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Pokemon - Struggle For the Top ( Accepting Via OOC )

Envoy of Twilight

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Calvin slowly stood up, still feeling terrible for butting in, but still annoyed that everyone else got a peice of the battle. Maybe if he helped that other guy, who just got up, wake everyone else up, they'd show more respect to him. Maybe they'd even be his friends... He shook his head. He was getting ahead of himself again, but he felt like this was the least he could do, even though it wasn't his fault. "Buizel, you could wake everyone up with Water Gun, Treeko, do whatever. Combuken, breath on people, um, Noctowl, you take Treeko to those far-off trainers who fell asleep, and Luxio, just a few small static jolts should get these guys up." Calvin smiled. This was going to work. Hopefully...

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Hunter had to be physically restrained by Enforcer to keep from using Brick Break on that Blissey. Enforcer merely held him back with one arm while laughing his head off at the zealous reaction it got.
However Winston appreciated the wake up slap, and called his pokemon back to him.[b] "So shall we make things even more interesting? How about with pick teams with everyone that is hear, and we all use one pokemon at a time. Perhaps a monetary pot should be in order?"[/b] The chaos is bringing all sorts of witnesses, and every dossier so far has been accounted for, the one that is missing will be his target, so the more the merrier. Plus he could use some extra cash. [b]"So, how about it? Any takers for team captain since our three way battle is more or less over?"[/b]

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Rex, due to the song of Jigglypuff, was out cold. He was just getting into a great dream about cheeseburgers when a water gun hit him in the face. He awoke abruptly, shaking and dancing about crazily. "What the?!" he screamed. He wiped his face off and looked over at his Rhydon. It was also asleep, but it seemed damaged. Little did he know that Rhydon was hit by a Dragon Claw before they dozed off. He started to freak out, but realized that the Jigglypuff hadn't stopped singing quite yet. He dived onto the ground. He then attempted to plug his ears with his fingers. "Make it stop!" he screamed. He didn't know what to do. Rhydon was still sleeping, and Aggron was also out cold. It was quite the intense moment.

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Blissey noticed that the Jigglypuff was still singing and that her song was affecting Rex and his Pokemon. Of course, she had experienced a similar problem before involving her trainer, so she knew exactly how to deal with the situation. Taking a deep breath, the pink Pokemon exhaled with an Echoed Voice, which circled Jigglypuff and drowned out her song, so that the three still affected by her song can recover.

"Dibs! I call dibs on captain!" Matthew shouted, waving both of his arms in the air vigorously. It wasn't often that the tanned trainer would get an opportunity like this, and the chance of being in charge and in the spotlight was too good to pass up. Even Excadrill and Sigilyph (now recovered thanks to Blissey) joined in with their trainer, waving their arms/wings and, like most Pokemon do, calling out with their names. "If you want to win," Matthew yelled, "Join my totally awesome team!"

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"I'm in!" Calvin jumped at the opportunity to have a battle. "I'm with this guy!" He ran over and stood behind Matthew. He did need some cash, but more importantly, he needed to be active around other people. This could earn him a reputation, believe it or not. Besides, he'd have a team this time, so his Pokemon were already having some protection. "So... how many Pokemon a piece? Sure, we use one Pokemon at a time, but do we get to use all six members of our team or something? I say three, but it isn't up to me." He looked at the man who decided to start this, waiting for an answer.

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[b]"Well not all of us have a full team of six, so four should be fine." [/b]was the seasoned Winston's reply.[b] "Now seeing as how I'm abit too young[/b] (he winked at this)[b] to be captain who else wishes to volunteer?" [/b]So far most of the dossiers were spotted, but there were a few still left missing, either they didn't show up or something fishy is going on. After recalling Enforcer and Hunter back into their Luxury Balls, he took a seat and observed the participants of this interesting team up. [i]"Calvin is very young, inexperienced, could explain the Metagross rampage, can confrim he is not the objective. Girl way to obvious to be objective, the other two don't seem to be it either. He is around here somewhere, I'll merely use Seeker to look for any suspicious activity during the battle and Signal Beam it if nessecary." [/i]

