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Moderator Application form


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As most of you know by now, we are in need of more moderators as old ones leave and the popularity of this site grows. If you are interested in becoming a mod, please reply with the following information:


1. What time during the day you are most likely online (include time zone)

2. Which parts of the forum you frequent most

3. Why you should become a moderator and how you will help the forum


I will review all applications and PM all applicants as soon as possible with more information.

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ill give it a shot

1. What time during the day you are most likely online

in forum time i would say 5:00pm -11:00am, on weekdays

on weekends and vacation 11:00pm- 11:00am




2. Which parts of the forum you frequent most

i mostly go to the


role play and fan fic

Clubs and general








3. Why you should become a moderator and how you will help the forum


i would like to be a mod of any of those sections. I know all the rules and follow them. I would like to help Tkill on his moding duties becuase he's busy. ive seen many things that i sometimes want to edit it becuase its againt the rules. I have much experience and will not abuse my power. People like me and i help them out with ocg or with forum rules and im very active and love this site and wish to never leave it even if my personal life gets in the way.

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Ok. Well, it wouldn't hurt to try.


1) Starting about 4-4:30pm during the week (ususlly gone from about 7pm-8pm), the majority of the day on saturday ((unless i'm out of the house, then it depends), depends on sunday.

2) realistic cards and general.

3) Well, i guess this could be a little difficult. Well, I guess I feel that I could be helping out with keeping the place less spammy in both posting and rep areas. As for why I should be a mod, there really shouldn't be a reason as to why. If someone should be a mod, I would think that another mod (or you) would know.

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Guest JoshIcy

1. What time during the day you are most likely online (include time zone)?: 6am-10pm on weekends, 3pm-10pm weekdays... Hawaiian Pacific Timezone


2. Which parts of the forum you frequent most?: Custom Cards and General


3. Why you should become a moderator and how you will help the forum?: I am almost always on and watching everyones post, while i dont flame... i often wish i could do something about those tedious and rule breaking posts. I am also someone who can turn a bad post into a nice one

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1. What time during the day you are most likely online (include time zone)

Mostly During 6:30-12:00 PM Weekdays, 11:00 AM - 9:00 PM (GMT -10:00 (02:12 PM)

2. Which parts of the forum you frequent most

I am most frequently in Realistic Cards, Card Contests and General.

3. Why you should become a moderator and how you will help the forum.

I should become a moderator because I'm online a lot, and deal great with responsiblities given to me. I also like to help out new people, unlike others who just love to make fun of them and not even give them advice. I know all the rules, and I have never been banned before, and I don't plan on getting banned. I have experience on forums and I know the attitudes of people are and how to deal with them. And in my opinion I think I am well liked here, I haven't really made anyone mad or started big arguments. I would help the forum a lot, including helping new people, controlling threads since I'm online quite a lot. Overall, I just think I would do the forum good. :D

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1.What time during the day are you mostly online?

On Weekdays- 3:00-6:00 pm and sometimes more Eastern Time

Weekends-I cant say exact hours but usually most of the day and evening Eastern Time


2. Which parts of the forum you frequent most?

I'am mostly in the General and Custom Cards areas, which are the main posting areas


3.Why you should become a moderator and how you will help the forum?

I should become a moderator because:


-I'am Friendly and Honest

-I have tons of experience Modding on other forums

-I'am very active(see question 1)

-I know the rules, and have never broken any

-And I would overall just Help out alot around here with other mods


I would help the forum by:

-Sorting things out

-Helping other members, especially newbies ^_^

-I will not abuse my power as a mod



and thats about it, and I hope I get picked for the job :D

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Guest PikaPerson01

1. What time during the day you are most likely online (include time zone)


Anytime on weekends.

Anytime after 6 PM to 12 PM, Eastern Standard Time on Weekdays.


2. Which parts of the forum you frequent most


I frequently visit the Yu-Gi-Oh TCG and Your Deck Section, as well as the Other: General Section. I also visit the Card Contest forums.


3. Why you should become a moderator and how you will help the forum


Well, I think I have a unique mindset. I don't play favourites, and I always do my best to remain as unbiased and open to knew ideas as I possibly can. I am confident that I would be a great addition on this fine website's moderation staff.


I have read the rules over very thoroughly, and will know exactly how to dispense justice, as well as which posts are flaming and trolling, etc.


