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transformers cards


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im a big fan of transformers so i decided to make a few cards. i dont deserve credit for the pics i got them at these links. im still kinda learning about ocg this is what i got so far.










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Stop making new types' date=' especially for these cards' effects. You just ruin the effects because of the types you made.


Learn when to capitalize. "Normal Summoned" "Set" "Special Summon" etc.



thanx shaodw dude. i was only capitializing the first letter in every sentence and i thought the word autobot matches the card and pics. thanx for the advice cael so i guess thats another thing i need to learn also

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If you make it smaller it will just make it fit more better instead of looking wide but' date=' once done do not make it larger it has a chance of making pixel appear even if it was at its original size.



well can you give me a transofrmers pics i will pay a rep cause i feel generous. but i cant do it today i did my rep limit for today.


and loren i will tomorow

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thanx dude :D


im working on a starscreame,jazz,ironhide,destroyer card.


but it takes time to make.


i dont deserve credit for the pics i found then on these links.










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Guest Black Fang

there quite useful' date=' all though Megatron's effect seems a bit useless with it requiring 3 tributes. anyway! 9/10



well megatron is the decepticon leader so i thought of making leaders with a tributing effect make the cards kinda cool.


no no i didnt mean it in a negative way sorry, it's just with 3 tributes, he could only gain 1000 additotnal attack.

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well i thought when special sumoned to the feild that megatron gains 500 ATK for every decepticon on the feild. so far i made 2 decepticons starscream,barridace so thats 1000 ATK if there both on the feild with megatron.


your idea is very good dude i will make a note of that

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