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[MtG] Two New Planeswalkers in AVR.


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It's been confirmed that there will be two new planeswalker cards in Avacyn Restored.

As Lili, Sorin and Garruk are the only known people with a storyline link to Innistrad, the characters are most likely new.


We've already seen that there is a Devil guy on the AVR booster packs, which was a speculation that he was the walker a little while back from here, so that seems cool.

There also seems to be a Moonfolk art in Innistrad. As there have been basically no Moonfolk as of yet, it's unlikely it's simply a normal creature, so chances are it's also a planeswalker card. Most people, so far, agree that the moonfolk will be the planeswalker card in the set.

Therefore, Kamigawa gets a chance to recover from its bad reputation!

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