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Rainbow Trololol


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X3 Raven
X3 Chawa
X3 Krus
X3 Grimro
X3 Lurrie
X3 Ganashia
X3 Cerburrel

X1 Monster reborn
X3 Dark world dealings
X1 Card destruction
X2 Lightning vortex
X2 Mystical space typhoon
X3 Pot of avarice

X3 Raigeki break
X1 Call of the haunted
X1 Mirror force
X2 Magic cylinder

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But there are better ways.

You're running all of 4 Staple cards. Not good.

Lightning Vortex is a terrible card. Yes it discards, and Fableds like discarding, but that doesn't make Lighting Vortex any better.

You aren't even running Pot of Averice. A good Fabled deck can run 3 Avarices and use them all first turn with everything they do (Though It'll be limited later on).

Do you see what I'm saying?

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