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It can't be. It's a powerstone

Powerstone Neo

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Hello people as my name come's from i play Powerstone the game an old game so to say but i just got it to my PSP. anyway i would be honored to be one of the many honorable people here at this forum and wish to show you my work in the making of card's. If make all kind's of card's really. using this system and my own hand's too.

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hmmmm could you tell a little about the site really? I am confused on how it work's. i know how to use the card maker program but the auction and other thread's kind of confuse me.

Well, first of all, don't go in card trade, or you'll get banned. =/

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Welcome. This is the most important choice you will ever make in your entire stay at these forums.


You must choose between Myself, Lord Sheogorath, and HORUS. Once you make this decision, you cannot go back, and you will have selected your fate accordingly.


And I'm Scarier, so pick me and you'll be well off.

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