I never let emotions or anything get in my way, and I believe I am very mature, which lets me base all my judgments on the cold hard facts, rather then: "you were mean to my friends! Banned!"


I'm also quite experienced at the job of moderation, this will not be the first site I was a staff member for. I believe I can handle the job very well.


Thank you for taking the time to consider me.

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Guest Chaos Pudding

1. What time during the day you are most likely online (include time zone)


3:00-9:00 weekdays, all day weekends. Eastern Standard Time, of course.


2. Which parts of the forum you frequent most

I am mostly on the TCG and Your Deck forums, with a bit of Realistic Cards and General thrown in.



3. Why you should become a moderator and how you will help the forum


I can judge quite easily the difference between a flame/troll post and a joke post. I do not let personal allegiance get in the way of my decision making, and I have some previous/current experience moderating on other message boards.


Also, I realize the need for more moderation when it comes to stupidity and sheer spam on the TCG boards. For instance, there are at least 2 threads a day on the TCG boards that just ask people to look at their poorly-made cards. Stuff like that won't fly if I was a mod.


In conclusion, I feel that a decision such as having me be a mod would be a fruitful venture. It would cut down on the workload of the obviously overworked current mods, and it would allow this site to rise above its current reputation.

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What time are you online during the day.(time zone included)

From 5:00 to 6:00 and from 7:00 to 8:00. I live in the eastern timezone.


Which section of the forum you frequent most.

The general section and the Graphic design section.


Why should you become a moderator and how will you help the forum.

I should be a moderator because I am responsible and I will help when its needed and I will also apply force if necessary. I will behave maturely and act responsibly I know the rules. I will listen to fellow mods and suggestions and I will do what is asked of me. I respect the position of the other mods and I will not abuse my power under any circumstances.

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1. What time during the day you are most likely online (include time zone)

Um about every day from 6:00-10:00 p.m.(weekdays)11:00 a.m-2:00 p.m.-weekends-(Central)

2. Which parts of the forum you frequent most

In all parts i mainly focus on the Realistic Cards,Pop Culture Cards and Shops/Requests

3.Why you should become a moderator and how you will help the forum

I should because Im usually nice about if you spam or not and only give neutrals on 1-3 times and if its more than that i either report them or neg them also i am nice about work people have done and also i do not spam and i need to delete some of my Threads badly

I will be on helping spammers turn to good members

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1. What time during the day you are most likely online (include time zone)


I'm usually on from 9 PM to 7 AM GMT during the week (that's 4-2 Eastern and 1-11 Pacific). During the weekend, I can be on at basically any time from 3 PM to 7 AM GMT.


2. Which parts of the forum you frequent most


I'm highly active in the My Deck and Yu-Gi-Oh TCG sections and their respective subsections, moderately active in the Anime and General sections, and occasionally active in the Custom Cards sections.


3. Why you should become a moderator and how you will help the forum


This is one of those questions to which everyone gives the same answer, so let's get the generic ones out of the way first: I'm unbiased, I'm friendly, I'm knowledgeable of the rules and never break them, I'm highly active, I have been a moderator on another site, I have a sense of humour (which means I can distinguish between flaming/trolling and jokes easily), and as a moderator I would help people, sort stuff out, close topics that need closing, sticky topics that need stickying, make sure the rules are followed, and generally do the stuff that moderators are supposed to do.


One unique thing that I have already done to help the site was to create three FAQs in the Yu-Gi-Oh TCG section (they can be found here) to help clear up confusion over strategies and mechanics of the card game. Each was created specifically in response to questions and misconceptions regarding the corresponding topic that I saw on the Yu-Gi-Oh TCG and Your Deck sections. These have been widely praised for their usefulness.


I've also posted several new deck ideas, such as a Chimeratech deck that uses Red-Eyes Black Metal Dragon (and works), and several new combos, such as a three-card OTK involving Fusion Gate, a three-card OTK involving Ojama Trio, and a combo that makes Magical Hats actually useful. I'm now even organizing a Yu-Gi-Oh tournament on the board. I'm just using these as examples to show that I am contributing and helping the site.


Also, I'm currently a moderator at Summa Crossroads, a site created by Darkthorne before he left and to which many YCM members moved when the site was temporarily shut down the other day. Those there can vouch that I have always been a fair moderator and all that stuff. The fact that Darkthorne endorses me in the post two below this one in this topic should tell you that he's been satisfied with my work.


