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[b]Total Cards = 42[/b]

[b]17 Monsters[/b]
3 - D.D. Assailant
1 - Necroface
3 - Banisher of the radiance
3 - D.D. Warrior Lady
2 - Caius the shadow monarch
3 - D.D. Survivor
2 - Guardian Eatos

[b]13 Traps[/b]
2 - Macro Cosmos
2 - Bottomless Trap Hole
2 - Sakuretsu Armor
2 - Dimensional Prison
1 - Torrential Tribute
1 - Mirror Force
2 - Solemn Warning
1 - Solemn Judgement

[b]12 Spells/Magics[/b]
1 - Reinforcement of the army
1 - Dark Hole
3 - Dimensional Fissure
1 - Heavy Storm
1 - Soul Release
2 - Mystical Space Typhoon
2 - Shrink
1 - Book of Moon

any suggestions on getting more cards to complete this deck will be greatly appreciated.

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-2 Sakuretsu Armor (situational 1 for 1 that D-Prison does better)
-1 Mirror Force (requiring an attack makes it situational)
+1 Solemn Judgment (anti-everything and late game it becomes pay 1000 to win the game)
+2 Solemn Warning (stops big plays and summons)

-1 Heavy (you run big amounts of backrows already. If you want to keep this, neg an MST instead than)
-2 Shink (attack loss doesn't work much nowadays unless you're lucky)
-1 Book of Moon (not as amazing at 1 since you can't draw into it as often)
-2 D.D. Assailant (warrior lady does this as an optional already)
+2 Krebons
+1 Psychic Commander (both this and Krebons opens up a lot of extra synchro options with Survivor)
+1 Emergency Teleport (quick grab of the above tuners)
+2 Pot of Duality (best draw card of the game. if you want to Special Summon that turn, then don't use it that turn)

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