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XYZ Island [IC/PG-13/Started/NotAccepting]


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[OOC found [URL=http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/283645-xyz-island-oocpg-13startednotaccepting/#entry5946688]HERE[/URL]]

Tizu looked one last time out of his luxury cabin at the port. [i]What a wonderous place,[/i] he thought. [i]People running about, no thought about life beyond their home. How can there be such a difference between people on this Earth? To think I was once like that, back on my home island... Well, I must let the guests on the ship, shouldn't I?[/i] He pressed a button on a control panel near him, alerting the deckhands that it was time to bring the guests aboard.

Suddenly, a knock sounded on the thick wooden door. "May I come in? Or am I intruding?" a female voice inquired.

"No, you may come in," Tizu said, not turning around. The new body in the room came over to the window with Tizu, standing, where some would say to beto close. Tizu didn't mind, to much.

"Nice weather today, should allow for smooth sailing," she said.

"Agreed," he replied, his mind wandering to other things.


Outside, Gladia stood with her arms crossed over her chest, tapping her foot. After a while, a male deckhand, who seemed slightly younger than her, ran by, but then turned back, apparently noticing her PAD.

"If you'll come with me, sir, I'll take you a aboard the ship."

Gladia followed the deckhand through the crowd, and when they reached a clear spot, he respectfully stopped to let her gawk. The ship was much bigger up close, and was quite the intimidating presence. After a while, the deckhand led her up the gangplank to the ship and inside.

Inside there was a metal detector, but Gladia wasn't worried. She walked strait through, and it didn't go off, because her sword was toughened plastic. When the armed guard inquired about the sword, listing all sorts of reasons why weapons were not allowed on board, she just took it out and said "It isn't a real sword, see? And it's my duel disk. You have no reason to take it, do you? Call your boss. He'll agree with me."

After leaving the guard fumbling for his two-way radio, Gladia followed the deckhand to what would become her room. He said "If you'll freshen up, my boss, and your host, Tizu, would like to have all his guests in the main dining hall for dinner to meet all of you. I'll get you when it is time to come." With that, he left.

Gladia threw her duffel bag in a chair and stretched out on the bed. [i]I'm not going to bother to change,[/i] she thought. [i]I don't care about 'first impressions.' Besides, this outfit is me. If Tizu doesn't like the style, oh well, he doesn't. Wearing something else to the dinner isn't going to change that.[/i]

Tizu was knocked out of his daydream by the squawking of his radio. "What?" he barked into it.

"Some guy in a strange cloak just came on board with a non-metal sword duel disk. What should I do?" was the reply.

"Just let her stay," he said. "She won't be a problem."

"Ok," the guard replied. "Wait, she?"

Tizu just smiled and shut off his radio. He'd have to talk to the guard later, but for now he was good. He resumed scanning the crowds outside for his other guests (and ignoring the woman's babble).

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[size=3][color=#222222][size=4]Mason had finally been able to catch his breath. He[/size] [size=4]woke up late, and sprinted as fast as he could to the ship. Panting, mason and his turtle, pebbles were finally there. Mason looked on the ship. "Wow, that’s a huge ship!" Mason gawked. He was addressed by a guard after a few moments of waiting around. The guard told him the turtle as not allowed on deck. This annoyed Mason. "Mason asked the gaur "Why not?" That stumped the guard. After a long conversation, the guard allowed mason on board. Again, conflict aroused when the metal detector went off. "It's my duel disk, not a weapon!" Mason whined. The man inspected it, then seeing no harm in allowing it, he led mason across the luxurious ship to his room. The guard told Mason "If you'll freshen up, my boss, and your host, Tizu, would like to have all his guests in the main dining hall for dinner to meet all of you. I'll get you when it is time to come." He began to change into an ice blue t-shirt, and a set of dress pants that matched. "This is exiting!" Mason said to pebbles. He made sure everything was ready, and then he equipped pebbles with his dueling shell. Mason grinned. "That security guard gave in just on my airorca duel disk. He didn’t even check me. This is going to be a fun ride." Mason said to pebbles, who had begun to sleep.[/size][/color][/size][color=#222222][/color]

