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Eternal Chaos -Chapter 10 posted

Luna Diviner

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[spoiler=Main Characters]


Age: 15

DORM : Ra yellow

Deck : Level 1 monsters




DORM: Obelisk Blue

Deck : Deck Destruction.




DORM: WAS Ra yellow NOW Obelisk Blue

Deck : Machines



Age: 15

DORM: Ra yellow

Deck : Dragons Rampage



Age :15

DORM : Slifer Red

Deck : Power Play



Age :20

Teaches the art of duel. As he is a top rate duelist.

Deck : Black Elementals




[spoiler= Chapter 1 - Duel Academy]


In an icy terrain a young boy, sat mumbling to himself, and as he lifted his scrawny arms up into the air the ice had disappeared and what lay before him was a stack of cards and they filled his small sanctuary with a mechanical presence.

This child seemed to be alone and he had found greater comfort in machines then in humans, this child was destined for great things.

Well if it wasn't for a few side-tracks.

"The path of destiny never did run smooth"


6 years later....

"Bye bro, have fun at duel academy", said a familiar face.

"Oh my god!, its Jaden Yuki", screamed a group of little girls.

"Wait, Wait Autographs later!", he said calmly as if he was undaunted by the fact that their were a group of girls crowding around him as if him was a piece of pure gold.

"Well big brother, I'll see you in three years", shouted Yaden.

"Bye", said Jaden as he waved to his brother.

Yaden and a few other students got on board the boat and it sailed away to the duel academy.

"Now kiddies, I'm professor Misawa and I will be teaching you about the Quantam Duel Theory", said a young man who seemed to be nearly the same age as some of the students.

"Misawa ?", said Yaden

"Yes Misawa, that’s my name", said the professor.

"Do you know my brother , his names Jaden ", said Yaden

"Do I, of course I do !", he said

A man wearing a garment similar to that of an obelisk blue rose up and said, "Well students, I am Chancellor Kingslie, and all teachers get ready to duel the students and place them into their dorms ", he said demandingly.

All the students each got to the duel field, and activated their duel disks.


Misawa VS Rahim

Misawa : First I summon Hydroggedon [Water/Dinosaur/Effect/Level:4/ATK/DEF:1600/1000/When this card destroys an opponent's monster by battle and sends it to the Graveyard, you can Special Summon 1 "Hydrogeddon" from your Deck.] , and activate Primal Evolution "Send 1 Level 4 or lower "geddon" monster from your side of the field to Special Summon 1 Card that lists the monster in its text from your hand". So I summon Nitrogeddon [FIRE/Dinosaur/EFFECT/Level :5/ ATK/DEF:1800/2100/ This card can only be Special Summoned from your hand by the effect of "Primal Evolution". By removing 1 "Hydrogeddon" in your Graveyard from play inflict 500 points of damage to your opponents Life Points. When this card is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard your opponent takes 1000 points of direct damage.] and I remove Hydroggedon to make you lose 500 Life Points. I end my turn.




[spoiler=Chapter 2 - It's all relative-ly simpe]

Rahim : Well Mr. Misawa, I know you have a degree in this but degree mean nothing in dueling and I'm going to show you. I draw and summon my Demon Disease - Kaotic Knockout [ATK: 1800/DEF: 700] and I use his effect which makes you monsters ATK 1300 and then I play a face-down and end my turn.

Bastion : Ending so soon little boy ? ,I draw a card and I use United We stand which makes my monsters ATK 2100 and now PUMMEL his Kaotic Knockout !

Rahim : Not so fast , I activate my face-down card , Mirror Barrier ,I tribute my monster to negate the attack and destroy your monster aswell but you also lose 500 LP x the destroyed monsters level.

Bastion : Aaaah *His LP crept down to 5500], well now as it is my second Main Phase, I summon Vorse Raider [ATK :1900/DEF:1200], I end.

Rahim : Wait Bastion can you here that ?

Bastion : Don't play games with me little boy.

Rahim : LISTEN !!!!!!!!!!

Bastion : Wait I can't here anything.

Rahim : Can't you here it ?

Voice inside Rahims head : Come on Rahim, crush him, crush him destroy him !!


Rahim : Ok, but I can still here it. I draw and summon Spell Speeder - Vitmus [ATK : 1700 / DEF : 200 / Increase this cards ATK by 500 whenever a Spell Speed 1 cards is activated and decreases its ATK by 200 whenever a Spell Speed 3 card is played. I equip it to Confidence Boost which increases Vitmus's ATK by 100 x its level so my monster now has 2100 ATK and thaks to its effect it also has 2600 ATK. Now crush Vorse Raide !

The vorse raider exploded and Bastions Life Points got even lower until it reached 4800.

Voice in Rahims head : Yes Rahim do more damage !

Bastion : Heh I might be weakened but I am still here. Its all relatively simple as now I have less points then you I am going to win !!

Rahim : Well How ?

Bastion : Like this ..

[The following Combo was made by Crab Helmet and I give him all the credit]

I use advanced ritual art to send insect knight and Flying Kamikiri 2 to the Graveyard to summon Demise Lord of Armegeddon and I use his effect so by paying 2000 points I destroy everything. Then I special Summon Doom Dozer by removing 2 insects in my grave from play and I equip it to MEGAMORPH so it now has 5600 ATK. I atk with Demise and Doom Dozer. I win !

Rahim : Oh man, well that blows.

Bastion : You dorm shall be Ra yellow.

Rahim : Atleast I'm not a Slifer.


