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A few tutorials/PSD's for you guys!

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[center]So if you guys have been around here for a while you might know that a while back I posted a tutorial thread which had quite a few tutorials on. To get these tutorials I worked my arse off getting points on PlanetRenders and then bought posting rights with them. Posting rights for those who don't know basically means that I am allowed to post the tutorials wherever I would like, but cannot claim them as my own or claim that I made them. So just a quick note, I bought posting rights to these tutorials back in 2009 so maybe styles and things might be a bit outdated. Also I may struggle to find the names of the people who originally created the tutorials but I can assure you I bought these fair and square and even had an argument over whether I did a while ago. However I obtained posting rights and have secured as many links as I can, and will continue to post as many as I can find/buy/gain permission for. Hope you guys could show a little appreciation and maybe help out by making some/giving some of your own if you are feeling generous.[/center]

[center]Anyways enough with the ramble and onto the stuff! Please be aware that there aren't too many at the moment but I am working to gain all of my old ones back and more![/center]


[center]Sol Invictus[/center]

[center]Absolute Darkness[/center]





[center]Please do expect some more, and things like PSD's will be on their way soon, for now enjoy the two I have, I will attempt to find more! Feel free to post results and things![/center]

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