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Rainbow Corp: Crystal Organization

The Ruby

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[spoiler=Whats New!!!]


New! Crystal Missions


1st mission will be posted on friday and is expected to be completed by the following wednesday. These missions could be anything so be cautious ^_^ Also you receive CP for completing missions.


New! Spirits

Everyone i'm going to start a Spirit Program. just PM or post the Spirit you want to represent you.




Our Crystal Senate is finally at full stride. After we receive more members I'll start the democracy process. Every 2 weeks or so All Members can run for a certain Senate Position. All members will vote for the person they think fit to rule in the Highest ruling body. Basically the seat goes to the popular vote.


Point System


Crystal Points = CP

1. You can receive Crystal Points buy doing anything beneficial to the club or to the Newsletter.

2. You can receive Points buy just show some Crystal allegiance ^_^ meaning just posting a card related to crystal beasts will give you points.


[spoiler=Crystal Point System!]

Joining The Club: 5 CP

Crystal Allegiance: 5-20 CP

Posting Crystal Cards: 5 CP

Posting any Cards: 1-3 CP

Positive Attitude: 1 CP

Posting Pic In Sig: 5 CP

*If pic is taken out, you'll lose the CP

Posting Pic In Avatar: 10 CP

Adding To Newsletter: 1-30 CP

Adding To Club: 1-30 CP

*Banners, Images, etc.



Dark Ruby: 20 CP-Daily

Dark Sapphire: 15 CP-Daily

Dark Amber:15 CP-Daily

Dark Topaz: 10 CP-Daily

Dark Cobalt: 10 CP-Daily

Dark Emerald: 5 CP-Daily

Dark Amethyst: 5 CP-Daily


Ruby Rep: 7 CP

Sapphire Rep: 6 CP

Amber Rep: 5 CP

Topaz Rep: 4 CP

Cobalt Rep: 3 CP

Emerald Rep: 2 CP

Amethyst Rep: 1 CP

All Rep's are paid from their Senate correspondent








[spoiler=Rainbow Dragon]

Rainbow Dragon

This Rank is the hardest to obtain. Most likely I will be the only one to be Rainbow Dragon. There might come a time when someone does something to impress me, and if im left in aww then i will allow that user to become a Dragon of the Rainbow.


[spoiler=Requirements Of Entry:]

CP: 5000

Member Status: Have been senator of every position(except Dark Rainbow)

Recruited Members: 10

Newsletter Contribution: Required, Has to be an Editor

*Have to have been a member for more than 2 months

Recomendation: Required by Rainbow Dragon Users




Rainbow Dragon:

1. Ruby_Carbuncle002



[spoiler=All Rainbow Dragons Must Place This pic In their Sig]







[spoiler=Crystal Ruby]

Crystal Ruby

This rank is the highest rank that can be obtained by a Crystal Member. These members are in charge of all lower ranks. They also have the responsability of aquiring new crystal members. More Power will be given in time.


[spoiler=Requirements Of Entry:]

CP: 1000 + more

Member Status: Been Dark Sapphire Senator once before

Recruited Members: 5

Newsletter Contribution: Yes

*Have to have been member for a month




Crystal Ruby's:




[spoiler=All Crystal Ruby's must place this in their Sig]







[spoiler=Crystal Sapphire]

Crystal Sapphire

This rank is the second highest Rank that can be obtained by ordinary members. These members are in charge of all ranks lower than themselves. More Power will be given in time.


[spoiler=Requirements For Entry:]

CP: 750

Member Status: Have been Dark Amber or Topaz senator before

Recruited Members: 3

Newsletter Contribution: Yes

*Have to have been a member for 3 weeks




Crystal Sapphire's:




[spoiler=All Crystal Sapphire's Must Place This In Their Sig]







[spoiler=Crystal Amber]

Crystal Amber

This rank is the third highest rank that can be obtained by ordinary members. These members are in charge of any rank lower than themselves. These members will also help with other members in need of help of any kind. More power will be given in time.


[spoiler=Requirements For Entry:]

CP: 500 CP

Member Status: Been a Dark Topaz, Cobalt, or Emerald Senator before

Recruited Members: 1 or more

Newsletter Contribution: somewhat

*Have to have been member for 2 weeks




Crystal Amber's:




[spoiler=All Crystal Amber's Must place this in their Sig]







[spoiler=Crystal Topaz]

Crystal Topaz

This rank is the Fourth Highest rank obtainable by ordinary members. These members are in charge of any rank below their own. More Power will be given in time.