Rahim was in his room when he heard a voice, "Crush them ", it said....




[spoiler=Chapter 3 -Class Started]

Ok class, today we are learning the basics ",said Satyr.

"You aren't our teacher ", exclaimed Yank

"Oh sorry Univer I am so sorry", he apologise

"I am YANK !!",shouted Yank

"Sorry Rahim",said Satyr

"Its YANK !!!!!", SCREAMED Yank

A teacher walked in

"Satyr this is my lesson", said Rachet

"Oh sorry, Miss Sadie", said Satyr

"I'm a MAN", said Rachet

"Well bye class, remember to bring you essay on ...curry", said Satyr

"An essay on curry!?", asked Rachet

"So class show me you duel drawings.", said Rachet

Everyone shows their picture.

"Nice Blue Eyes Univer, great Dark Magician Rahim and nice ..Wait what is that yank ?", he asked.

"Its a fusion of kuriboh and pot of greed"

"Well thats good but you cant fuse spells and monsters" said Rachet.

"Well I want to be different!", shouted Yank

"Well class, know its time for the proper lesson fun time is over.", said Rachet Sternly

"Who will be the recommended duellist today, sir ?",said Univer

"Well I pick, the Aj ".

A Ra yellow student stood up and walked to the front of the class.

"Sir, reporting for duty!", said Aj

"Now Aj, here is a set of 27 different decks select one and that will be the deck you use",said Rachet

Aj selects the 13th deck on the left

"Yes an exact copy of my own deck"

"Uuh ?! ", said Univer

"How could he guess ?", said Yank

"Well it seems, that as Aj always saved his money ever since he was young and before he came to this school, he had chosen a random pack he 13th one and with all the money he had just gotten every possible card from the set and as the school also owns a shop, they also have every card from the set.", said Rahim

"How do you know that much about him?", asked Yaden

"Old friend", answered Rahim

*Two hours later*

"Great dueling Aj and everyone has been very good", said Rachet


A young man stood, holding a card with the image of Rahim on it, the man spoke as if the card was a microphone, "Crush them".

Rahim stared blindly into a wall, and knew something was wrong.

*You know, you dont have to do this who ever you are !, said Rahim*

*Don't bother fool !, said the voice*

*Now I know who you are, its Jacob, said Rahim*

*No I am not this Jacob, said the voice*

*Don't play games with me, JACOB !!!!, said Rahim*

Someone was knocking at the door.

Rahim stood up and............................




[spoiler=Chapter 4 - Unravelling of the Sacred Beasts]

....ran towards the door.

Proffesor Misawa walked into the room, "wake up, as much as I hate this filth, I have to teach you it and I don't want people skipping my class !"

"What do you mean, sir ?, its night", said Rahim

"Not on my watch and are you going to miss out this afternoons duel ?", he asked.

Univer was at the cliff, watching a fleet head towards the Duel Academy. As the captain told the crew to head forwards, Univer did not seem to care and walked away.

Meanwhile in the store, everyone was crowding around the counter until Saddie had no space to breath as today was not just the day of the big duel but the day the army come with a special briefcase of cards from Industrial Illusions, including the sacred beasts as unplayable as they were, they could make quite a profit. A army captain stepped forward and told all the children to get out of the way as he spoke to Saddie about the cards.

"Saddie, these are the original Sacred Beasts", said the Captain.

"What ? the real thing ?", asked Saddie

"Yes, and they are NOT for sale the kids may think so but they are not, please keep them safe !", replied the Captain.

Later on, during class Proffesor Misawa was informing the children of the sacred beasts, and Yaden blushed remembering the fact that his brother had faced them already. "Now class remember to go watch the duel today, in the arena." Said Bastion to his class.

Saddie was at the counter selling cards to the kids, then a shy Slifer Red girl walked up to her and bought a single pack.

"She's not very enthusiastic", thought Saddie.

The girl left and only she could see what she had gotten from the packs, only she knew the value of the cards she had gotten.

Most of the school were at the arena, screaming and shouting. Ready to watch the big duel.

Univer VS Misty

Univer (8000 LP) : I summon "Musical Madman - Jenkho" (DARK/FIEND/LEVEL - 4/ ATK : 1700 DEF : 800) and then I set two face-downs (Two face-down cards appear onto the field).

Misty (8000 LP) : I summon "Ferocious Fiend" (DARK/FIEND/LEVEL-2/ ATK : 0 DEF :0) and I use its effect, by paying 1000 Life Points I can Special 2 other "Ferocious Fiends" from my deck, then by tributing the three of them I summon the almighty, Raviel Lord of Phantasms (DARK/FIEND/LEVEL-10/ATK : 4000 DEF :4000) and I equip to "Mega Morph". I enter my Battle Phase so now my Raviel Attack his monster.

Univer : Not so fast, I activate "Battle Bond", which adds our monsters current attack points and halves them so both of our monsters have 4850 ATK and will destroy each other.

Misty : Noo, I guess I'll have to end.

Univer (8000 LP) : I activate my other face-down "Call of the Huanted" which lets me return my monster but shame it will only have 1700 ATK. I activate Jenkho's effect that whenever its returned from the grave , the top two cards of your Deck are discarded. Then I summon Chainsaw Insect (EARTH/Insect/Level-4/ATK :2400 DEF :0). I enter my Battle Phase and Chainsaw Insect, attack ! (A cloud of smoke cleared as Misty fell back) and now Jenkho attack ! (Misty's LP decreased to 2900). Now I end.

