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[MTG] Reveillark and the Infinite Loop

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So to the combo:

Any Creature with 2 or Less Strengh and with and ETB ability...

Just for the Lulz let's use this one:

So to the Combo:
You need to have in your Graveyard or battlefield any combination of Reveillark or Body Double Copying a Reveillark in the Graveyard + everything else (Mirror Entity + Win Condition) either in the Graveyard of the Battlefield), you could even have everything bar Reveillark in Graveyard and Reveillark in hand:
[b]STEP 1:[/b] If Reveillark is in your hand with everything else in the Graveyard; Evoke Reveillark Summoning Body Double as a Copy of Reveillark + Mirror Entity.
[b]STEP 2:[/b] Activate Mirror Entity's Ability by pay 0 (This will make all your creatures 0/0 until the end of Turn.) and Stack the ability a millon times.
[b]STEP 3:[/b] As your creatures dies when the first layer of Mirror Entity's ability resolves the Body Double in your Graveyard will activate Reveillark's effect allowing you to revive Body Double (As a copy of Reveillark) and in our case Merrow Witsniper (Your Opponent will mill 2 cards then).
[b]STEP 4:[/b] A new Layer of Mirror Entity's Stacked abilities will resolve sending you to STEP 3 again until the opponent's Deck has been drain out...

Congratulations you just WON...



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