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My Earth Deck


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Its just a deck i threw together a few months ago please rate.




medusa wormt

the trojan horse

guard dog

chu-ske the mouse fighter

etoile cyber

warrior dai grepher

catnipped kitty

enraged muka muka


des wombat

milus radiant

barrier statue of the drought

mystic swordsman LV2

mystic swordsman LV4

king tiger wanghu

warrior of zera

cyber tutu

nobleman-eater bug

mystic horseman

sword hunter

battle ox

rampaging rhynos

cyber gymnast

gaia the fierce knight

avalanching aussa




the big march of animals x2

sebeks blessing


convulsion of nature

dark-piercing light

lightning vortex

guard penalty

rush recklessly




spell shield type-8

lone wolf

simultaneous loss

spiritual earth art - kurogane x2

judgment of anubis

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