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Neither player has to pay Life Points during the Standby Phase for "Archfiend" monsters. Each time a player's "Archfiend" Monster(s) is destroyed and sent to the graveyard, except by battle, that player can add 1 "Archfiend" monster from their Deck to their hand that is a lower level then the destroyed card(s).


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trololol first inb4 evar.

Pandemonium is bad for Archfiends. They won't need it, especially if you're going into Xyzs. To be honest, the only reason I'd even consider running this card is for Scrap Dragon abuse. But even so, it's mediocre for all other purposes. Especially considering it's only good either at 0 or 3. 3's inconsistent, and 0 doesn't allow the abuse. C'est la vie.

Archfiends suffer from T.G. Syndrome, i.e. being run in a completely different way they were meant to be run. Aliens suffer the same problem.

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