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YCMism (The Church of YCM) [locked upon request]


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Guest Izaya Orihara


"In the beginning there was YCMaker and he created the world of YCM in 7 days."

[spoiler=How to join]

Well first off you must be a Three Star or higher to join. Then you fill out this form.


Why you wish to join:

Do you accept Crab Helmet as your savior as he was banned to absolve us of our sins (Yes to join):



[spoiler=Member ranks]





[spoiler=What we talk about]

Well for starters, we talk about YCM. (Derp) And we also talk about things related to the cardmaker and other cardmaker's out there (Yugico etc.) We talk about mods and things we like or dislike about YCM. Why you ask? Because this is YCMism, if it was anything else it would be Anythingelseism! We also post scripture from the Holy YCM Bible (The beginning quote).



None as of yet



First off, all Priest's are to be referred to as "Father (First word or name in Username)". Cardinals as "Cardinal (First word or name in Username)". And I the Pope will be referred to as "His Holiness" or "Your Holiness".

All YCM Rules apply, however as a YChristian, you must obey the Ten YCMendments:

1. Thou shalt not ask "How do you post cards?"

2. Thou must worship YCMaker and no other Gods before him.

3. Thou shalt not make Alt accounts (Unless the accounts are for friends, family members etc.)

4. Thou shalt not Necrobump.

5. Thou shalt not Spam.

6. Thou shalt not segway off topic.

7. Thou shalt not host Church card contest's and such without first consulting and gaining the approval of the Pope or a Cardinal. If the Cardinal or Pope makes the contest it is automatically approved.

8. Thou shalt not troll.

9. Thou shalt respect others and not flame.

10. Thou shalt use proper grammar when creating a YCM Essay of the Blessed.

Failure to abide by these rules will result in a warning. If you continue to defy three warning, you will be Excommunicated.


[spoiler=Warned/Excommunicated Users]



[spoiler=How to become a Cardinal]

To become a Cardinal you must first create an "Essay of the Blessed" for review by a Cardinal or by the Pope himself. The essay must be no more than three paragraphs in length and 5-8 sentences long. Use proper grammar, this is an important essay! In the essay you must describe why YCMaker is glorious and explain how YCMism is the true church while also explaining why you would be good for the promotion. However, the first five members to join will be promoted to Cardinal immediately. So get joining!


[spoiler=How to become a Pope]

This will probably never happen, but when I feel that I can no longer watch over this club for some strange reason then I will appoint the Cardinals to cast a vote on the next Pope of the Church. Only Cardinals can vote.


[spoiler=Current Members]

Pope-Izaya Orihara







Every Sunday (EST Time Zone) Cardinals can post pieces of Scripture from the YCM Bible. (Just take a passage from the bible and make it all YCM'y.


[spoiler=Scripture Passage of the Month]

“Blessed are those who post statuses about their problems, for they shall be comforted.”

Matthew 5:4



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