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[size=4]Shock looked out of the window of his private helicopter at the giant [i]Duelist Crown. [/i] As the copter settled down, he leapt out of the door and strode over to the ship's entrance. He flashed his PAD to the guard, who led him toward the deck. Upon seeing the enourmous ship, Shock just shrugged and said, "I've got a bigger ship at home. Let's just move on, shall we?" The guard looked stunned at Shock, then shook his head. At the metal detector, Shock unloaded game after game after game into the bin beside it. The guard looked at Shock and said, "Are you done yet?" Shock dug out his phone and placed it in the tray. "All done!" The guard led him toward his room and said, "If you will freshen up, my boss and your host, Tizu, would like to have all his guests in the main dining hall for dinner to meet all of you. I'll get you when it's time." Shock stretched out lazily on the bed and began playing his 3DS. [i]This is gonna be fun, I bet.[/i] he thought.[/size]

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Takashi Kusinagi steps off his private helicopter and immediately his eyes were drawn to the massive cruise ship that awaited him and many others. He was pretty impressed and expected the luxury level to be high, though he didn't care much about that as he enjoyed the simpler things in life. Though he expected the food to be good at least. He flashes his PAD to the guard which aloud him step onto the gangplank which lead him aboard the ship. He notices a guy in front of him having trouble with the security because his duel disk was in the shape of a sword. He to had a sword but it was made of bamboo and wrapped in a bluish grey cloth strapped to his back a memento of his other passion next to dueling: Kendo. He wasn't worried about it at all as one it was covered and two it doesn't even look like a dangerous weapon, more like a simple stick. He passes through the metal detector and all it caught was his phone. Once he was cleared, he was advised to assemble at the dining hall as his host was to make an announcement. He was going to go there anyway as he hadn't eaten anything since he left Japan. "I hope there's a good sushi bar there..." he said to himself.

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Tizu pulled out his customized PAD and hit a few buttons.  Scrolling through the different menus, he determined that 4 of the 6 guests he was expecting were now on board.  Pulling out his radio and turning it back on, he asked,

"How is it going down there?"

The security guard replied, "Two more on board, sir.  The cocky one with the hairdo is fine, and that other one, with the stick, but the other one, with the turtle, he set off the metal detector.  And brought the turtle --"

"Turtle?  Did you at least get the sensor-locator on it?"

"Well, actually..."

"Well what?"

"The sensor is on it, just like you asked it to be on any intelligent life forms other than humans, but not securely, and not very hidden."

"It'll be good enough."

Tizu took his PAD out again and scrolled through the menus while searching with his other hand through his desk.  Pulling out a piece of paper, he ran his finger across one line.

"[i]...passion of dueling.  He fueled anything that could play.... his turtle.[/i]" he mumbled.  Then looking up, he said, "I'm talking to myself again, aren't I?  She's finally left..."  His PAD beeped, and a new option on the menu read '[i]Pebbles (Turtle)[/i].'  "Aha!" Tizu said.  Scrolling through the list of what looked like card names, he wheeled his chair over to his computer and pulled up a card editor.

[OOC - (Why is there always this problem?) Unless she tells you or you catch her without her cloak, Gladia looks like and sounds like a boy.  Unless you have extra senses, you have no way of knowing she is a girl.  Yes, I'm talking to you, Takasi, change your post so that Glad is still a boy.  [/rant] (see OOC for more)]

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Takashi was impressed by the buffet their host had provided. There was all sorts of food from many different countries; perhaps because everyone participating came from different nationalities. He of course went for the Asian which had all sorts of dishes from china, Japan, etc. There was sushi which he was indeed pleased to see and there were many to choose from. But that's not all he picked for there were Japanese hotpots to he helps himself to one. Once he was satisfied with his choices he took a seat and clapped his hands together, saying "Ittadakimasu" before digging in. As he enjoyed his meal he looked around seeing who his adversaries were in this tournament.

