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The Order of Role Play

Mecha Love

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Welcome. Welcome to the Order of Role Play.
[spoiler= The Aim of the Order]
Here in the Order, we want to spread the message of RPing, sharing our skills as RPers as well as learning from many others. We can criticise or praise other members RP's, or Role-Plays which can be found within the appropriate section.
Another aim is to share plans for RP's, helping make them better and improving the plot as a whole.
We can make club RP's solely for the use of us members of the Order, again to show off our skills as writers and role players, as well as learning.
[spoiler= Members of the Order]
1. Thunder End Dragon/ED [founder]
[spoiler= Joining the Order]
Favourite type of RP (Yugioh, Pokemon, Original, Other [Please State]:
RP Plans?:
[spoiler= Club RP's in the making]
1. Order of Pax
[spoiler= Other RP's in planning]
1. The Moon Child Legacy [ED]

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  • 5 weeks later...

Yo! ED! Long TIme no RP or Duel! Same as to Card Master which I haven't seen awhile...

Username/Nickname: The Sleeping Dude (formerly known as AngryBird and not TrinitySoul)
Favourite type of RP (Yugioh, Pokemon, Original, Other [Please State]:Yu-Gi-Oh!, Pokemon and Original and any other anime that you can RP with.
RP Plans?: Stickin with Yu-Gi-Oh! first but I'll expand my ideas when I got tired of Yu-Gi-Oh!

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