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<<<<Rineara Gryphons>>>> *8 cards so far*

Cyber Altair

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[align=center]well this idea came to me when i saw the image of "Rineara, Land of the Rineara Gryphons". not exactly as i thought of a field spell and then saw a Gryphon's image and thought of it so i made it.


I will add more cards later ^_^, too bored.


Set Idea:

Cards can only be Special Summoned when "Rineara, Land of the Rineara Gryphons" is face-up on the field and since it automatically comes to the field like my Anubis it is an easy task but effects are tricky, hard to pull off and confusing even to pro players so you have to practice a lot before using it but it's truly a fun deck to play with.


I have to thank lizkay for all the gryphon's images. i wont tell who did the image of the field spell ^_^ but i took permission so it's ok.


ok so lets start with the cards.


Promo Cards

Rineara, Land of the Rineara Gryphons


OCG Status: Limited

Importance: Most Important card of the set, i think it's the first time that a field spell is the star of a set.

About the card: It looks a lot like my Anubis so i like it a lot. I really really like the art.


Animarr, Rineara Gryphon of Patience


OCG Status: Semi-Limited

Importance: Not exactly the star but one of the rarest cards in the set.

About the card: A random card but i love the art a lot, and it truly fits together. i'm proud of this card.


Rinmarr, Rineara Gryphon of Darkness


Effect:This card can only be Special Summoned if "Rineara, Land of the Rineara Gryphons" is face-up on your side of the field. During each of your Standby Phases activate the effect of a Trap card in your opponents Graveyard, if you do so pay 600 Life Points so you and your opponent draw 2 cards and then exchange up to 2 cards.

OCG Status: Limited

Importance: The deck can be revolved around him, pretty tiht card i must say.

About the card: Love it, it's awesome and i hope you like it. My fav. in this set.idea came when i was listening to ~Goodlife-Kanye West ft. T-Pain.


Sigmarr, Rineara Gryphon of Wisdom


OCG Status: Unlimited (Considering Semi-Limited)

Importance: An important card in every Rineara Deck.

About the card: A good card, it was this image that made me consider Gryphons so it's a promo card.


End Of Promo Cards, Start of Normal Cards


Despair of a Gryphon


OCG Status: Unlimited

Importance: it's a good card to have, really good but not an important card.

About the card: You can feel the despair and you feel so when you use it, a fav. card material if it was a real card since it is very emotional.


Gothimarr, Rineara Gryphon of Lazyness


OCG Status: Unlimited

Importance: Not too important but should be decked

About the card: This is my gift to you DJ Osiris, Gothimarr ^_^. congrats on your modship. and the mistake in the spelling of the name is intentional to prove the laziness of me and the card ^_^.


Vigimarr, Rineara Gryphon of Wind


OCG Status: Unlimited

Importance: Not so important but can be decked

About the card: i like the card, how beautiful the art looks.


Chrome Spirit of Rineara


OCG Status: Semi-Limited

Importance: Very good card.

About the card: A trap card like i promised you all, the artists name is still on the image cause it would feel disrespectful to take it off.


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Emm' date=' you should place a Gryphon in type, not subtype if you wanna that Spells work. If you dont, its just a "Gryphon" not Gryphon-type.



actually gryphon would have to be a sub type in order for this to be a realistic monster. and such

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Emm' date=' you should place a Gryphon in type, not subtype if you wanna that Spells work. If you dont, its just a "Gryphon" not Gryphon-type.



actually gryphon would have to be a sub type in order for this to be a realistic monster. and such


Technically, the way he words it, Gryphon would have to be the main type. Sub-types (like Toon) don't have "-Type" put after them in card effects. Just look at any of the Toon support cards (like Toon Defense). So, Grayall is actually correct.

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Emm' date=' you should place a Gryphon in type, not subtype if you wanna that Spells work. If you dont, its just a "Gryphon" not Gryphon-type.



actually gryphon would have to be a sub type in order for this to be a realistic monster. and such


Technically, the way he words it, Gryphon would have to be the main type. Sub-types (like Toon) don't have "-Type" put after them in card effects. Just look at any of the Toon support cards (like Toon Defense). So, Grayall is actually correct.


we dont actually have cards in the OCG or TCG that make us sure of this so we will have to take this as correct or wrong but there is actually no right and wrong since nothing is there to prove so.


anyway i am glad all of you are really liking the cards and yes i am well not leaving but going to be really inactive like hardly 5 posts per 2 days but i will do my best to keep adding cards.

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these are really good cards, some of the best ive seen today

effects: i really like these effects, there well usable... i would love to have this deck 10/10

power: the power is ok, but maybe a litlle more for the spell card.... bout 500... 300 isnt that much 8/10

pics: omfg! the pics r amazing! 10/10

overall: 28/30! nearly full score

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