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Mason was brought to a dinig hall. He brought pebbles, his turtle. Pebbles seemed to scratch himself like crazy ever since the metal detector. Mason didnt know why, but food always made pebbles forget current issues. When he reached the buffet, he went for the sea food. He sat down at the table next to some one who had picked food from the asian section. He took notes of everybody he saw. There was the japanese person, there was some kid with an odd hair style. Mason also had a little plait for pebbles, who was happly snacking on steamed oysters and lettuce.

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Shock followed the deckhand to a large dining hall. He saw a ton of different foods from all over the world. He went straight for the French cheeses, since he loved the cuisine. Getting samples of all of the food, as per his usual, he walked over to a table with an Asian kid. Another boy with an Airorca pendant and a turtle walked up. [i] I wonder how good these two are. Well, to be here, they have to be really good in the reigon, so they have to be decent. [/i] he thought. Sticking one hand out, the other ruffling his hair gelled straight up into points, he smiled brightly and said, "Hey there! I'm Flint. Flint Litwick. My friends call me Shock, and I won the Wisconsin regionals. What's your names?" he asked, Joy Buzzer secretly concealed in the hand held out to the others.

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Takashi looked up at the duelist who introduced himself to him; Flint Litwick. He seemed to be a very friendly person and not at all arrogant and snotty like a lot of other western duelists he himself encountered. He got up and, catching onto the trick he simply bowed at him "Hello, my name is Takashi, Kusinagi Takashi. It's nice to meet you." he introduced then sat back down. "I won the Tokyo Regionals. It wasn't easy at all." he chuckled. He glanced over to the other duelist, wondering what he was going to share with them.

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Mason stood up and introduced himself to Shock. "Hi, im Mason. I won the california reginals." Mason reached out to shake the boys hand, but he got a shock. He jerked his hand back. "You got me." Mason said. Mason sat looked at pebbles, who was stil scratching himslef. He was a bit confused, until he saw a faint red blink. Mason pulled the machine off, and crushed it, so pebbles wouldent have to go through the intense itchyness. He then continued to eat, ignoring Shock.

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David walked up to the docked boat, only realising when he saw that there was no-one aside from the security guard that he was late. Continuing onto the boat, he strolled through the metal detector, the loud noise not doing anything to stop him from walking straight on through. Running up to catch him, the security guard called out to him, finally alerting David that he had set of, and had actually gone through a metal detector at all. Yelling back to the guard, David said [color=#FF8C00]"Sorry 'bout that, the duel disk sets 'em off every single time. An antique it is ya know, a restored battle city duel disk, from back when they were all made of metal. Ya wouldn't happen to know where I'm supposed to head from here would ya?" [/color]Distracted by the response, David ended up pointed to the deckhand, who took him off to his cabin before directing him to the dining hall where everyone else was. Walking into the dining hall, David noticed where everyone else was, and after gathering a plate of all the seafood he could find, walked towards them, just in time to hear everyone's introductions.[color=#FF8C00] "Nice to meet all of ya, I'm David, the winner of the Australian regional tournament."[/color] Ignoring Mason's shock from the buzzer, he reached up and grabbed Flint's hand, pumping it vigorously even while getting buzzed by the buzzer.

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Gladia continued fiddling with her PAD, and then it beeped. Looking at it, it now had menues labled with each of the passenger's names, or so she assumed. She opened the one labled "Tizu", infering by the islander name that he was the host. Scrolling through the text, she realized that it was not a biography or similar, but a card list, she quickly exited, but not before seeing that Tizu use Infernity and a certain card that scared her.

[i]But ZERO is banned...[/i] she thought. [i]It'll be hard going against him if he has no qualms modifing his disk so it'll accept banned cards (because all standard disks don't activate with banned cards or more than one limited card or three semi-limited cards (breaking the rules)), then I don't really trust him anymore to keep us safe.[/i] So thinking, Gladia scripted a few lines of code and then found a way to disable the decklist function. [i]I just don't know how it would be abused,[/i] she thought.

