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I'm hosting the YCM Awards, who wants in?

Fusion X. Denver

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That's right, the YCM Awards are coming back and this time, I'm hosting the event. However, I need a team of dedicated GFXers who would be willing to craft some of these awards. (I should probably mention I asked Blood Rose for permission to post this topic.)

In total, there are around 35-36 awards (number subject to change) this time around, so I'm looking for around 5-7 members willing to split the work. As awesome as the awards looked last time, I think this time around, they should be more personalized for the winners. So my pending request is this:

Make an awesome looking YCM Award(s)
[b]Size[/b] Up to the GFXer, but I wouldn't make it too big
[b]Render/Stock you want using[/b]. This would be the personalized part of the award and we won't know what they'll want until they're given the award (unless they specify otherwise, I'm betting it'll be avi/sig related)
[b]How much you're willing to pay[/b] I will pay each of you 50 points for lending me a hand and I would hope the award winner would extend a token of thanks to you.
[b]Other: [/b]Completely up to you, just be creative

In order to sign up for the Award Team, simply post an example of your GFXing here. It can be a totally new piece or an old work of yours, so long as it reflects your current skill level in GFXing.
However, only post if you're sure you'll be able to spare time to make these. Of course it'll take some time for all of you to make them after the awards are over, but I don't want to be waiting on any one person when everyone else has finished. You WILL have time after the awards to make these, but your quickness and efficiency would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for your time and I hope to see you signing up soon :)

[center][u]Accepted GFXers[/u]
Inferno Knight LC
Cursed Reaction
Overdrive (confirmed from PM)[/center]

EDIT: I just saw the thread in Polls and I seem to have presumed too much that I would be the host.
This still stands, just know I may/may not be the one hosting it in the end.

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[quote name='Inferno Knight LC' timestamp='1314720913' post='5479514']

You're in.
[quote name=''ken1' timestamp='1314723074' post='5479553']
I did this one for the previous awards and it was never used:

This is a new idea I just came up with:

I like the 2nd one's design, not really sleek, but that's exactly what I find appealing about it.
You're in too, but just wondering, did you make that Elite Graphix logo in your sig?

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Something I did for a thing in TCG a while back.


An idea I came up with. Just vague for now.


Random thing for an iPod wallpaper. From scratch:


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[quote name='Lunar Origin' timestamp='1314725281' post='5479603']
I would be happy to help out with the awards. Lemme just whip something up as an example.

Oh but of course.
Hurry though, we've already got [s]3[/s] 4 on board (including this guy here vv)
[quote name='Cursed Reaction' timestamp='1314727756' post='5479657']
Something I did for a thing in TCG a while back.


An idea I came up with. Just vague for now.


Random thing for an iPod wallpaper. From scratch:


2nd design is gorge, especially if it's possible to mix color schemes.
And the itouch is GREAT and I imagine it'd be absolutely swell with personalization.
You're in.

I'll update the OP with people accepted.

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