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sirbeanalots ne card 'Zeina the Elven godess' Come look!


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I love the artwork although the picture is a little stretched. The effect is decently balanced and kind of original, but it just might get overpowered so I suggest placing a limit to the amount of Life Points you can get by this card's effect. The OCG has some noticeable flaws, and grammar errors as well.


I don't really understand why people insist on having their cards rated, since a rating is just a blatant number that means nothing without criticism, but if it means that much to you...


-Artwork: 8/10 (Good, but a little stretched and blurry)

-OCG: 6/10 (Unneccessary mistakes, grammar errors)

-Originality: 9/10 (Nice effect, good theme)

-Effect: 8.5/10 (Overall, not bad)

-Balance: 9.5/10 (Might get a little overpowered at times, but generally alright)


-Overall: 8.4/10 (Great work)

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The picture is very nice and the effect is not bad at all. Just a few grammar errors and a slight change in the att power would make it perfect. The effects benefit both the monster and the player and its only one tribute, theres one more slight issue about the original att power lol and thats because its quite high considering your effect but nevertheless its a great card.

I give it a 8/10.


Good job keep it up =D

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Ok kizzi =]


The text is


'At the start of every Battle Phase that this card is in play. Increase this monsters ATK by 50x the number of monsters on your side of the Field.


When this card is sent from Field to Graveyard. Halve the ammount of ATK gained through effect and add it to your LP.' Hope that helps

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"At the start of every Battle Phase that this card is in play, increase this card's ATK by 50 for each monster on your side of the field. When this card is destroyed as a result of battle and sent to the Graveyard, you gain Life Points equal to half of the ATK this card gained by it's own effect."

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