Just then, a knock sounded on the door. Gladia told the hand she would be right at the dining hall, and she would find her own way. She wasn't really hungry (What do they put in those peanuts on the flight?) and she had decided to put on more formal looking dress. She carefully chose the one dress outfit that still would give her a place to tuck the back of her hair and began to put it on.


Tizu looked down at his PAD when it beeped. Looking at it, he accepted the fact that Pebbles had been disconected from the network. But he had what he needed. All six cards on his computer were now complete. Then his PAD beeped again. [i]What the h***?[/i] he thought. [OOC: I just don't want to type it, but it is appropriate here.] Looking closely, then flipping through a couple pages, he realized that the decklist function had been disabled. [i]How? What?[/i] he thought. [i]Well, I was done with it, but how did it get disabled? I'll deal with that later. Guess we won't get that English pirate, but it is time to shove off.[/i] Tizu radioed the command to set the ship sailing to Ducrown Island and headed towards the dining hall to address the crowd.


Gladia finished getting dressed, and headed towards the dining hall. The way she was dressed, she looked like a young man, about 19, dressed in black with a few strands of longer hair (tucked into the somewhat high collar) at the back. She had purposly allowed a few of the shorter longer strands at the back to escape to create a look of accedental hair tucking, but she was consious of the fact that if she was to be revealed as a girl, now would really be the time. She had left her duel disk at her room with her Laquari cloak, but she still had her deck in her pocket.

Arriving at the dining hall, Gladia grabbed a few greens and a traditional Italian pasta and went to sit down. She sat close-ish to where all the other people had congregated, but a few chairs down, as a habitual loner. She began to pick at her food without really bothering to eat anything (jet lag?) or introduce herself. If anyone wanted to know her, they could ask themselves. They'd be less attentive to the sound of an unknown voice that way. She wasn't worried about her voice giving her away, but better safe then sorry. She mentally reviewed the boy she was pretending to be -- Glad, an Itallian with shortish hair and a few temper problems when provoked, from a wealthy family based on Roman tradition. Basically, what her brother may have been like, had he lived beyond two years of age. [OOC: The real Glad would be older than Gladia, to be clear.]

[OOC: Darn you, IRL distractions!]


Tizu made it to backstage before getting interupted. He got stopped by the guard that had been at the metal detector.

"We had one last guy who made it on just before you gave the order to shove off. His duel disk--"

Tizu sighed. "The metal detector is just there for show, really. We have other detectors in place for danger. He's ok."

The guard walked off, a little dejeted because he had just been told his job was uneccessary. Tizu had managed to get a peek through the curtains and saw that everyone was here, that girl disguised as a guy ([i]Must remember to not give away her secret, or I'll give away my secret....[/i]) being the last to enter, and the only real loner. But the delay from the guard had delayed him long enough that a backstage makeup artist got ahold of him. Tizu set himself to a while being primed to go on stage.

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Takashi glanced over at the last duelist to enter the dining hall: The one who had trouble with passing security due to his duel disk being in the shape of a sword. He excused himself from the other guys he was chatting with and approached him. "Excuse me." He introduced with a bow. "I'm Takashi. That's a cool duel disk you have. I've never seen that model before. Is it custom? I saw you had trouble getting it threw security. That must have been a pain." he chuckled. Takashi loved making friends even if they are to be his competition in the near future.

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Gladia looked up at Takashi and said "My name's Glad. Nice to meet you. I'd show you my disk, but I left it in my room. A bit intrusive for a meal, no?" and then looked back at her plate. Then, she looked back up. Gladia recognized that face.... After thinking a while, she remembered a trip she had taken to Japan when she was 10.

