. It looks pretty awesome. And personally, Tales > Final Fantasy.

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dante's yeah


but i mean come on' date=' Snake is one hardcore mo'fo! i mean he's been tortured in many different ways, he's beaten psychic people, immortal people, old todgers in wheelchairs, invisible people, ninja's, he's had his eye blown off, and now, he's like 60 yrs old and he still kicks ass, all with one of the crappiest gun's known too man!


altair, he's missing a finger and he's got a pocket knife xD





do you even know MGS? that is naked snake, i am talking about Solid Snake, way better and cooler then naked snake.

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ok i actually like both naked and solid snake equal ^_^





but yhea vback to dmc everyone goes oh nero is a emo version of dante HE THE EXACT BLODDY SAME


personally i thknk 3 was the best the only gam e ive been able to complete 3 time (minus msg)


1 was also awesome


but 2 SUCKED


and nero is fun to use ^_^


so yhea thats my oppinion

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