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The Card Of Sant Valentino/ Err Happy valentines Day


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"Guardian Angel Joan" + "Regenerating Rose"

This card cannot be summoned except by Fusion Summon. The activation of this card effect is forced during a chain in which 2 or more Spell and/or Trap Cards were activated. Negate the effects of all Spell and/or Trap Cards on the field involved in the chain and destroy them. Then draw cards from your deck equal to the amount of Spell and/or Trap cards destroyed by this cards effect. During the End Phase of the turn this card effect is activated, discard all cards in your hand. Increase your Life Points by 500 equal to the amount of cards discarded by this cards.


I though it would be in the best of wishes to all the people out tout there

Happy valentines day to you and all

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"Guardian Angel Joan" + "Regenerating Rose"

This card cannot be summoned except by Fusion Summon. Activate this card's effect during a chain in which 2 or more Spell and/or Trap Cards were activated. Negate the effects of all Spell and/or Trap Cards on the field involved in the chain and destroy them. Then draw cards from your deck equal to the amount of Spell and/or Trap cards destroyed by this card's effect. During the End Phase of the turn this card's effect is activated, discard all cards in your hand. Increase your Life Points by 500 for each card discarded by this card's effect.


I fixed a few things, Nice effect btw. It goesn't weel for fusing Guardian Angel Joan and Regenerating Rose. Also make it an 8 star, sense it's the same Atk and Def as Guardian Angel Joan and it should have the same level. Keep it up...nice work, 9/10, oh and I love the Picture. HAppy Valentine's Day..

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