The TCG and Your Deck sections need to be cleaned up; there are countless topics and posts in them telling other members to look at their created cards, or simply relating to other matters that are even less on topic. As a moderator, I would clean them up by deleting these spam posts, which many members find highly annoying.


So, yeah. That's my application.

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1. What time during the day you are most likely online (include time zone)


Time Zone = Eastern Time (EST -5)


On weekdays, when I do not have work, 3 PM - 10 PM. Under normal circumstances, I will not be on for all of those hours, but can be on for any of them.


On Weekends, when I do not have work, 9 AM - 11 PM (on some occasions, until 3 AM)

Again, I will not be on for all of these hours, but I can be on YCM during any of those hours



2. Which parts of the forum you frequent most


General - The Main section and Polls

Yugioh TCG

Your Deck


3. Why you should become a moderator and how you will help the forum


I have been a member of the YCM community for over 8 months. During that time, I have gotten to know many of the members who have ventured here, the ones who have stayed and those who have come and gone. I am an active member of the forums to date, and I would be avaliable to moderate the forums for a generous amount of time. My experience on different forums isn't incredible, but for the time that I have administrated the Summa Crossroads forum, I have learned how to effectively do all of the moderator duties and then some.


You may ask any of your current moderators what they would think of me being a moderator. I think that Tkill93 and Frunk would recommend me for this position, and you are free to ask any of your moderators why I should or should not be given the ability to moderate the forums.


If I were to become a moderator on this forum, I would be committed to my duties as a moderator. My prior experience, as mentioned before, has given me the ability to know how to moderate the forum. I will assume it will be mostly thread editing and closing, but in the case that deleting, editing.. etc posts/threads/members (if applicable, which I will assume that it is not), I am able and apt at doing so. The amount of time I spend on the forum would be much more beneficial if I spent a good portion of the time cleaning and moderating whatever needs to be edited or removed. I think I am the right guy for the job :).

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HAHAHA. WOW. This has provided major lulz.


Don't take anyone who can't type near-perfectly, lest you want to shove out most intelligent members.


If it's come to this, I'm sorry, but this site is going downhill fast. Good luck keeping members who aren't total idiots, YCMaker. I can see how hard it must be, but at least you don't have people posting:


good do it you dumb **** *** muther ****ing n****r loving azn ***** **** YOU ill be back


proxy = win


Our members will just keep ****ing



on matts mom


That's a real quote, mind you.


The person who said it is most likely a 13-Year-Old-Boy


In addition,


++++ Static, intelligent, good grammar, good debater, etc.

+ Chaos, intelligent, good grammar, good debater, etc.

+ Pika, knows how to get a point across, not one to be trifled with, etc.

++ Crab, do I need a reason? You should be able to tell.

+ Gamesmaster, he's intelligent and that's all that I should need to say.


---- TAG, Rude to some members, temper, whiny, egomaniac, etc.

- Kid, bad grammar, etc.

- Dj-Osiris, the mods and I have talked about this. While you're a really awesome person, you're really just not fit for it.

- NP Sage, he's got too much of a temper, isn't serious enough, and has bad grammar. Basically, he needs to grow up. ;)

- Lambo, the General section is taken care of and you're hardly active.

- Kev, needs to grow up just a bit more. Not all the maturity is there.

- Boss Z, bad grammar, etc.



-/+ Slash, not yet. Maybe in the future, but not yet.


Note I'm sticking to one post, so as not to flood/spam.



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---- TAG

i'm assuming this is because of the "picking on GFAQers" you accused me of (neg repping for rep spam and having spammy +reps removed from GFAQers=picking on GFAQers. who knew :?)


Anyways, if you have a problem, pm YCMaker. Don't start complaining here.

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Guest Chaos Pudding

what is that supose to mean?


I would suppose it means that Darkthorne feels that you are unfit to be a mod, whether because of your grammar, or because of any other reasons that he might have, including immaturity, lack of proper logic in the face of provoking arguments, or bad attitude in relation to being proven wrong.

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I am glad its now fully getting sorted, i was worried it wasnt seeing as Kaze, Tkill and Frunk made a request for new Mods quite awhile back ^_^



1. What time during the day you are most likely online (include time zone)


Now this varys often as it would for anyone. I myself am a strange nocturnal person, who, as is obvious by the word nocturnal, is awake at nighttime most often.


At the current time, and of recent weeks, this is my usual time online;




11am - 4/5 am (the next day, so im sad and am usually online for around 16 hours a day)


Weekends - usually the same as above unless im going out.