[i]Gladia was younger, and not yet disguising herself as a boy. She was at a playground with her nurse. Running around, enjoying herself, she tripped. A young looking boy helped her up, a little sheepishly. Gladia thanked the boy a skittered off, and the boy went over to the other side of the playground, possibly leaving. Gladia couldn't tell, however, as she was on the arms of her nurse, the nurse telling her that she wasn't perminantly hurt by the fall.[/i]

Gladia looked back at her plate quickly before getting caught staring. [i]It couldn't be the same boy,[/i] she thought. [i]Even if it is, I should be ok, I look different now.[/I] After a bite of food, she said "Yeah, it was custom made. I made the design myself, and my pop was nice enough to get the company he worked for to make a working prototype. They said no one would buy one, and didn't make any more, but pop took the prototype home and gave it to me. I still use it, though I had to get the armstrap grip bit refitted once. It may not look it, but the handle latches onto my hand so I'd have to really try to be able to drop it.". Then, realizing she'd been talking for almost a minute, she stopped, her face flushing just the tiniest amount.

[OOC: I hope you're ok with the little backstory I put in there, Takashi, of not, just say so. I'll remove it if necessary.]

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OOC: Quite the contrary actually, I'd love there to be a connection between our characters.

As he talked about his custom built duel disk, Takashi took a seat beside him and listened. The more he looked at him however the more he felt a strange feeling... like he met him before. He first thought he was just another duelist he came across and got into a match at one point, but he never recalled challenging a foreigner. In fact this would be the first time he ever faced off with duelists from other countries. Yet... still he couldn't shake the feeling he had met him before. It was weird what he was feeling and he couldn't quite put his finger on it. So he decided to stop trying to make sense of it. When Glad finished explaining, Takashi notices his blush which was rather unusual for a guy, he made no sign suggesting that he noticed and simply smiled. "That's really amazing! I wouldn't mind having a duel disk designed after a Katana myself." he chuckled. "It would be a physical representation of my two passions fused together: Kendo and Dueling.

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[size=4]Shock glanced up from his plate. "Oh! A newcomer!" He jumped up from his seat, but Takashi beat him to it. As they introduced themselves, he couldn't help but notice Glad blushing. [i] That's a little unusual,[/i] he thought. But he ignored it in favor of introducing himself. "Hi! I'm Flint Litwick. I won the Wisconsin reigonals. You can call me Shock!" he said, with the Buzzer still in his hand. "I am hoping that we can get to know each other better. Come sit, and eat with us. I think our host will come out soon!" As he said this, he looked to his left and saw the curtains on the stage opening up.[/size]

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Gladia looked at the guy with the funky hair.  "My name's Glad."  She then directed her attention to the opening curtains up on the stage.  On stage was a blonde haired lady in high heels, who, realizing the curtains were open, quickly walked off.  After she left, a dark haired man in a suit walked on.  Gladia studied the man on stage, who she assumed to be Tizu from the Decklist on the PAD.

[i]So this is the man who called us here, and broke his own rules with the inclusion of ZERO in his deck...[/i] she thought.  [i]I'll be keeping a close watch on you, Tizu.  Maybe, if I can trust anyone on this ship, I can confide my fears to someone... possibly Takashi.  I just wish I wasn't the only girl on this ship....[/i]  Gladia continued to think, only paying half attention to the greeting that their host was providing.


Tizu walked out confidently onto the stage.  He paused at the center to allow his guests to see him and then began his mostly-scripted speech.

"So, as you may know by now, I am your host, Tizu [s]Trihun[/s] Trihunn [OOC: oops!].  So, I guess you're all wondering why I gathered you all here today?"  Tizu paused for laughter, but he didn't hear any.  "No?  Well, I'll tell you anyway.  This ship is now headed for a recently formed island I have discovered.  It is there that I am hosting my duel tournament.  Friendly duels are encouraged on the ship, and you have all of tomorrow to enjoy the ship.  We should be arriving at Ducrown Island the morning after.  I will tell you all how the tourney will work once we get there.  If we have no questions, I'll bring out the desert.  So, anyone have questions?"

[OOC-Sorry for late post, but D&D combined with my brother's need for us to do the Kingdom of the Sky adventure map in MineCraft led to a lot of delays.  To handle the questions, I'm going to give everyone 48 hours to post questions for their characters to ask, and then move on if there are no questions.  If someone has posted a question and I haven't put Tizu's answer in yet, go ahead and post it, and make it clear (both in the text and via a OOC note like this) whether the question is blurted out immediately or after Tizu's answer (the second of which may lead to some trouble if I don't pay attention -- asking an answered question -- but I'll pay attention).  If a question is posted, Tizu's move on post will happen 48 hours after the latest question (approx.).]

