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power of the dragons XD


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monsters 25


flgrand dragon

herald of creation X3

Decoy dragon x2

spear cretin

horus LV4

horus LV6

Horus Lv8

Tyrant Dragon

Twin-headed Behemoth

Masked Dragon x3

Armed Dragon Lv3 x2

Armed dragon Lv5 x2

Armed Dragon Lv7

Kuriboh x2

Van Dalgyon The Dark Dragon Lord x2

Bazoo the soul Eater


Spells 15


shield crush

Trade-In x2

Foolish Burial

Premature burial

Heavy storm

Big bang Shot x2

lightning vortex

flash of the forbidden spell

Level up x2

stamping Destruction x2


traps 10


trap Jammer

malevolent catastrophe

seven tools

call of the haunted

magic jammer x2

draining shield

negate attack

pulling the rug x2

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never use more than 1 set of lv monster in one deck. next lose flash of the forbidden spell' date='magic jammer x2, seven tools. tht may make it run alot smother, but if i was u i would start again and rebuild it



I'll listen to you on the lv monsters and the spell card.but not the counter trap cards.because they are what helps me special summon Van'dalgyon the dark dragon lord with 2800 atk and one of 3 effects depending on what i countered


spell: deal 1500 to your opponent

trap:select and destroy 1 on your opponent's side of the field

monster: select one monster in my graveyard and special summon back to the field


and if i lose some of my good counter cards,then whats the point of having Van Dalgyon in my deck

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never use LV monsters. next lose flash of the forbidden spell' date='magic jammer x2, seven tools. tht may make it run alot smother, but if i was u i would start again and rebuild it






there are many more things wrong with this deck, but it would take a long time to write it out.

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