Time Zone erm, GMT i think, never quite sure;


I live in England, UK if that helps ^_^



When im not online


I do go out to friends on days so im not a 24/7 Junkie, but thats like twice a week at most, everyones sadly busy.


And On sat's, mainly the 2nd and 3rd of the month, i go out to various Goth Clubs that are running.


But, i am online most of the time ^_^


Also i was voted last month, via those YCM Awards, the Most Active Member.




2. Which parts of the forum you frequent most


To be honest, Everywhere but TCG.


Custom Cards, mainly Realistic cards, i never seem to venture into written cards though as nothing much ever goes on there.


I am in general often, have to keep checking the YCM thread as i am a Council member, also i am sadly an extremely Vain person so i tend to use the Photo thread alot ^_^


And i love answering Polls ^_^


I am also in the Fan-Fic section as i have my own Fan-Fic, which after only 3 chapters has become one of the most successful i would say.


But after all the sections;


Realistic cards is my true place where i lurk, constantly posting or just watching.


3. Why you should become a moderator and how you will help the forum


The answer to the first question is simple to answer, i should become a Moderator as i have the knowledge, the wisdom, the time and the skills needed to be one.


I myself am a Moderator on a 50,000 + Members Pokemon forum, i have had plenty of skills of what to do and how to do it from there.


(Its also the same forum i told you about via PM, that has the Donation system;


If you need any more Info about the donation system or any help with donations, as i said via PM, i would be happy to help ^_^)




I may only have been on this forum since the start of december, but i know my way around it, and as you might have noticed, became the 3rd highest poster, as i have been highly active and obsessed with this forum.


I strive to help this forum in anyway possible


Of which you, YCMaker, have already seen, from the countless Pm's i send you regarding updates to events that go on here


On a side note i am sorry for the PM's i send you, its just so i know, that you know, whats going on within the forum, like that DA situation etc.etc.


Other Personal Qualities and Skills


I maybe always on the defensive, but i am indeed as i have told many people, one of the most helpful and nice people on this entire forum.


And no readers, i am not bigheaded, i simply speak the truth.


I have got along great with alot alot alot of members;


Helped them out in countless amounts of situations, and if i became a Moderator, i could do so in a more helpful way, as it would not only be them i would be helping, but the Forum Itself.


Now going back to the point that i have sent you Pm's from time to time, in them you will see what i am going to say here;


'I want this forum to live and to be the best it can be'


And that is the truth, i want to make this forum a better place, to make it free of rulebreaking, spam and conflict, to help it continue to strive upwards.




How Will I Help The Forum


I will make sure the rules are kept in order, i shall kindly inform members of any rule breaking, like i do on the PKMN forum.


I shall enforce, in the nicest way possible, the rules.


I would clear spam, lead people in the correct direction;


and overall, make this forum a better place.



Other Notes


This is just basically extra credit work i have done.



The DA Radicals - Part 1


A few months ago, there was a situation containing Deviantart members. They were angry at the fact we were using there images without persmission of crediting, so they made accounts, spammed and flamed the forum and its members.


Myself informed God Kaze about them, and he quickly sorted them out, however, we encountered a snag, they were making double accounts to flame us again.


God Kaze kindly asked me to be his 'Eyes', and quickly find out who the double accounts were, i found them, he banned them, that for now was over.


The account of one of the Doubles was named 'DA Radical', hence the entire Radical situation name.



The DA Radicals - Part 2


This part, involved Tkill.


I was chatting to Tkill on MSN about ways we could bring a stop to the DA situation, and also find where they were chatting and conspiring, so after some helping chatting with Tkill, I Found Them.


There were using a members blog on DA to chat and plan out how they were going to come onto this site and Flame it,


Thanx to my discovery, Tkill knew who they were and also, we both knew if they would strike again. And they did a few times.



The DA Radicals - Part 3


By this point, they had come many times, flamed and argued, and angered many many members. But After a nice member from DA came here to this site, we managed to talk to her, and tried to think of ways in order to stop the conflict.


I Myself, Was A Big Part Of The DA Radical Solution.


God Kaze and myself chatted with various members from DA, mainly Cubistar, jocarra, and Kaze chatted to Chevi.


Afterwards we managed to come to the 'New Rule' solution, which as you can see;


Has greatly calmed things down, and the situation is under control.