[spoiler=Requirements For Entry:]

CP: 350

Member Status: Been on Senate before

Recruited Members: N/A

Newsletter Contribution: somewhat

*Have to have been member for 1 week




Crystal Topaz's:




[spoiler=All Crystal Topaz's Must Place this in their Sig]







[spoiler=Crystal Cobalt]

Crystal Cobalt

This rank is the third lowest rank obtainable. These members are to recruit new members. These members also report any news to be on the Newsletter!


[spoiler=Requirements For Entry:]

CP: 200

Member Status: N/A

Recruited Members: N/A

Newsletter Contribution: Some

*Have to have been member for N/A




Crystal Cobalt's:




[spoiler=All Crystal Cobalt's Must put this in their Sig]







[spoiler=Crystal Emerald]

Crystal Emerald

This rank is the second lowest rank obtainable. These members have the responsability to recruit new members to the club!


[spoiler=Requirements For Entry:]

CP: 150

Member Status: N/A

Recruited Members: N/A

Newsletter Contribution: N/A

*Have to have been member for N/A




Crystal Emerald's:




[spoiler=All Crystal Emerald's Must place this in their Sig]







[spoiler=Crystal Amethyst]

Crystal Amethyst

This rank is the lowest and default rank. These members receive no power unless on the Crystal Senate.


[spoiler=Requirements For Entry:]


Default Rank




Crystal Amethyst's:




[spoiler=All Crystal Amethyst's Must Place This In Their Sig]











Crystal Senate


Their are 8 positions in the Crystal Senate.


Rainbow Dark Dragon: Ruby_Carbuncle002

Leader of the Senate and Master in charge of all members in the club. This member has final word at all times. Also This Senator Chooses who Level Ups in ranks. This member has the same power as all other Crystal Senators.


Dark Ruby: Yugioh Maker

Power: Promotion

Leader of the Crystal Ruby Rank. Basically Vice President, Leader of the Senates Right-Hand-Man. This member can send me who they think should be promoted to a higher rank. This member should be active Every day, or almost every day of the week.

Newsletter: if you think anyone on YCM should be in this club, then tell me so i can place them in the newsletter.


Dark Sapphire: Marveloking

Power: Recruiter

Leader of the Crystal Sapphire Rank. This member is in charge of finding members to join the Crystal Organization.

Newsletter: Advertisements. Basically you find YCM members, Shops, Clubs, Fan-Fics that should be recognised for its excellence.


Dark Amber:

Power: Contests

Leader of the Crystal Amber Rank. This member creates contests for the club. The contests are for either for the newsletter or for the advertisement of the club.

Newsletter: Prize Administrator. This member will create mini contests on the newsletter to promote the club.


Dark Topaz: Dejhad


Leader of the Crystal Topaz Rank.


Dark Cobalt: Hamcha

Power: Cards

Leader of the Crystal Cobalt Rank.

Newsletter: Writes all "X card of the month" Articles.


Dark Emerald: Kibuu1

Power: Journalist

Leader of the Crystal Emerald Rank. This member searches for Anything that can be made into a "x of the month". EX: club, fan-fic, card, card set, etc.

Newsletter: Writes all "x Of The month" Articles.


Dark Amethyst:

Power: Graphics

Leader of the Crystal Amethyst Rank. This member creates Banners, Logo's and anything else associated with graphic design.

Newsletter: In Charge of creating any Logo or Banners.


(All members of the Crystal Senate will receive more power as time passes, still need to figure out what exactly we can do.)

*Also the first 7 to sign up will receive a position on the Crystal Senate.




[spoiler=House Of Rep's]

Basically the second Highest Ruling Body. All House of rep's are basically second in charge of all groups. They're the second-hand-man to the senate. Only members of the Senate can choose their respective Rep.


Ruby Rep:


Sapphire Rep:


Amber Rep:


Topaz Rep:


Cobalt Rep:


Emerald Rep:


Amethyst Rep:





[spoiler=The Newsletter]


Worst Card Of The Month

Best Card Of The Month

Best User Of The Month

Best Card Of The Month

Best Set Of The Month

Best Club/ Organization Of The Month

Best Fan-Fic Of The Month

Best Shop Of The Month


if anyone wants to nominate anyone or thing to be one of the months shown above please post here.



