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My Ra's Rebirth Deck(old skool deck non-tornoment illegal street duel deck)


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And no where on the card "or in the alt Lore" does a god card say that it can't be effet by spells traps or monster effects' date=' I have a japanese Obilisk, the Tormentor, I dont use it, though I know his alt Lore, where you tribute 2 monsters on your side of the field to inflict 4000 direct damage to your opponent. But I don't need that effect to show my aggresiveness in dueling. I have cards that can quadruple that much damage. like my Cloudian-Nymbusman while Cloudian Squall is in my spell/trap zone.


don't tempt me right now, I'm in an extremely foul and morbid mood right now.


Duck for cover!


They think the Anime effects are the real effects.

Which they're not.


No in the japanese versions of the card they have the effect written on them, but the english changed that into "Alternate Lore". Lore means card contents. The Japanese ones are effect monsters while the english versions are normal monsters, but seeing how as japanese cards cannot be used in english games.


but oh well, lol///

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well, there is an exception to using a god card, only if your opponent has a god card and you both agree that you will not use the wrong effect (they must be the japanese version and you must bring proof that you know the actual effect) I tried this once against someone with a Slifer the Sky Dragon, I used my japanese Obilisk, we both had our laptops open to the wiki searched cards, so we can see the Alternate Lore.


But your opponent must also have a japanese versionof the a god card and you both have to prove that you know what the alt lore is...if you use the wrong effect, you get disqualified in the duel, (this even happens in street duels)

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Even with all of the ridiculously illegal cards' date=' I could still crush this deck under my foot. Now comes the illegal God Card. Then comes the illegal numbers of cards. If you aren't going to follow the limited list, why not run 3 Pot of Greeds? And 3 of every other ridiculously unfair cheap card in the game?


like 3 raigeki's, and even 3 harpy's feather duster, or my favorite, 3 Chaos Sorceror's...lol

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because you both give each other a card from your hands' date=' what if you already have Ra in your hand, he could get, but then again...if you don't, then you use it while you have no hand at all...then only you get a card...plus I was being sarcastic...





Exchange, nice...

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because you both give each other a card from your hands' date=' what if you already have Ra in your hand, he could get, but then again...if you don't, then you use it while you have no hand at all...then only you get a card...plus I was being sarcastic...


Exchange FTK doesn't use Exchange.


then what's Exchange FTK then. The reason I thought of the exchange card is because I thought you were talking about it...I don't really know what all this "FTK" or "OTK" means...

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Err I'll take a Crack of it.

FTK means Forward Take Kill

OTK means Overkill Take Kill. Had to do that because I am bored and I did Create a Deck (In the Written Cards Section.) That only took an hour, and I was extremely bored while doing it as well. Going to make a Fan Fiction, as well. But the only real reason why I took a crack at what those mean is because I hardly play those type of style decks. I think? lol

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