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More Cards - Updated March 7th 08'


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Not bad but i don't like the way you did your first pic i don't like the second one and the third one is cool also you have to right a description for normal monsters. try harder and you will succeed. Nice job but you could have done better 6/10


Edit:you have to WRITE a description for normal monsters.


Quick Edit: and i would change the female magician too- Spell-caster.

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Thanks for the tip' date=' and I couldn't enlarge the first one.The second one is supposed to be like that though!

[/quote'] Ok i would try on paint then make a photobucket and put it in there then take the direct link and copy it if it don't work go to tinyurl.com and put thee url for the image in there then try again. if it still doesn't work i have no idea what to do :(

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