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Before Mattew's Blissey could slap Kotomi, Jigglypuff slapped Kotomi, who now had glasses drawn onto her face. "Jiggly... puff. Control your Sing attack next time." Kotomi yawned. Kotomi released her Blissey. "Ok, Blissey! Use Body Slam on Raichu!" she said. Blissey nodded and jumped onto Raichu, waking him up. "Rai!" the Pokemon yelled, pushing Blissey off of his self. "Sorry, Raichu. You're a pain to wake up." Kotomi shruged. Then she turned to the others.
"Sorry about Jigglypuff." she said. "She hasn't quite mastered her Sing attack. I'm so sorry!" Kotomi bowed. Then she held up two Pokeballs, then Blissey and Jigglypuff disappeared into them. Kotomi's face was extremly red, with the glasses Jigglypuff drew on her face. Her Pokemon have caused one too many of a comotion, and now this one can be added to the list. She started walking away very fast. She was embarrassed and didn't want to make anymore of a fool of herself then she already did. A single tear formed in her eye as she walked into the Pokemon Center, Raichu chasing her from behind.

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"Three. Three Pokemon, because that is all I have on me at the moment!" Matthew said in response to what the old man had decided. Before the teen had come to the tournament grounds on Sigilyph's back, Matthew spent his entire time training for the tournament instead of recruiting new members, believing that all of his opponents were going to be real challenges. On an unrelated note, this belief vanished after he met Winston. Blissey returned from her duties, causing Matthew to notice the girl, Kotomi, apologizing to everyone before leaving. Noticing the tear in Kotomi's eye, Matthew decided he couldn't just let her leave, so before she could enter the Pokemon Center, the tanned teen called to her. "Hey! Do you think you can just apologize and leave?! You interrupted our battle, so now you come back here and finish this battle!!" Matthew smirked, "That is how you can apologize!"

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"F-Finish the battle?! But it's not my battle!" Kotomi cried. Raichu didn't care, thought. He heard the word battle, which sent him into a trance of battling until he won. "Rai!" the Pokemon cried. Kotomi grabbed onto Raichu and pulled him back. "No, Raichu!" Kotomi cried. "It was not our battle in the first place!" she continued. "We'll just be leaving now. Maybe we'll battle another time when you're not battling anyone else!" Kotomi said, and disappeared into the Pokemon Center.

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"'Not my battle?' [i]NOT MY BATTLE!?[/i]" Calvin exclaimed, "Didn't she hear the old man? This is [i]everybody's [/i]battle now." Calvin sighed. "I thing that the old man wants some really epic battle going on, but I guess it doens't matter. If anyone wants her to battle, feel free to go in there and get her out here." He couldn't believe himself. Such long sentences in public... He decided to push it. "Hey, who said that they wanted to be team captain again? I want to get this battle started!"

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(( OOC: Guys, look, no Godmodding. Also, make sure your posts are four lines or more. Short-posting is against the rules as well. Thankies~! ))

Rex shook his sleepiness off, thanks to the help of the others. He looked around and sighed. A lot was happening at a sudden time. "I really don't feel like dealing with all of this right now..", he said aloud. He looked over and saw Kotomi heading for the Pokemon center. "Ah yeah, cute girl alert. I'm out", he said with a smile. Rex smiled and took off in her direction. He looked back at the other trainers with a grin. "See you guys at the Tournament!" he called as he returned his Rhydon to its Pokeball as he was running. He entered the Pokemon center and saw Kotomi. He flipped his hair out of his eyes and grinned. He walked over to her slowly, using the cliche "cool walk". As he approached her, his face lit up. "Hey there beautiful. I gotta say, when I saw you, my heart skipped a beat." He winked at her and grinned again.

