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Chαοs Thεorγ [PG-16] [Started/Accepting]


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Charlotte gave a start when the room suddenly darkened, reaching for him whip and expecting something to attack her from the shadows. It took only a moment or two for the room to light up again at which point Charlotte appeared to be in another location entirely, standing in the middle of a dense tropical forest.

[i]What kind of training room is this?[/i] She thought to herself, wondering just what the heck had happened.

If it was some kind of illusion then it was a very good one, mimicking even the forest's smells and humidity and making Charlotte in her heavy black longcoat rather uncomfrotable. She opted to take her coat off, hanging it on a nearby branch to try and keep herself cool, but it didn't help matters much. While she was still familiarizing herself with the situation a loud roar alerted her to something coming her way, looking around she saw several trees in the distance falling over as something undoubtedly huge moved through them. She drew her whip from her belt, keeping it in its compact form for the moment while she waited for the beast to draw nearer. She soon caught sight of it, a massive four armed primate that seemed enraged for whatever reason, it quickly noticed Charlotte and stopped, eying her with a pair of beady eyes.

Charlotte braced herself for the beat's assault, sizing it up and trying to figure out any kind of weakness she could try and exploit early on. At the very least she had the advantage of range, and fighting a beast this size it would definitely be preferable to stay far out of its reach. Since it didn't seem to be doing anything as of yet Charlotte opted to take advantage of its docile state, whipping her weapon out and allowing it to extend, shooting the weapon's bladed tip straight towards the creature's face, aiming to take out at least one of its eyes.

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A successful hit Charlotte may have struck, but not a very wise choice made. Taking out the left of the beast, the ape staggered back, shouting in immense pain of what it just recieved, and when it finally stood straight, it turned towards Charlotte in an offensive pose, and breathed heavily. And it had just enough.

It has been said in villages that live near such habitats, that whenever you travel to a jungle, make sure to avoid the four-armed giant ape. Should you ever encounter it, it is always wise to mimic the beast. However, if it should ever be angered to an extreme state, then your only options are to run or restrain/kill the beast. Most of its movements are unpredictable when it reaches such a state of anger, so caution should be practiced.

A battle cry that was louder than its previous cries, and pummeled its chest with all four arms, and pounded the ground like a maniac; grabbing a nearby tree that fell from its rampage with one hand, his rage intensified, and threw it at Charlotte, looking for more trees to throw at her, finally turning back, and noticeing its trail of destruction. It rushed over, and grabbed four fallen trees, and turned towards Charlotte, ready to throw it at her when the time came.

It made several grunts that appeared to be a sentence, almost sounding like, "I'll...kill...you!" followed by the same battlecry as before. Perposterous, but that's what it sounded like.

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Hroki accepted the handshake, not realizing that his hand was still grimy from the food he ate earlier.
"The name's Hroki Windfall, toughest warrior on this side of the Empire. It's good to be brothers-in-arms," Hroki said, ending the handshake later than what is expected of most people. He returned to his seat and finished off the mead, setting the bottle down with a satisfied clink. Hroki closed his eyes for a bit before opening them again and faced the man again.
"I didn't get your name either, brother. I also don't see your weapon. What do you favor in battle? From the look of you, I would think you would favor the longsword."

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"Oh, pardon me, er, Hroki. My name is Lys. I don't have a last name. Kinda discarded it since who knows how long ago. Teens maybe?" pondering for a quick second, wondering when exactly he lost his last name. He wasn't sure, and he didn't think that it would matter in these times.
Focusing back on to the rest of Hroki's question, seeing as how Lys did not currently carry a weapon, he honestly answered.
"Well, I don't see a reason why I would carry a weapon in my own house. I mean, unless I knew someone unwanted were to come here of course. But yes, I suppose you are correct. I never really had to use a weapon before, since I mostly rely on my birth Power. But, since you are interested, I will give you the honor of seeing my family's heirloom weapon, passed down from generations ago. Just one sec..."
Getting up from his chair and retreating to a nearby door, his bedroom, and a few noises were heard inside. Returning to the living room, and closing the door behind him, Lys walked up to Hroki, and presented the sheath of the sword.
"A fine beauty this sword is. Made over a 1000 years ago, and the only thing that's keeping this sword intact and ready to fight is this sheath, made with the powers of the Metatron Cube from when it was still existant back then." he envied the sword himself Lys did.
Unsheathing the blade, a sword with the blade itself being 3 ft alone, it was a very long blade to wield, so light, and so durable, as if it was just made yesterday. The hilt was wrapped in a snow white cloth, with gold decorative items to reveal its finery. The blade itself was just as marvelous, if not more. It sparkled inside the room, and reflected all possible light sources upon their faces, and the room itself.

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