Misty (2900) : I set a monster and play two face-downs (Two face-down cards appeared on the field).

Univer (8000) : I summon another Chainsaw Insect, and I enter my Battle Phase, Jenkho attack his face-down !. (The face down cards flipped up and it was a "Posion Passion Plant" (DARK/Plant/Level-1/ATK : 300 DEF :300).

Misty : So now I use its effect to decrease your chainsaw Insects ATK by 700.

Univer : Its not going to be enough, now my two insects destroy her ! (Misty's LP dropped to zero and she fell to the ground)


Saddie looked at Misty and thought "Oops, I think I might have sold here the Sacred Beasts".

"So everyone, remember to never mess with the Univer ! "

The crowd screamed and wailed, and Univer was loving the glory but it won't be fun and games forever.

Somewhere on the island, "Misty have you gotten the cards ?", said Jacob.

"Yes Master ! ", she replied.

"My scheme is all going to plan".




[spoiler=Chapter 5 - The Shinning Warrior pt1.]

It was early morning, all the students were sleeping but one was awake. Yank was looking through his deck, until he glimpsed his most powerful and also favourite card, "Five-Headed Dragon" (DARK/Dragon/Level-12/ATK : 5000 DEF : 5000) a smile arose on his face and he said with a smile, "You have saved me in every duel I've been in and you have never let me down."

It was nearing midday and Yank walked over to the forest, he saw another Ra yellow student but this one he had never seen before.

"Hey, I'm Yank", said Yank.

"Well, I'm Jacob and nice to meet you mwuhaha ! ", cried Jacod evily.

A group of cloaked duelist ran forward getting hold of Yank - while he screamed his head off.

Yank awoke in a room that looked somewhat like a duel field. A duelist stood in front of him wearing a white uniform, laughing maniacaly and Yank could tell this was a warning - that if they didn't duel something bad would happen to him. As Yank turned his head he could see Yaden, Univer and Rahim all inside a sphere of energy.

"Hey Yank, you must defeat me in a duel or my master will destroy the sphere and kill your friends, every minute you was is another minute that my master is gaining energy.", shouted the duelist.

"How are you to tell me that ?", asked Yank.

"Well they call me, Tiatus ", replied Tiatus

"Well I guess we have to duel", said Yank

Both duelists got ready to duel !

Tiatus (8000) : I summon "Nova Summoner" (LIGHT/FAIRY/Level-4/ ATK : 1400 DEF :800) and I place 3 face downs.

Yank (8000) : I play "Dragon Draw" and then I play Tribute to the doomed to send my Blue-Eyes (LIGHT/Dragon/Level-8/ATK : 3000 DEF :2500) to the grave and now my "Dragon Draw's" effect activates that when only 1 level 7 or higher dragon is sent from my hand to my grave I draw 2 cards, so I have 6 cards. I play "Polymerization" to fuse 2 blue-eyes's, 2 "Luster Dragons" (WIND/Dragon/Level-4/ ATK :190 DEF : 1600) and 1 "Troop Dragon" (WIND/Dragon/Level-2/ATK : 700 DEF :800) to make the "Five-Headed Dragon". My dragon attack him directly !.

Tiatus : Not so fast, I activate the quickplay spell "Energy Bond" which increase the ATK of the attacking monster by 500 x the amount of cards in my hand and then its destroyed in the End Phase.

Yank : Whats the point ? My dragon gains 1000 ATK.

Tiatus : Well now I play "Magic Cylinder" !

Yank : Nooo and my dragon will also be destroyed but before it does I play a face-down.

Tiatus (8000) : I draw and I Summon the almighty "Knight of Dalga" (LIGHT/Fairy/Level-3/ATK:1200 DEF:700) and I attack !

Yank : I play "Sakuretsu Armour".

Tiatus : Lucky idiot !

Meanwhile somewhere on Duel Academy in a secret room, a light was shinning brightly flashing onto three cards as the heat grew a young man stepped forward and said, "Lets fire it up".

The cards started glowing red hot and at that time the force field around the students had been broken.

Yaden stood and said to Yank, "I think I should take over from here".

"Yes,please.",replied Yank.

Yaden (2000) : My turn and the 6000 point difference is nothing, I summon "Goblin Attack Force" (EARTH/Warrior/Level-4/ATK:2300 DEF:0) and since I have nothing else too do I attack.

Tiatus : Aaaah (Falls on his feet). But I still have 3700 more then you.

Yaden : Ha. I end

Tiatus : I summon "Shinning Dragoon LV 2" (LIGHT/Dragon/Level-2/ATK: 600 DEF:300) I use his effect to let it attack directly. So you lose 600 points.

Yaden : Nooooooo (His LP dropped to 1400)

Tiatus : And now I place 1 SD Counter on my Dragoon, wait till it has one more ! Hahaha

Yaden (1400) : I summon "Indomitable Fighter Lei Lei" (EARTH/Beast-Warrior/Level-4/ATK:2300 DEF:0), I attack your dragoon with my Lei Lei.

Tiatus : No how could you be so lucky ?

Yaden : Well thats skill.

Tiatus (2800) : I summon ...




[spoiler=Chapter 6 - The Shinning Warrior pt2.]

Chapter 6 - The Shinning Warrior pt2.

.....The powerful "Harvest Angel of Wisdom" (LIGHT/Fairy/Level-4/1800/1000) and I attack your Lei Lei.

