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New age pocket monarch-Unfinshed

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1x raiza the storm monarch

3x zaborg the thunderstorm monarch

3x testy

3x D,D Surivor

2x D.D scout plane

1x D.D warrior lady

3x Banisher of the radiance

1x sangen

1x D.D assaliant



2x Reinforcement of the army

1x heavy storm

1x mystical space typhoon

3x dimensional fissure


3x Solemn judgement

3x Macro cosmos

2x Dimensional imprisonment

1x Mirror force

Torrential tribute



please help me finsh this deck thanks

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Because I feel like it


Monsters: 19

1x raiza the storm monarch

3x zaborg the thunderstorm monarch

3x testy

3x D,D Surivor

2x D.D scout plane

1x D.D warrior lady

3x Banisher of the radiance

1x Morphing Jar

1x Spirit Reaper

1x Snipe Hunter


spells 9

1x Brain Control

2x Enemy Controller

2x Reinforcement of the army

1x mystical space typhoon

3x dimensional fissure

traps 12

3x Solemn judgement

2x Macro cosmos

1x Mirror force

3x Dark Bribe

2x Bottomless Traphole

Torrential tribute

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Um, Cyberdude, it would be nice if you could use proper grammar. Capitalize your sentences and put periods at the end. You know, that kind of stuff. Also, if you want to abbreviate a card, then use its ACRONYM. (MST=Mystical Space Typhoon) If it is too short to have an acronym, then you should write it out.


Testy means nothing, Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch is a very powerful 1-tribute monster used commonly in the Metagame. Thestalos is acceptable, since the second part is more of a title than a name. If he didn't have a proper name, he would likely be abbreviated as TtFM. But he DOES have a proper name. If you find his title unacceptable to write, then at the very least write his name. Under no circumstances should Testy be found.

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Uhhm hello we all now what testy is and ive always worded it like that. That isnt about to change becouse its inproper its way faster to type and everyone nows what it is and FYI I do use proper grammer a majority of the time. But this isnt about my grammer this is about my deck if you have such a problem my grammer pm me dont post it in a thread where it has very liltle relevance to the topic at hand.

Now that that liltle rant is out of the way anyone else see a problem with my deck Besides imy grammer.

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That would be valid, if Thestalos was really that hard to type. Also, he didn't say Thesty, even I sometimes say that, he said Testy.


And of course we can read it, but with more difficulty than is necessary. In responses/Suggestions to a deck, I find abbreviations acceptable, as long as they are understandable. But when you're the one putting the deck up for review, you should be minimizing the effort for those who take the time to give you suggestions. It isn't a huge deal, I'm just a grammar freak.


And sentences are much easier to read than 1337 speak. Don't do anything different on the internet then you would when writing a letter.


(And the reason I didn't PM you was because it wasn't your case in particular that bothered me. I feel that the majority of forum users as a whole can learn from this. If you would have preferred privacy, I apologize, and will be sure to keep that in mind in the future)

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Allright, last grammer comment, I promise. You forgot the ? in your last post.


Anyways, to give my views on your deck.


I believe it was already said, but in any deck that is running this many tribute monsters, you want to be able to survive through periods of dead draws. therefore:

+1 Marshmallon

+1 Spirit Reaper


Another option for stall is the Gravekeeper's Servant Combo, though I don't love it because of its unreliability. I wouldn't add more than 1 Servant, if any.


And lastly, due to the new limit on Raiza, you may want to add in a Phoenix Wing Wind Blast or two to make up for your lack of spin. (On a side note, according to one of the articles on Metagame.com, Raigeki Break is coming back

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Allright' date=' last grammer comment, I promise. You forgot the ? in your last post.


Anyways, to give my views on your deck.


I believe it was already said, but in any deck that is running this many tribute monsters, you want to be able to survive through periods of dead draws. therefore:

+1 Marshmallon

+1 Spirit Reaper


Another option for stall is the Gravekeeper's Servant Combo, though I don't love it because of its unreliability. I wouldn't add more than 1 Servant, if any.


And lastly, due to the new limit on Raiza, you may want to add in a Phoenix Wing Wind Blast or two to make up for your lack of spin. (On a side note, according to one of the articles on Metagame.com, Raigeki Break is coming back



How does the gravekeeper servant combo work

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Allright' date=' last grammer comment, I promise. You forgot the ? in your last post.


Anyways, to give my views on your deck.


I believe it was already said, but in any deck that is running this many tribute monsters, you want to be able to survive through periods of dead draws. therefore:

+1 Marshmallon

+1 Spirit Reaper


Another option for stall is the Gravekeeper's Servant Combo, though I don't love it because of its unreliability. I wouldn't add more than 1 Servant, if any.


And lastly, due to the new limit on Raiza, you may want to add in a Phoenix Wing Wind Blast or two to make up for your lack of spin. (On a side note, according to one of the articles on Metagame.com, Raigeki Break is coming back



How does the gravekeeper servant combo work


Gravekeeper's Servant + Macro Cosmos/Dimensional Fissure/Banisher of the Radiance = Swords of Revealing Light that doesn't have a 3-turn limit.

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Gravekeeper's Servant effect: Unless your opponent sends 1 card from the top of his/her Deck to the Graveyard, he/she cannot declare an attack.


Macro Cosmos effect: You can Special Summon 1 "Helios - The Primordial Sun" from your hand or Deck when you activate this card. While this card is on the field, any card sent to the Graveyard is removed from play instead.


The Ruling: Since Macro Cosmos prevents the card from being sent to the Graveyard, the requirement for Gravekeeper's Servant cannot be met, and your opponent cannot declare an attack.


This combo also works with Dimensional Fissure/Banisher of the Radiance/whatever, as Crabby said.




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