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Who would you like to win the war?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Who would you like to win the war?

    • The Dark Army
    • The Earth Army
    • The Fire Army
    • The Light Army
    • The Water Army
    • The Wind Army
    • YOU SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    • Dude, you've already posted this. I ain't voting or have already voted.......

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I got this idea after quite a while of critical thinking. I will try to update this post as often as possible, but I only get an hour (timed) a day. My computer is slow, so I just create cards and put them on photobucket and hope it doesn't take too long.
















The score is future cards. I think that if you hear the name of the card you like, you will vote for it. I actually have a lot more; I just post two at a time.



Hellbound Train and Moonlight Fairy



Wonder Corn and Monkeyweaponsmaster



Phoenix King and Healing Robot



Majestic Unicorn and Commanding Angel



Krabking and Philosopher Penguin



Swarm Dragons and Birdcage



If you see a pic that needs to be edited, tell me. If I agree, I will do my best to find another pic. I've already found one I need to edit, but I unfortunately cannot till I find a pic for it. Could somebody find a better pic for Phoenix Spirit, please?


I may note that DARK ARMY-REAPER may not be suitible for all audiences, by the way.




Above, I sorted them by attribute. Here, because you vote for cards I have already made, I will post them in numerical order.


*NOTE: all these cards are listed above. You will not see the pics till I upload them to photobucket, and I will not upload them to photobucket until you vote for whomever.





I know they're kind of randomly posted, but I do them in an order on my friend's recommendation, then upload them to photobucket on your recommendation.


I like to post one of every attribute and two of the winning attribute whenever I update this post (for the most part, I like to update daily, if possible).




A frequently asked question I get is "WHERE DID YOU FIND THOSE PICS?" Well, I could tell you, but it would take up a lot of room. Short and simple, I have 66 sights wrote down, three friends who are artists, a friend who can edit pics on the computer and I myself am pretty good at artwork.

The only googled pic:


I may also credit the following cards to Skylar Green:



And the following card to Alex Esch:


I will be posting more of his cards later, but for now, this is the only one I have.

Alex has asked me to ask anyone to please not use any of his pictures. Thank you!



And I actually did the art for the following card:


Before you ask, I wasn't high. I just couldn't find a pic to match the name FAIRY DOLL, so I just took a pic of my cousin's Barbie doll.


Anybody got any suggestions for future cards? Or pictures? Anything that might help me? If so, PM me or email me at [email protected]. Than you!

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Cool pics' date=' where did you find them?



I've actually got quite a few sights that I got these from. Quite litterally, I have a legal pad full of sights I like to go to (although only the first page is full; but still, about 33 lines per page, divided in two...that's about 66 sites).


Other than that, I've got friends who send me pics from who the heck knows where. And I'm actually friends with an artist (Skylar Green, heard of him?) who draws awsome pics (he drew the FIRE ARMY-DRAGON CHICK, DARK ARMY-FACELESS MAGE, and the WAR-BEARING RAVEN.) On top of that, I'm getting a screaming hand pic from him for the dark army. be looking for it at a later date.

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there's a post for contests? i find that kind of interesting...does anybody know where i could find this and tell me what it is about?


Well, before I read Yugioh maker's reply (which was kind of distracting, but it prevented me from a double post...), Iwas wondering if anybody else realises a pattern in people's choices...?...

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other images would be nice if you're willing to help. and i could pay you...but, i have about 66 sights wrote down and five friends helping me with pics.


i have a slow comp, so i only got to photobucket on weekends and thus, i wont be posting very many cards anymore.


and, just one more thing: what other attribute is there? i guess Divine, but...how many DIVINE mosnters do you know in the original TCG?

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I mean theres more DARK Monsters than the other attributes. It would be good to see a balance in numbers, and I can help if you tell me what to look for. Even tell me what the effects are etc, and I could make the card for you if youre busy or your comp is running too slow to do anything. let me know okay...

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