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Takashi turned his attention to their host who had finally made his appearance. As he talked Takashi did not get a good vibe from this guy despite his flamboyant and friendly introduction. He felt there was something more to him... something he was withholding from them. [i]"Something doesn't feel right from this guy..."[/i] he thought. When he offered the contestants to ask questions of him, one suddenly dawned on him. He raised his hand and asked. "Excuse me... I can't help but wonder who exactly are you? While on my way to the ship I did a background check on you and It appears you came out of thin air. Would it be too much to ask if you shed a little light on your background? And is this tournament sanctioned?"

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When Takasi stood up and asked his question, Tizu blinked.  He had not expected that sort of question.  "Ok, I'll start at the end of that question, if you don't mind," he said.

"If by 'sanctioned' you mean Konami started it, then no.  Also, I do not claim any attachment to Konami inc. blah bluh etc.  I won't bore you with all the particulars and fine print.  I can send a copy to your room though, if you so wish.  However, nothing in this tournament breaks any copyright, patent, or trademark of Konami, so there is nothing illegal about it.  I hope that answers the question.

"As for where I come from, I came from my mother and father's love.  More seriously, though, yes, I did, as you put it, 'sort of pop up out of nowhere.'  I hope you can agree that some manners of my personal life I may keep personal, but I have no qualms telling you this--I grew up on a small Pacific island you probably wouldn't recognize the name of, and a life-changing visit led me to my position now.  I might be able to get an autobiography to you after this.

"I hope that answers your questions.  So, any more questions?"

[OOC EDIT: I HATE DISTRACTIONS!  I'll give anyone 48 hours after any post to post another question.  You want it to move on quicker?  Post in OOC that you have no questions.  Resay that you have no questions after any time Tizu answers a questions.]

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Gladia looked up at Takashi's question. She narrowed her eyes and listened to Tizu's answer. It sounded to her like he was avoiding the question. By this point nothing really short of, well, a miracle could convince her that Tizu wasn't driven by some malicious intent. She knew that some cards, the numbers, had taken over minds before, but all 100 of those had been taken care of, and only replicas of the cards were in circulation, the card without a mind. Gladia set herself in to keep an eye on Tizu until she saw what was bothering her. Might as well keep an eye out on the other contestants as well, as first looks could be deceiving. Gladia trusted Takashi, though, as she trusted her gut (which was why she didn't trust Tizu), and her gut instinct was to trust Takashi.


"No more questions? Good. Now, I believe it is time for me... wait, that's right. I completely forgot to introduce any of the other staff. Krystal?" Tizu motioned off stage and the woman from before walked back on stage.

"Hi," she said.

Tizu resumed talking. "This is Krystal Pinena. She's my personal assistant, and second-in-command for when I can't attend to everything. If I'm not around, you can ask her. Edward Tarelli, our Human Resources officer, (if that's the right title, I never can remember,) couldn't make it to dinner tonight, but he's the one to contact to contact anyone off the island. He's risen up in rank quickly, and it's strange to have him as HR since he trusts nobody, but he does a good job. Anyway, I believe it's time for dessert."

Tizu jumped down off the stage, showing off the fact that he was more lithe than a first look may suggest. Krystal waved at the backstage crew to close the curtains, then walked down the stairs on the side.

"I have a dessert I know none of you have tried," Tizu said. As one of the other staff brought out a platter with six small dollops of what looked at first glance like chocolate beans, he resumed "On Ducrown island there is a small lizard. It eats the berries on the island, which are normally poisonous to humans. However, in the liver of that lizard, the berries undergo a transformation into a delicious sugar, which is extracted painlessly with no harm to the lizard, and is best eaten when combined with a touch of chocolate and cooked in a certain way. We have enough for one apiece, as Krystal doesn't eat chocolate."

