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image shop - now hiring - now i make garfield comic inverts - lots of new items - rp items sold here must be in my rp to

kingdom hearts man95

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welcome to image shop!!!


image sales



bad image: free

ok image: 3 points

good image: 5 points

great image: 10 points

the best image: 15 points

holy best image: 20 points

holy god image: 25 points

garfield panel inverts: 5 points




garfield strip inverts: 10 points




garfield sunday inverts: 12 points




poke splices by kingdom hearts man95: 2 points



rp items:

must be in my rp to get it and there are sold in $ you get $ in my rp





trainer sprite:



will be able to use in the rp


neg pokemon:

able to use in rp




dark links sales you must pay dark link for whats in here



Price is Two Points or Best Offer



~NEW~ Poké-Over World 0 ~NEW~


Can Only be trainers from Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald, or Costom Trainers from those games. Give a short description of the trainer.


Poké-Splice 4

Dark Link!!!!!!



Poké-Color 1

Dark Link!!!!!!



Poké-Set 4

Dark Link!!!!!!



Poké-Trainer Splice - 1

Dark Link!!!!!!



Poké-Trainer Card 6

Dark Link!!!!!!



Poké-Ball Re-Color 1

Dark Link!!!!!!



Poké-Fosil-Stone 1

Dark Link!!!!!!



Poké-Fosil-Rock 1

Dark Link!!!!!!



Poké-Inferno 1

Dark Link!!!!!!



Poké-Ball Splice 1

Dark Link!!!!!!



Poké-Egg 1

Dark Link



Poké-Evolution 9 (3 for each)

Dark Link!!!!!!



Poké-Evolution with Egg 9 (3 For Each)

Dark Link!!!!!!



Poké-Hero 1

Dark Link!!!!!!



Poké-Devil 1

Dark Link!!!!!!



Poké-Elementing 1

Dark Link!!!!!!



Poké-Disguise 2

Dark Link!!!!!!



Poké-Chao 1

Dark Link!!!!!!



Poké-Chao Evolution ? (Depends on which Pokémon)

Dark Link!!!!!!



Poké-Trophies 1

Dark Link!!!!!!



Poké-Vert 1

Dark Link!!!!!!



Poké-Siamese 1

Dark Link!!!!!!



Poké-Midget 1

Dark Link!!!!!!



Poké-Weapon 1

Dark Link!!!!!!



Poké-Vamp (Can Only be PKMN from Bulbasaur to Deoxys) 1

Dark Link!!!!!!



Poké-Card 1

Dark Link!!!!!!



This costs 2 Points Plus how much you want to give.

To make it seem cute, I am having like a litle card givin to you

by a Pokémon. I need to know which Pokémon you want plus

the kind of card. You can use:

Cleanse Tag, Spell Tag, S.S. Ticket, Contest Pass, Letter, Eon Ticket,

Bike Voucher, Card Key, Tri-Pass, Rainbow Pass, Mystery Ticket, Aurora Ticket


Poké-Berry 0

Dark Link!!!!!!

I need the names 2 Berrys you want me to put together.



Poké-Hideout 1

Dark Link!!!!!!



Battle Scene (Can do with Splices) 2

Dark Link!!!!!!


Credit to Ruby, who gave me the back ground.

Credit to Buffer who made the back ground.


Poké-Map 0


This has varying prices. They Are Priced By Size.

4 X 4 = 16 Units. Grid: 2 Points Non: 4 Points

8 X 8 = 64 Units. Grid: 4 Non: 8

16 X 16 = 256 Units. Grid: 6 Non: 12

I need to kow what you want on it.


Poké-Region 0


This comes with 4 Pre-Paid Towns. If you want more, they cost 2 Points a Pice.

I need to know How high the Mountains go(There are 5, Dark Green being lowest, Light Green being the Highest), if you want it to seem "snowy", and how you want the Region and Islands look. If you want it to be all islands like the example, please tell me. If you want no lines outside the path, the price is doubled.


Poké-Adventures 2-10(Can use Splices)


If you want a trainer to be in it, please tell me.

Each Pokémon after 10 costs 1 point a pice.


Poké-Shadow 1



~NEW~ Poké-Sprite Poké-Plushy 1 (Can use splices) ~NEW~


Give Us Power!

I need the pokémon you want & the needed links.


sorry could not get his examples if you want to see them click this http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/showthread.php?tid=36501


ultimateryan's corner

you must pay ultimateryan for any thing he does for you

Boosters (10 pts.)



Inverts (2 pts.)



Holo'ing (whole card:3 Pts, just image: 4 pts.)



Recolors (1pts.)



Inverts or Recolor & Holo'ing (5 pts for whole card holoed or 6 for just image)




each user gets 3 free orders then they will have to pay.


Edit 2: have you ever had found the perfect picture for a card cept' it wuz mising a backround, or did you lose points in a contest because your backround was just white, well i can turn a white back round into an awesome backround


1st Pic: 2nd Pic


Edit: Now i can do fake money


sorry could not get get exampel click here to see them



all are welcome!!

more to come!!


now hiring

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster

No one wants to buy here because


a) They can find their own pics.

b) There are no examples of avatars or logos.

c) It's run by a quadruple-posting n00b.

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Could you make Me a Holy God Picture using this discription?


A monster that is the size of 10 castle's. Its body is similar to that of a dragon, its scales are ebony, and its wings are webbed like a bat's. Its tail is long, slim, bifurcated, and ebony. Its limbs are similar to a jaguar's, with bleach white, blood tipped claws the size of 2 avrage adult's. The head is like a boar's, but its snout is similar to a crocodile's and its tongue is akin to that of a snake. On its chest there is visible a glowing spot which is shaped like the Triforce, the only light on the blackened creature. Its huge fangs bared, it breathes a wisp of a green smoke that seems to steam the very air it comes in contact with.

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