Yaden : No my Lei Lei, (The warrior blew up and went up in smoke)

Tiatus : I end my turn.

Yaden (1400) : First I draw and from my hand I play "United We Stand" and I equip to my "Goblin Attack Force" (Its ATK rose up and the soldiers grew stronger). The I switch my Attack Force to attack position. Now Attack Force, destroy his "Harvest Angel of Wisdom".

Tiatus : Snap I don't have a Counter Trap.

Yaden : My monster is switched to defense position but it still has 1600 DEF.

Tiatus (700) : Big deal, I summon "Dunames Dark Witch" (LIGHT/Fairy/Level-4/ATK:1800 DEF:1050) and I attack your Attack Force.

Yaden : Nooo, not again.

Tiatus : I set one card.

Yaden : I draw then I summon, "Chainsaw Insect" (EARTH/Insect/Level-4/ATK:24000 DEF:0) and I attack your Dunames.

Tiatus : I activate "Negate Attack" so your attack is negated.

Yaden : Oh man, I end.

Tiatus : I switch my monster to defense position then I end.

Yaden : I draw. Now once again my "Chainsaw Insect" attack his Dunames.

Tiatus : I still didn't lose any LP and I get to draw a card.

Yaden : I end.

Tiatus : Hahaha, I pay half of my Life Points to Summon "Heavens Herald, Gerials" (LIGHT/Fairy/Level-4/ATK: ? DEF: ?) and now I can select your monsters ATK so now they both have 2400 ATK. and now I attack your Insect.

Yaden : Whats the point ? They will both be destroyed and I can defeat you next turn.

Tiatus : Now when its destroyed we both take damage equal to its attack.

Yaden : So its a draw.

Tiatus : Yes, I might have failed but you have aswell. Hahaha.

A flash of light filled the entire field and all the duelists fell into a deep sleep.

At that moment Tiatus disapeared and all that was left of him was the sound of his laugh rustling in the wind. The four friends awoke in the school nurses office, for what the nurse believed was a accident whilst dueling; she was their during the time of Jaden Yuki but she believed he was the only one capable of such adventures.

The sound of a screaming voice filled the air and as the students slept soundly, the wind cryed the tears of a human.

Somebody cloaked in darkness stepped forward to a something that resembled a grave, "Sleep soundly my love".

The darkness entered and it was night, the sun went down and moon up. All that could be seen was a rose the ground..

Lying there waiting for the disembodied soul to come and take it away.



[spoiler=Chapter 7 - Rematch Made in Heaven]

All the students of Ra yellow were crowding around the semi-large television in the dorms, mainroom. Rahim and Yank had healed and had left the infirmary. "Whats going on ?", asked Yank.

"Don't you know ? Its the duel between Alexis Rhodes and Jaden Yuki !", the student said in excitement.

"What .. Jaden Yuki ?!, I've got to get Yaden".said Rahim.

Rahim ran out of the room to the Slifer dorm where he met Yaden..

"So my brother is dueling, how is it ?",asked Yaden

"His girlfriend", answered Rahim

"Oh Alexis..Wait Alexis is not his girlfriend !", said Yaden angrily.

The students had their eyes glued to the television, the two duelists got out their duel disks and an anouncer stepped forward to begin the duel. "Time to duel", said the anouncer and at that moment the room was filled with excitement, the fans were screaming and the action was about to get underway.

"Jaden, I went to study and I when I was there I found that I never really liked you, you were just an idiot - a slifer slacker."said Alexis.

"There,there girly. Don't get your knickers in a knot " said Jaden.

"If thats how you want to play, then lets play", shouted Alexis.

"Is she for real ?"thought Jaden.

"Yes I'm for real", said Alexis

"How do you know, I said that ?" asked Jaden

"You were thinking out loud again."answered Alexis

"Now enough with the trash talk, get this duel started", bellowed the anouncer into his mic.

Jaden (8000) : Sweetness these cards rock ! First, I draw a card and I set 1 monster and throw down a face-downs.

Alexis : When will you ever learn, those stupid catch phrases will get you nowhere I liked you better when you stopped using them.

Jaden : It was because of you, that I actualy started using them again.

Alexis (8000): Well boohoo. My turn. I draw and I play "Mystical Space Typhoon" to destroy your face-downs.

Jaden : Oh no my Hero Signal.

Alexis : (She laughs at Jaden then turns back to her hand), I play "Machine Angel Ritual" to send my "Mind on Air" (DARK/Spellcaster/Level-6/ATK : 1000 DEF : 1600) and as it's a level 6 monster thats all I need to ritual summon my "Cyber Angel Idaten" (LIGHT/Fairy/Level-6/ATK : 1600 DEF : 2000) and I use her effect so I return my "Machine Angel Ritual" to my hand.

Jaden : Oh no, I hope she doesn't do what I think shes going to do.

Alexis : Oh yes I am, I play "Machine Angel Ritual" to send another "Mind on Air" to the graveyard to ritual summon "Cyber Angel Benten" (LIGHT/Fairy/Level-6/ ATK : 1800 DEF : 1500). Haha prepare to suffer Jaden Yuki. First Benten attack his face-down.

Jaden : No my Burstinatrix (FIRE/Warrior/Level-3/ATK :1200 DEF :800).(The small explosion sent Jaden to his knees and his LP decreased by 1000).

Alexis : Now my Idaten, attack his LP directly.

Jaden : Oh dam.

Alexis : Well I think I've had too much fun so I end my turn.

