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2 cards fairy light dragon angel kitty and please rate

spirit knight

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NEWSFLASH!!!! dont ever get pics with websites on them!!!anyway


Fairy light dragon

Card:8.5/10 - special summon needs to be capitalized, the first letter of every word in the monsters name needs to be capitalized.

Pic:6.5/10 - Its not really "Realistic"

OVERALL SCORE:15/20 - its the pic that let you down!!!



Angel Kitty

Card:7.5/10 - Sacrifice=Tribute, normal summon needs to be capitalized, the first letter of every word in the monsters name needs to be capitalized.

Pic:4/10 - It has the name of a website on it, other than that, the pics quite good.

OVERALL SCORE:11.5/20 - The pic that let you down AGAIN!!!




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hey benquinbo this guy is brand new!!! instead of putting him down try telling himwhat he did worng a little bit nicer instead of saying..........


NEWSFLASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dude that is sad puting a new member down like that did ombody do that to you when you where new??????? I can't really say.













well on the other hand nice cards but still pics need work so I give you a 7.8/10

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