The Points in myself describing those events is for these reasons.


1. It shows i have already worked with the current Moderators, God Kaze and Tkill, which surely is an advantage if i myself became a site Moderator.


2. I Was a big part in helping calm down the situation that was greatly shaking this forum, i helped this forum in a great way, as i shall continue to do, and would be able to do greater if i was indeed, a moderator.



And not to show off, but i want to just quote something God Kaze wrote on Deviantart.com, on one of the DA Radicals journels;


He Wrote;


'Thanks for all the help DJ, where would YCM be without you^^?'


I love that quote ^_^


I am also aware that Kaze and possibly Tkill, wrote about the DA events on threads in the Moderator forum, so you can check them also.



Last Extras


I have a very keen sense, a sharp eye, and alot of knowledge.


I have reported many possible double accounters in my time to Frunk and God Kaze, and many were indeed d-accounters.


I have reported all offensive posts and comments i have seen.


I talk to all the Moderators, God Kaze, Tkill, Frunk and GBT on MSN, so i can easily get in contact with any of them.




Last Notes i Promise


Sorry for the long read, i just am so dedicated to this forum, that i like to put alot of effort into what i write ^_^



If you did choose me to become a Moderator YCMaker, you would not be dissapointed, you would applaud me, on the fine positive effect i would have on this forum ^_^



- On mainly Custom Cards

- On for around 16/17 hours a day, and from the UK.

- Have helped this forum greatly, and shall continue to do so.

- Have the skills, knowledge, brains and positive attitude needed.



>> Dj Osiris <<

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++++ Static' date=' intelligent, good grammar, good debater, etc.

+ Chaos, intelligent, good grammar, good debater, etc.

+ Pika, knows how to get a point across, not one to be trifled with, etc.

++ Crab, do I need a reason? You should be able to tell.


---- TAG, Rude to some members, temper, whiny, egomaniac, etc.

- Kid, bad grammar, etc.



What about me DarkThorne? :?

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1. What time during the day you are most likely online (include time zone)


EST time zone Though i spend more time online than not.


2. Which parts of the forum you frequent most


General and questions


3. Why you should become a moderator and how you will help the forum


I am pretty accepting person and will listen to all sides of the story. I won't insult or ridicule because of what you think or believe. I care about this forum and will do what I can to make it appealing to both new people and old hands. I was here in when Dan and Frunk were and have become friends with both of them. I am also friends with Tkill. I always search for the bottom of things. I don't backseat Mod though I offer my opinions. If I receive the position I will use the opportunity to grow as a person. I have played the part of eyes and ears for many a MOD. Ask Frunk. All around I'm a fun loving guy.

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Can I still apply?


1. What time during the day you are most likely online (include time zone)

During weekdays, 4:00 to about 6:30 in central time.

During weekdays, 9:00 A.M to 12:00 P.M. then I get off for a while and get back on a hour later and stay on for another 3 to 4 hours


2. Which parts of the forum you frequent most

All of them except for TCG


3. Why you should become a moderator and how you will help the forum

I'm a very nice person, always active, I hate spam and I'll aim for making forums better. A lot better.

I know all rules, I follow all rules.

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I would like to apply.


1). What time during the day you are most likely online (include time zone)?

I am online from weekdays from 6:00AM to 9:00AM / 4:00 PM to 11:00 PM. On weekends, I'm online almost all day long. I would say around 9:00AM to 8:00 PM. This is all in Eastern Time.


2). Which parts of the forum you frequent most?

I visit the General and the Realistic Cards section of the forum the most.


3). Why you should become a moderator and how you will help the forum?

I think I would have great potential to be a moderator because I never neglect my responsibilities. I take full responsibility for any of my actions, either if good or bad. I am respectful and polite to others, I listen to what others have to say, I never flame, I never spam, I like to resolve situations in a peaceful and civil way, I am very helpful to others and I follow ALL rules. I would like to help the other moderators keep the forum up and running. If things get complicated, I will do the best I can to make things right. I will admit I have had a few spats and I have most certainly acted out of turn a few times, but I have acted my age since then and I'm ready to take any future responsibilities I may be given. I will help the forum by eliminating the spam, helping others, come up with some cool ideas for the forum, lock unwanted topics, keep things on topic, and resolve arguments in a civilized way. I am ready to dedicate my time as a Moderator to the Yu-Gi-Oh Card Maker Forum.


--Thank You YCMaker for considering me.

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