Jaden (5400) : No I think you had too little fun because this duel is nearly going to end. First I discard my "Elemental Hero Neos" (LIGHT/Warrior/Level-7/ATK : 2500 DEF :2000) for the effect of "Lightning Vortex" so bangs goes your monsters.

Alexis : Oh noo.

Meanwhile the students looked so happy, Yaden jumped from his seat and screamed with joy as he saw his brother, "Get his game on".

"Get back down" said Yank.

Jaden : I play Monster Reborn to return my Neos to the field then I play "O-Oversoul" to return Burstinatrix and then I play from my hand "Neo-Spacian Air Hummingbird" (WIND/Winged-Beast/Level-3/ATK : 800 DEF : 600) now contact fusion, I summon Air Neos (WIND/Warrior/Level-7/ATK : 2500 DEF : 2000" and because of the 2600 point difference between our Life Points my monster now has 5100 attack points.

Alexis : Oh no !

Jaden : Now both of my monsters attack Alexis !

Alexis : Oh noo, (Her LP dropped to 1300).

Jaden : I'm not a loser am I ?

Alexis : No your not and I respect you and more than that I love you.

Yaden turned green and nearly felt sick. "Here we go again" said Rahim.

Rahim and Yank got hold of Yaden and took him to the infirmary.

Jaden : Then why be so rude ?

Alexis : Cause I thought you wouldn't try you best if you knew I was going to normal like one of your friends so I tried to be your enemy.

Jaden : You didn't have to, I always give my all.

"Oh please, I spent a fortune on a new tv just to watch this duel and what do they do, the give up and talk about love " whinned Univer.

"Well ladies and gentleman , here is a romantic day where the finest of duelists get together".

"I didn't say I loved you", said Jaden.

"You didn't ?", asked Alexis.

"Of course I didn't ", replied Jaden.

"Oh", said Alexis and she smiled.

"Turn this junk off", screamed Univer and he threw the remote control towards the tv and it blew up.

The two duelists left the arena and the crowd whailed.

"Nice to have a break from fighting evil or some other crazy thing, hey ?" said Rahim.

"Yeh, buddy". said Yank.

Meanwhile, somewhere on duel academy. "Yes, by having my worker disguise himself as an anouncer he was able to place a drainer on Alexis so all the energy from the duel went to my cards, so the Sacred Beasts are nearly ready to evolve ", said Jacob maniacaly.



[spoiler=Chapter 8 - Mechanical Madness]

Chapter 8 - Mechanical Madness

It was the start of a new week and all the students were in their seats, listening eagerly in class.

"Students, today is the day of is our weekly science exam.", said Proffesor Misawa.

The students grunted unhappily.

"Rahim, please report to the Ra yellow dorm room"

All the students stared at the two speakers which were attached to the wall. Rahim walked over to the Ra yellow dorm room.

Chancellor Kingslie walked into the room, "Now class, I shall be the one doing the test with you as Bastion has something important to do".

Rahim walked into the room but it was not as he remembered, the room was filled with scientific equipment. "Rahim because of the lack of Slifer red students, somebody shall duel you and depending on the outcome of this duel !"

"I will show you how good I really am Proffesor and when you find out, this duelist I will face is not going to be happy."

Jacob, stepped forward towards Rahim and took his place on the duel field.

"Oh, no Jacob !"

"Yes its me Rahim and today we'll say if you can ..CRUSH ME !"

"Jacob, you no good .." Rahim was lost for words.

"Outside we are enemies, in here we are mearly students of the same dorm"

"DUEL". Shouted Both Students Eagerly.

"Wait kids, theirs a twist you must play with 4000 points like back in my days"

Jacob (4000) : Fine, lets kick this off. I draw and I activate "Focus Fusion" I send from my deck fusion-material monsters and summon my fusion monster but the price is I must pay 1500 during each of my end phases or the monster is destroyed. Brace yourself for my "Chimeratech Over Dragon" (DARK/Machine/Level-9/ATK : ? DEF: ?) so as I sent five monsters to the Graveyard it has 4000 ATK but I don't care cause I play De-Fusion to summon back all the monsters I used to fusion summon it.

Rahim : Oh no, even my new deck is not going to be able to defeat him.

Jacob : New deck ? Well I have the honour of being the first to crush you new deck. I Special Summon, "Cyber Dragon" (LIGHT/Machine/Level-5/ATK : 2100 DEF : 1600), "Mechanical Condor" (LIGHT/Machine/Level-7/ATK : 2500 DEF : 1700), "Steel Star-Gazer" (DARK/Machine/Level-10/ ATK : 3500 DEF : 2800), "Copper Creature" (LIGHT/Machine/Level-8/ATK : 2900 DEF : 2600) and "Barrage Barrel" (EARTH/Machine/Level-6/ATK: 2000 DEF : 1000). Next, I equip "Machine-Boost" to "Steel Star-Gazer" to increase its ATK by 900 times the amount of other Machines on my side of the field so its points increase by 3600 so it now has 7100 ATK points. Hahaha.

