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xox New card xox


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Well, a lot of people won't even look at your cards unless you put the IMG tags in so the cards actually show up in your post. And, your cards are not really that good. They are overpowered, and the OCG needs a lot of work. In addition, the pics are not that good (especially the one of the little girl). You pretty much never should use real life pics on your cards, they just don't fit.


When making new cards, it helps to look at real life TCG cards, or cards made by other members of this site to see how to make cards, and to know what is good and what is bad. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me. ^_^


EDIT: P.S. welcome to the forum!

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thats ma daughter ur talkin about n i was onli havin a laf for gods sake


Well, like I said, not many people like cards made just for laughs. And I wasn't saying the pic itself was bad, just that you shouldn't use real life pics on your cards. (sorry if I sounded rude and/or mean, I wasn't trying to sound like that)

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