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Kotomi sat in the Pokemon Center, moving her purple ponytails from her face as she sat in embarrassment. Raichu stood by her. "Rai-Rai?" Raichu cried. Kotomi's hair fell back over her face. "I-I'm fine, Raichu." Kotomi muttered, out of breath. "I-I just wanted to find Tomoya." she continued. "He said he would be here." Kotomi's forced a smiled at Raichu. This nameless island was different than others Kotomi had visited. She didn't know anyone here, where as she had family in the six main regions and the Orange Islands. She felt like it was her first day of school. No friends, no experience, no nothing. Then Rex walked up to her. Kotomi wasn't good with strangers. Rex continued to recite a overused pick up line Kotomi had hear one too many times, due to many guys hitting on her because of her beauty and smarts. Kotomi stood up and bowed. Then she continued to kick Rex square in the gut. Kotomi had taken a class in the Japanese Marital Arts in Sinnoh. "I've heard that one before." Kotomi said. "You'll have to try harder to try to impress me. And sorry about kicking you. Apply some ice to the wound and you'll be fine in a half-hour." Kotomi bowed and walked over to Nurse Joy, who greeted her with a smile!

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(( OOC: Btw, you can control Nurse Joy when necessary. ))

As his nuts wrapped around Kotomi's foot, Rex felt his eyes roll into the back of his head. He hit the ground, landing on his face. He used as much strength as he could to not cry. [i]"That's what I get for being confident[/i], he thought to himself. He got up slowly, holding his hands over his crotch. He then limped over to Nurse Joy with sadness and pain plastered on his face. He handed her two Pokeballs, containing Rhydon and Aggron respectively. "Please heal them..and please get me an ice pack", he said with a groan. He looked over at Kotomi and sighed. [i]"Females. They never have been my strong spot.."[/i], he thought to himself, almost aloud. He looked away from Kotomi, now looking toward the floor. He was a little embarrassed, but more depressed than anything. He sighed and moved his hands forward toward Nurse Joy.

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Kotomi handed Nurse Joy two Pokeballs holding her Jigglypuff and Blissey. "They need to rest." she said. Nurse Joy smiled. "Of course!" Nurse Joy smiled. "I'll heal the cuties right away!" she said, handing the Pokeballs to her Audino, who placed them in a machine. She then turned to Rex. "An icepack?" she questioned. "Um... Right away, sir! Blissey!" Nurse Joy's Blissey wobbled out of a back room as her name was called. "Blissey, please get this young man an icepack for his..." Nurse Joy glanced at Rex, then back to Blissey. "Stomach..." Blissey nodded and wobbled back to the back room. Audino then handed Joy Kotomi's Pokeballs. "Thank you!" Kotomi said as Nurse Joy placed the Pokeballs on the counter. "How much do I own you?" Kotomi asked. "Please, it's free of charge!" Nurse Joy said. "T-Thank you!" Kotomi said and bowed. She grabbed her Pokeballs and walked out of the Pokemon Center with Raichu. Blissey then returned from the back with Rex's icepack.

"Here's your... er... icepack..."

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Matthew watched as Rex went to chat up the girl who had just left. Shocked, the tanned teen looked at his Excadrill. "There really are guys like that?" Matthew asked, genuinely surprised. Excadrill shrugged in response, before tugging on Matthew's scarf and pointing at Calvin, who was asking about captains. Matthew answered the question, "Uh, I think captains are out of the question, now that there is only three of us..." Matthew thought for a moment, before an idea popped into his head, which he pitched to the other two trainers. "...We could still battle, we'll just have to go against each other without teaming up. How does that sound guys?" Matthew waited for a response, his Pokemon ready to battle.

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Calvin shook his head. "That guy ditched us to go flirt with some chick, who probably kicked him in the nuts." He sighed. "Though having that really ultimate battle with teams and such would be awesome, I guess a three-way battle wouldn't hurt." He thought about his three pokemon that he was to use in this battle. "Definitely Combusken..." he mumbled, "but Metagross would wipe the floor with these guys." He thought again about what had happened just a few minutes ago, defeating that trainer. He couldn't let that happen again. "Well, Luxio and Treeko are still young, so that leaves me with Noctowl and Buizel." He nodded confidently, pulling out his Pokeballs. "I'm ready when you are!"

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