Rahim (4000) : I draw. Ooh nice card (smiles). I summon "Fear Fly" (DARK/Insect/Level-1/ ATK : 500 DEF : 0) and I activate his effect, so by paying 500 Life Points I can select 1 card from your hand and depending on what it is I get a cool effect. (Rahim selects a card from Jacob's hand). Yes its a ... Trap ! (The "Fear Fly" started glowing purple), if I pick a trap, I get to destroy a level 6 or lower monster that you control and increase my monsters ATK by half of the destroyed monsters ATK, until the end of this turn. So I choose to destroy your, "Cyber Dragon" (The mettalic dragon blew up" and now my "Fear Fly" has 1550 ATK. Now I play Centrifugal Field which doubles the original ATK of all level 1 monsters but they must stay in attack position. So my Fy now has 2050 ATK points and I equip it to "Prime Velocity" which increases its original ATK by 500, so its ATK now becomes 3050. So I attack "Barrage Barrel" but before that I activate "Shrink" which halves it ATK so it has only got 1000 ATK. (The small fly pummeled the huge metal barrel into the ground).

Jacob : You will pay for this.

Rahim : I set two cards and I end my turn.

Jacob (1950) : I can't summon any monsters so I guess I gotta attack, "Mechanical Condor" smash him !

Rahim : Not so fast, I activate "Dimensional Prison" so I negate the attack and your Condor is removed from play.

Jacob : I can still attack with my "Copper Creature".

Rahim : Once again I play one of my favourite, "Shrink" so now you monster has 1450 ATK and it is defeated by my weak little fly.

Jacob : Aaah (His LP decreased).

Rahim : Ha, ha.

Jacob : I attack with my "Steel Star-Gazer" which when it attacks the effect of all cards that alter the monsters original ATK are negated.

Rahim : Oh damn. (He fell to the ground)

Jacob : Haha, you stupid child, I will always be triumphant.

Rahim (500) : I draw and play my "Acid Eroder" (DARK/Fiend/Level-1/ATK : 500 DEF : 500) and when its summoned by paying half of my LP I can decrease a monsters ATK by 300 x its level. So your Star-gazer now only has 500 ATK and with the additional boosts of my Field Spell, my monster is the strongest. So attack his weak monster and win the game.

Jacob : I activate my "Steel Star-Gazers second effect, by discard 1 card from my hand I can increase its ATK by 1000 but it is destroyed during the end phase, if I do so.

Rahim : So that means you win ?

Jacob : Yes it does.

Rahim : Oh no, I lost against Jacob and I'm now going to Slifer Red.

"No your not Rahim, you have skill not as much as Jacob but skill and your staying here but for you Jacob your moved up to Obelisk Blue" said Proffesor Misawa.

Jacob left the room, knowing he will not come back.

Jacob, "Haha, that stupid teacher practically gave me the key to world domination, it was a brilliant idea for Rachet to persuade him to do so."

A small light shined onto the Sacred Beasts, this was the final stage of their evolution.



[spoiler=Chapter 9 - Teacher Terror ]

All of the gang were in the Ra yellow dorm having a party as they were celebrating the birthday of one of the students and half of the school was invited. The room was filled with happiness and laughter ; smiles on everybody's faces, it was like the whole Jacob incident wasn't happening.

Meanwhile, Jacob was laughing to himself and looking at the three cards in front of him but he knew the cards were not for him but for his master. His master would not last for ever so he thought he deserved the new cards but somebody else was their who might take his place, Rachet undercover shadow duelist, meglomaniac extrordanaire. Jacob growled at Rachet but Rachet did not care, "Hey kid, leave world domination to the big boys !"

"I'm 18 you know !", protested Jacob

"Aah, good for you little boy "

The entire room rumbled and a cloud of mist filled the air, "Now you two stop fighting you know, I am the one who will be exacting my revenge on Duel Academy, I have a job for you Rachet ; go and stur up some trouble in the academy ."

"Glad too", replied Rachet and he vanished.

The gang were telling jokes and playing games, until a strange green-blue flash of light came through the window of the room.

"What the ... ?" said Yaden.

"What the hell is that" shouted Yank

"That ? I want to shed a tear, I'm no that I'm a he !", said Rachet.

"Hey teach, why are floating and sending light waves through the room ?" asked Yaden.

"Because I am working for the Great One, he shall stop the evil of Duel academy and shall save us all."

"This is another of those brain-washing cults, isn't it ?", asked Rahim.

"Oh, how dare you speak like that about the Great One !", Rachet said angrily.

The glass in the room started to shatter, the doors flew off into the walls. Rachet laughed evily.

"Stop this nonsense Rachet, it is illogical for these things to happen and in the name of science I must stop you. At that moment Jacob (now wearing his Obelisk Blue uniform) stepped infront of Bastion and said, "Oh please Misawa, you think you can stop us !"

A blue-grey sphere launched itself from Jacobs palms, Bastion tried to dogde but he saw that the sphere was just a trick.

"You can't trick my with that."

"I can't but I can scare you, and when you feel unhappy I'm happy!", said Jacob.

Chancellor Kingslie, was in his office he casualy walked up to the window where he saw a giant portal opening in the sky. The chancellor ran to the dorms, with a crew of teachers and workers asking the children to leave the academy. A fleet of boats came to pick the children up, it looked like the end of the world, the students were being evacuated. He got to where the gang were, "All of you get out; pretend the two lunatics aren't here."

"Lunatics ?!, I'm so hurt" said Rachet

Everyone ran from the building. "Take this route, its quicker" said Chancellor Kingslie. The gang ran towards the volcano and were about to ran down the path, but Univer had different ideas he had the portal insight and from the top of the volcano it seemed easy to reach. His friends ran towards him trying to stop him but they were too late the gang, and everything else on the island got swept away. Only a few kids who were on the boats, stayed and they were frozen solid by the extraordinary sight.

