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[MTG] Corpsejack Menace

El Majishan

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Thanks goes out to DDae who gave me the initial list.

Creatures: 19

4: Corpsejack Menace
4: Strangleroot Geist
4: Young Wolf
4: Dreg Mangler
3: Korozda Guildmage

Others: 15

4: Travel Preparations
4: Abrupt Decay
4: Rancor
3: Increasing Savagery

Land: 24

8: Forest
8: Swamp
4: Woodland Cemetery
4: Overgrown Tomb

Still have room for 2 cards.

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Is gonna be really inconsistent without taplands. Add 4 Woodland Cemetery.

Travel Preparations is lacking a lot without white splash. I'd say wait to see if Birds of Paradise is reprinted. Also, Geralf's Messenger is unrealistic. This is what you want your mana to be:

Turn 1: G (for Young Wolf)
Turn 2: GG (for Strangeroot)
Turn 3: GGB (for Korozda Guildmage/Dreg Mangler)
Turn 4: 1GGB (for Corpsejack Menace)

In the curve, the quickest you can get Geralf is on turn 6. Same with Murder. It's unreliable. Besides, use Abrupt Decay. You should also run about 26 lands because your aggressive mana costs.

-4 Murder
-3 Geralf's Messenger
-2 Rise from the Grave
+4 Woodland Cemetery
+4 Abrupt Decay
+1 Rancor

That should do it.

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I didn't know about Decay, the pre-sale price is a bit expensive but I'll try to get some.

I added the Woodlands, not sure if you saw it. Also added 4 Overgrown Tomb.

Added your other suggestions, but I still have room for 2 cards. I would just add 2 land, but I like the land at 24. (Rise from the Gave seem ok late game at 5B)

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