Tizu took one and and ate it. After swallowing, he said, "Go ahead, they really are good. They may be a little addicting in large quantities, but are just fine in appropriate quantities. I still haven't named them, I'll put out a basket for suggestions."


Gladia looked at the chocolate. After Tizu ate his, she was pretty sure that they weren't going to poison her. She put the bean in her mouth and bit down. The explosion of delesious favors was indescribable. Of cource, there was chocolate, and sugar, but, was that pineapple? The sensation really was indescribable. She looked around to see what everyone else thought of the desert.

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Shock listened to Takashi ask his question. [i] I like how this guy thinks. Let's see Tizu's answer. [/i] he thought. After Tizu answered, Shock didn't really think Tizu had answered the question. But he was hungry, so he didn't comment. When the dessert was brought out, Shock wasn't really sure as whether to eat one until Glad popped one in his mouth. When Shock ate one, to him it tasted like his deceased grandmother's homemade chocolate chip cookies. As a tear formed in his eye at her memory, he stood up and declared, "These are delicious! Everyone try one!"

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Mason didnt care about how odd Tizu seemed. He just wanted to duel strong people. He ignored the kid that called himself Shock, but he still tried the desert. He split it and gave half to pebbles. He ate his half and got a sweet, chocolate taste. She finished it and thpught about the competition. [i]What have we here. A boy that apparently likes to pull pranks, a boy from japan who seems nice. A man with an australian accent, and a man who dressed like laquari. This is going to be an interesting match up. [/i]He thought to himself. Then he thought about Tizu. [i]What is his deal? He apparently has infernity zero. But, isnt that banned? [/i]Mason was verry curiouse about Tizu, but he ignored it, and continued to think about the tournament.

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Takashi was unsatisfied with the answer that he got from Tizu it seemed like he was fabricating his story. But he didn't want let his suspicions spoil the mood. So with no one else asking asking questions dessert was brought out. Takashi wasn't one to eat that much sweets but he did help himself to a couple of chocolate covered rice balls. He chuckled at Shock's exclamation towards the food "I have to admit it this guy knows how to treat his guests." he said. After a moment of silence Takashi stands up. "Excuse me everyone, I'd like to say some things: We are a very diverse group of duelists and I must admit I'm excited for I've never dueled anyone foreign to me. I expect you all to give it your best and not hold back because I definitely will not." he said with a smirk.

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David looked around in shock, realising that everyone was waiting for him to try the chocolates somewhat slowly. Standing up, he walked over and picked the last one remaining on the tray, his own, and popped it into his mouth, eating it slowly to savour the taste of what he found to be a delicious treat. [color=#FF8C00]"That's good, any chance of finding the ingredients to make it, I'd kinda like to take it home and try making it myself if allowed."[/color] David looked around, a smile decorating his face, while his eyes were looking around the hall, by chance looking at the last guy of the group to make it into the dining hall, taking note of his appearance, before allowing his eyes wander as they pleased.

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When Takashi made his announcement, Gladia looked sideways at him and almost -- almost-- smirked.


"Glad you all like them, but I really must be going," Tizu said. "I have a few things I need to finalize before we reach the island. Remember, we'll be reachin the island about noon the day after tomorrow, and you are free to use any of the facilities on the ship, and encouraged to use the dueling arena for any friendly duels. I would love to see anyone duel. But for now, I believe it is about time to sleep." With that, Tizu and Krystal left.


Gladia got up and left when Tizu did, and retired to her room, but not before making a general wave back at the room. Reaching her room, she realized she was sleepier than the time and exertion of the day would rationalize.

[i]Those chocolates must have had a seditive in them![/i] she thought with alarm. Working quickly, she set up her only card with which she was able to communicate on a routine basis in a hidden spot and asked it to keep an eye on the room for her. A small afermative growl replied. Stripping to her underwear, Gladia locked the door, ran her fingers through her hair, pulled the sheets of the bed up around her neck, and conked out.

While Gladia was sleeping, a small duel spirit of her Laquari card on guard duty formed over her and curled up like a cat, but stayed ever viligant.

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