"Univer, you do know that you have just sucked the entire academy into a portal right ?" said Rahim

"Yeh, yeh and wait whats that tower up their ?", Univer pointed at a giant futuristic skyscraper.

"It seems like we are in the same world but now we are looking at it from a different persepective." said Bastion.

A tall well dressed man, came towards them and said, "No this is not the same persepective this is the future ."

"But if you are living it, then shouldn't this be the present!" said Bastion.

"Oh, you are clever ; our city needs somebody like you." said the man.

At that time, somewhere in the city, Jacob and Rachet were roaming the lands. "Jacob, look this is the future of Domino City, if we get enough energy to release the Great One into this world, we can destroy it and Earth will have a bleak future."

"What about us ? " said Jacob.

"Remember the Great Ones promise that he will keep us safe in his new world."

"Man that kid was right, this does sound abit like a brain-washing cult" said Jacob.

The gang were looking at the sleak and shiny machines of the so called future. "Tell us, why are we here", said Yank.

"Wha, what do you mean ?"

"Its either because of you or your people, why are we here !" shouted Yank.

"Well its because theirs a a great evil they call it the Great One !"

"The Great One...



[spoiler=Chapter 10 - Challenge from the Future pt1 (Yank VS Yank)]

The gang were browsing around the city, looking at the new and unseen 'shiny' new items. Yank had his eye on a duel disk name the, Neo Disk V1.3. He saw the lights flash but what caught his eye even more was what was going to happen next.

"You like it ?" said a tall man dressed in some sort of futuristic baseball uniform with the word Yankee written on the back. Yank look dazzed the Yankee's were his favourite team and the man looked just like him (minus the height). He stood still puzzling on the matter and thought, "This guy must be my future". He nodded to himself with the idea and turned back to speak to the man, "Yeh, It looks great how much is it ?"

"Oh this has no price"

"Uuh, what do you mean ?"

"It's not priced. The only way you can get it is by defeating me in a duel"

"I will need to tell my friends cause we are all in this together and I don't want them to leave me behind"

"No you are stuck here until you duel me"

"Whats happening, I can't get out ?"

"You're happening, even tough I don't have that much control over you but as you love to duel I have made you want to duel, even if deep inside you don't want to."

Yank shuffled his deck and got ready to DUEL !

F.Yank (8000) : I start by drawing an extra card. Now lets see what to do, oh this looks nice, I set 1 monster and play 2 face-downs.

Yank (8000) : What a simple move, I draw. I set 1 monster and set 3 face-downs.

F.Yank : I draw and Flip Summon "Cyber Jar" (DARK/Rock/Level-3/ATK : 900 DEF: 900) so all monsters are destroyed. I get to pick up 5 cards and all monsters that I drew. (He picks up, "Dragons Mirror", Mystical Space Typhoon","Giant Trunade" "Axe Dragonute" (DARK/Dragon/Level-4/ATK : 2000 DEF : 1200) - Which he summons and a "Rancer Dragonute" (DARK/Dragon/Level-4/ATK : 1500 DEF : 1800) - Which he also summons)

Yank : (Picks up "Mystical Space Typhoon", "Dragons Mirror", "Giant Trunade", "Rancer Dragonute" and "Axe Dragonute"-Which he summons)

The two starred at each-other both thinking the other was somehow mimicking them.

F.Yank : I activate my face-down, "Final Attack Orders" so all of the monsters stay in attack position no matter what the effect is.

Yank : Oh no !

F.Yank : Now I play, "Axe of Despair" which I equip to "Axe Dragonute" and then I enter my Battle Phase. "Axe Dragonute" destroy his "Axe Dragonute".

Yank : Oh noo (The Dragon blew up whilst the it got hit by the other ones axe).

F.Yank : Now my "Rancer Dragonute" destroy his "Rancer Dragonute". I end my turn.

Yank (7000) : I play "Giant Trunade" so all Spells and Traps are returned to our hands. Now I play "Dragons Mirror" to fuse My Axe and Rancer Dragonutes so create "Blade Dragonute" (DARK/Dragon/Level-8/ATK: 3300 DEF : 2000). Now my "Blade Dragonute" use speed-slash attack ! (The dragons mighty blade penetrated the hard-protective armour of the other dragon)

F.Yank : Thats nothing.

Yank : But this is. When it destroys a monster you take 500 damage x its level.

F.Yank : Damn you.

Yank : I am you. I end my turn.

F.Yank (4500) : I play "Dragons Mirror" to fuse my two dragons to form "Blade Dragonute" and remember what you did last turn ? Well I still have my "Axe of Despair" which I equip to my dragon. Now my dragon attack his dragon.

Yank : Aaah.

F.Yank : Theirs more coming because now I use my dragons effect so you take another 4000 damage. I end my turn.

Yank (2000) : I activate "Mystical Space Typhoon" to destroy your axe and now I play "Dive Dragon Evolution" which lets me Summon all the dragons from my Graveyard but at my End Phase I take damage equal to their added ATK. So know return my dragons. I use "Blade Dragonutes" second effect so by Tributing 2 dragons on my side of the field I can increase its ATK by their ATK so by tributing Axe and Rancer my dragon now has 6600.

F.Yank : Oh noo !

Yank : I attack making you take 3300 damage. Then you take 4000 damage making you lose the match.

F.Yank : Why ?! You could have become me, you could have been great not a stupid nobody who can't finish a duel.

Yank : I just finished this duel. And yes I must have been stupid I was gonna grow into you !

Yank took his academy duel disk off and put on the new duel disk. "Hey Yank were have you been all this time ?" said Yaden.

