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[Free] Holosheet Pack

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When I used to holo cards I hoarded a set of holo sheets and I was a ---- about letting others use them. I realise now how stupid I was, so I'm putting up this pack of every holo sheet I have for everyone to use for whatever they need. Just don't go around claiming you made them. This is a compilation of sheets, I made a few but a lot of them were the result of scouring the internet looking for them. I don't claim ownership over the sheets I didn't make and full credit goes to those who did make them. Anyways, I don't know if people still holo cards but if they do then here's the pack. It includes a bunch of holosheets for photoshop/gimp/etc as well as a set I edited to work with transparency in MSPaint (though the results aren't exactly great haha). It also includes scanline and SCR line patterns and some examples of the holos used on one of my old cards. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy it, feel free to use them without crediting.

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