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Level (LV) Cards


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Some boost for LV archetype, as well as monsters. Warning: long effects.

[spoiler= monsters]

Allure Queen LV 10 DARK
Level 10
Once per turn, during your Main Phase, if this card was Special Summoned by the effect of "Allure Queen LV7", you can select 1 monster on your opponent's side of the field or graveyard and equip it to this card. (up to 3 monsters can be equipped to this monster at any time due to this effect.) If this card would be destroyed or returned to the hand by a card effect, 1 equipped monster takes this card's place instead.
2000 ATK / 2000 DEF

Allure Queen LV 12 DARK
level 12
"Allure Queen LV 10" + 1 Spellcaster-type tuner monster.
When this monster is synchro summoned, you must equip 5 monster cards from your opponent's graveyard to this card. (5 monsters must be equipped to this monster via this effect.) If you cannot, this card is banished. During each end phase, banish a monster that is equipped to this card due to its effect. Until all 5 monsters added by this effect have been banished, you can not use other effects this card has. After this monster is out of equipped monsters, select 1 monster from your opponent's hand, deck, or extra deck, and 1 monster from your opponent's field, graveyard, or banished and equip those 2 cards to this card. (Only 2 cards can be equipped to this card via this effect.) When a spell, trap, or monster effect would be activated, or when a card would be set, or a monster would be summoned, you can banish 1 card equipped to this card to the graveyard in order to negate the activation/set/summon and destroy that card. During the end phase, you can select 1 monster from your opponent's hand, side of the field, or graveyard and equip it to this card. (up to 2 monsters can be equipped to this card via this effect.)
3000 ATK / 3000 DEF

Armed Dragon LV12 WIND
"Armed Dragon LV 10" + 1 Dragon-type tuner monster.
When this card is summoned, you must banish 1 dragon-type monster you control. When this card is moved from the field to the graveyard, you can special summon 1 "Armed Dragon LV7" from your graveyard during your next end phase. Once, while this card is on the field, you can discard 2 cards during your standby phase to destroy all cards except this one on the field and have your opponent randomly send 1 card from their hand to the graveyard. You cannot conduct your battle phase the turn you activate this effect, and this card cannot attack during your next battle phase.
4200 ATK / 3500 DEF

Dark Mimic LV 8 DARK
level 8
1 DARK tuner monster + 1 DARK non-tuner monster + 1 or more non-tuner monsters.
If a "Dark Mimic LV3" that was special summoned by the effect of "Dark Mimic LV 1" was used as synchro material for this card, during the turn this card was summoned, this card gains the following effect: You can select up to 2 cards on your opponent's side of the field. Do not target those cards and send this card to the graveyard to send the selected cards to your opponent's hand. After this card's effect resolves, you can banish it facedown in order to draw 3 cards.
2000 ATK/ 2000 DEF

Dark Mimic LV 12 DARK
level 12
1 "Dark Mimic LV 8" + 1 DARK tuner monster
If the "Dark Mimic lv 8" used as material for this card's material included a "Dark Mimic LV3" that was special summoned by the effect of "Dark Mimic LV 1" was used as synchro material for this card, during the turn this card was summoned, this card gains the following effect: You can tribute this card to return all cards on your opponent's side of the field to their hand. Your opponent cannot activate card effects in response to this effect's activation. Draw 5 cards + 1 card for each card returned to your opponent's hand by this card's effect.
2500 ATK / 2500 DEF

Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV 12 FIRE
level 12
"Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV 8" + 1 FIRE tuner monster + 1 or more non-tuner monsters.
You can negate the activation and effect of any Spell Cards and destroy them. Once per turn, you can discard 1 card to select one spell card from your deck or opponents graveyard and banish it facedown; Add that card to your hand or set it facedown on your side of the field during the end phase. That card is banished when it is sent to the graveyard or returned to the hand or deck.
3500 ATK / 3000 DEF
LV Beam
Select 1 "LV" monster on your side of the field that is level 2 or higher, and select 1 face-up monster on your opponent's side of the field. If the opposing monster's level is lower than yours, it is destroyed. Otherwise, its level goes down the same amount as your own monster's. Your monster's level decreases to 1.

Half Level Up?
Select 1 "LV" monster on your side of the field. Send 1 monster whose text lists the selected monster's name from your deck to the graveyard. The selected monster gains the sent monster's effect until the end phase. If the effect of the selected monster would special summon a monster with the same name as the sent monster, you can special summon the sent monster from your graveyard instead, ignoring the summoning conditions. (The summon is treated as a proper summon as if it was summoned by the effect monster's effect).

Hyper Level Up
Discard 1 level 1 monster. Special summon 1 level 12 monster from your hand, deck, or extra deck ignoring all summoning conditions. Its effects are negated, it cannot attack, be tributed, or be used as any material for any summon. If the card is flipped face down or removed from the field, it is banished face down. You cannot activate other cards during the end phase that this card was activated. The special summoned monster is destroyed during the end phase. This card's effect cannot be negated during the end phase.

Super Level Up!!
Discard 1 card. Send 1 face-up "LV" monster you control to the Graveyard and activate one of the following effects:
-Special Summon 1 monster from your hand or Deck that is listed in the sent monster's text, ignoring its Summoning conditions and treat it as if it were summoned by the sent monster's effect.
-Special summon 1 monster from your hand, deck, or extra deck whose text lists the monster that would be summoned by the sent monster's effect and special summon it ignoring all summoning conditions; its effects are negated and that monster's ATK becomes equal to its level x 200.

Ultimate Level Up!!??
Discard 2 cards. Banish 1 "LV" monster from your hand, field, or graveyard in order to special summon 1 "LV" monster whose level is 12 from your deck or extra deck in face-up attack position. The special summoned monster cannot attack this turn. Its effects are negated and any damage inflicted to your opponent is halved. During your opponent's turn, it cannot be destroyed by battle as long as it remains in face-up ATK position, and its ATK becomes 0. The monster is banished if it is in defense mode, flipped facedown, or removed from the field.

Level Exchange
This card can only be activated during your turn. Select 1 "LV" monster on your side of the field. Reduce its ATK in increments of 1000 until its ATK cannot be reduced further. For every 1000 points, draw 1 card and the monster loses levels equal to the amount of cards drawn. Only 1 "Level Exchange" can be activated per turn.

LV Defense
Activate only during your opponent's battle phase. Send 1 "LV" monster on your side of the field. Special summon 1 "LV" monster in your graveyard whose text includes the sent monster's name and special summon it ignoring its summoning conditions. Its effects are negated. Your opponent's battle phase ends, and both players' next battle phase is skipped.

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