"Oh I was here all along", he said and he smiled.

Yank and his friends looked ahead to see somebody walking towards them.





[spoiler=THE STORY SO FAR]

What happened is that the evil Jacob is trying to take over Rahim so he can use him to defeat the other duelists and destroy duel academy.

The characters all get into duels that all lead up to Jacob but he has other plans for them..

Causing them to get tied up and it all depends on Yank who must defeat the evil Tiatus but all doesn't seem well.

Yaden takes over the duel for Yank but after their hard work it ends up in a draw and everyone ends up in the infirmary.

We have not seen alot from Jacob for the last two episodes, but his minion Tiatus is doing his evil work for him.

Does he have another minion hidden in the school ?

Jaden Yuki and Alexis Rhodes duel and Alexis tells Jaden what she should have told him 1 year ago.

Jacob is draining energy from duelists for the evolution of the Sacred Beasts, it seems he only needs one more duel to unleash the new monsters and get his plan underway.

But what are the new monsters ?

The duel between Rahim and Jacob was underway, unlike most story-book heroes Rahim lost and now Jacob has the three most powerful cards, in the world.

The gang are now stuck in a whole new world, what or who is the Great One ?

Yank duels his future and a brand new duelist is coming but who is it ?

Read on too find out.




Most ratings have been good, please drop in your reviews and critisicms on the thread

way cool i love it thanks for putting me in the first chapter


Bastion.... A TEACHER!!!!! nice episode' date=' as soon as I read it, it showed my character, yay. When's the next episode?



wow awesome duel wonder how my duel will be


fan fic's looking good rahim

love bastions last strategy


Awesome' date=' I want to know what my scheme is, even I, me doesn't know it. This is cool 10/10



yes' date=' getting better!!!!




The rating for this fan-fic is 9.090909/10





I'm making a BIG contest called the Yu-Gi-Oh! Tag Force Extreme contest which will end 2 months after everyones signed up.

The winner will get to become a Main Character !

And some people can become reccuring characters !

When you thought things couldn't get any better ; you do the contest in tag teams and you can win reps and points aswell. How fab is that ?





I thank :

Yankee07 - For being a character.

University222 - For being a character

yugioh master1993 - For being a character.

Crab Helmet - For making a great combo

Yugioh Maker - For being a character and being my best reader.

YOU - For reading this.

Ycmaker - For allowing me to make this.



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Ok but you will be tweaked so you are not 17 but 20 as we need a teacher and sorry no Jaden brother' date=' as this is set more in the future and Yaden is already Jadens nephew



not excactly right i am Jaden's Older Brother *its kinda like Zane and Syrus*

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Ok but you will be tweaked so you are not 17 but 20 as we need a teacher and sorry no Jaden brother' date=' as this is set more in the future and Yaden is already Jadens nephew



do u know how jaden's bro is possesed, my guy is possesed by a demon that is y there are 2 versions of him \/ here they are

1. Normal Human form\/ (more realistic though)


2. Demonic form \/ ( " " )


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Chapter 1 - Duel Academy


In an icy terrain a young boy, sat mumbling to himself, and as he lifted his scrawny arms up into the air the ice had disappeared and what lay before him was a stack of cards and they filled his small sanctuary with a mechanical presence.

This child seemed to be alone and he had found greater comfort in machines then in humans, this child was destined for great things.

Well if it wasn't for a few side-tracks.

"The path of destiny never did run smooth"


6 years later....

"Bye bro, have fun at duel academy", said a familiar face.

"Oh my god!, its Jaden Yuki", screamed a group of little girls.

"Wait, Wait Autographs later!", he said calmly as if he was undaunted by the fact that their were a group of girls crowding around him as if him was a piece of pure gold.

"Well big brother, I'll see you in three years", shouted Yaden.

"Bye", said Jaden as he waved to his brother.

Yaden and a few other students got on board the boat and it sailed away to the duel academy.

"Now kiddies, I'm professor Misawa and I will be teaching you about the Quantam Duel Theory", said a young man who seemed to be nearly the same age as some of the students.

"Misawa ?", said Yaden

"Yes Misawa, that’s my name", said the professor.

"Do you know my brother , his names Jaden ", said Yaden

"Do I, of course I do !", he said

A man wearing a garment similar to that of an obelisk blue rose up and said, "Well students, I am Chancellor Kingslie, and all teachers get ready to duel the students and place them into their dorms ", he said demandingly.

All the students each got to the duel field, and activated their duel disks.


Misawa VS Rahim

Misawa : First I summon Hydroggedon [Water/Dinosaur/Effect/Level:4/ATK/DEF:1600/1000/When this card destroys an opponent's monster by battle and sends it to the Graveyard, you can Special Summon 1 "Hydrogeddon" from your Deck.] , and activate Primal Evolution "Send 1 Level 4 or lower "geddon" monster from your side of the field to Special Summon 1 Card that lists the monster in its text from your hand". So I summon Nitrogeddon [FIRE/Dinosaur/EFFECT/Level :5/ ATK/DEF:1800/2100/ This card can only be Special Summoned from your hand by the effect of "Primal Evolution". By removing 1 "Hydrogeddon" in your Graveyard from play inflict 500 points of damage to your opponents Life Points. When this card is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard your opponent takes 1000 points of direct damage.] and I remove Hydroggedon to make you lose 500 Life Points. I end my turn.




Next time on YCM duel academy the duel between Bastion and Rahim , who will win ?

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