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Character Profile's



2. Yugioh Maker

Member Since: March 8, 2008

Power: Dark Ruby Seat on Senate

Posts: 20 as of Post #109

[spoiler=CP: 345]

1. Join Club: 5/Post #3

2. Sig: 5

3. Active Member: 5

4. Club Banner: 20/Post #16

5. Post Count x2: 40

6. Animation: 5/Post #50

7. Newsletter Banner: 20/Post #61

8. Recruitement: 200


Yaden Yuki

Cybernetic Dragon

Shadow Avian

dragon maker

9. Tek Tek Jesse: 5/Post #69

10. Newsletter-DJ: 20/Post #67




3. Dejhad

Member Since: March 8, 2008

Power: Dark Topaz on Crystal Senate

Posts: 19

[spoiler=CP: 173]

1. Join Club: 5/Post #5

2. Avatar: 10

3. Active Member: 5

4. Post Count x2: 38

5. Contest: 25

6. Post Card: 5/Post #27

7. Newsletter-CotM: 20/Post #27

8. Banner: 15/Post #55

9. MISSION 1/A: 50




4. {XxX}The_wolf

Member Since: March 8, 2008

Power: None

Posts: 2

[spoiler=CP: 12]

1. Join Club: 5/Post #26

2. Sig: 5

3. Post Count: 2




5. FiRaven

Member Since: March 8, 2008

Power: Dark Amber on Crystal Senate

Posts: 3

[spoiler=CP: 13]

1. Join: 5/Post #29

2. Sig: 5

3. Post Count: 3




6. Hamcha

Member Since: March 8, 2008

Power: Dark Cobalt on Crystal Senate

Posts: 3

[spoiler=CP: 8]

1. Join Club: 5/Post #33

2. Post Count: 3




7. ghostbom

Member Since: March 8, 2008

Power: None

Posts: 1

[spoiler=CP: 6]

1. Join Club: 5/Post #37

2. Post Count: 1




8. Marveloking

Member Since: March 8, 2008

Power: Dark Sapphire on Crystal Senate

Posts: 1

[spoiler=CP: 11]

1. Join Club: 5/Post #39

2. Sig: 5

3. Post Count: 1




9. Kibuu1

Member Since: March 8, 2008

Power: Dark Emerald on Crystal Senate

Posts: 2

[spoiler=CP: 12]

1. join Club: 5/Post #41

2. Sig: 5

3. Post Count: 2




10. Luck3b0y

Member Since: March 9, 2008

Power: None

Posts: 8

[spoiler=CP: 48]

1. Join Club: 5/Post #46

2. Post Count: 8

3. 7 Pic Post: 35/Post #58

4. MISSION 1/A: 50




11. Yaden Yuki

Member Since: March 12, 2008

Power: None

Posts: 12

[spoiler=CP: 144]

1. Join Club: 5/Post #76

2. Sig: 5

3. Post Count x2: 24

4. Crystal Beast Card: 10/Post #93

5. Ruby Logo: 5/Post #96

6. Banner: 20/Post #100

7. Crystal Card: 10/Post #114

8. Crystal Dragon Card: 15/Post #120

9. MISSION 1/A: 50




12. Cybernetic Dragon

Member Since: March 12, 2008

Power: None

Posts: 2

[spoiler=CP: 7]

1. Join Club: 5/Post #77

2. Post Count: 2




13. Shadow Avian

Member Since: March 12, 2008

Power: None

Posts: 5

[spoiler=CP: 75]

1. Join Club: 5/Post #79

2. Sig: 5

3. Post Count: 5

4. Crystal Dragon Card: 10/Post #104

5. MISSION 1/A: 50




14. Haaris

Member Since: March 13, 2008

Power: None

Posts: 1

[spoiler=CP: 6]

1. Join Club: 5/Post #113

2. Post Count: 1




15. Pink

Member Since: March 14, 2008

Power: None

Posts: 1

[spoiler=CP: 6]

1. Join Club: 5/Post #124

2. Post Count: 1




16. dragon maker

Member Since: March 14, 2008

Power: None

Posts: 1

[spoiler=CP: 6]

1. Join Club: 5/Post #130

2. Post Count: 1




17. Jese_Anderson

Member Since: March 14, 2008

Power: None

Posts: 2

[spoiler=CP: 7]

1. Join Club: 5/Post #132

2. Post Count: 2




18. Anarchy 07

Member Since: March 14, 2008

Power: None

Posts: 1

[spoiler=CP: 6]

1. Join Club: 5/Post #133

2. Post Count: 1




19. Dark Spine Sonic

Member Since: March 14, 2008

Power: None

Posts: 2

[spoiler=CP: 7]

1. Join Club: 5/Post #136

2. Post Count: 2




20. Brodioh

Member Since: March 14, 2008

Power: None

Posts: 2

[spoiler=CP: 7]

1. Join Club: 5/Post #140

2. Post Count: 2




21. Frostnova425

Member Since: March 14, 2008

Power: None

Posts: 3

[spoiler=CP: 63]

1. Join Club: 5/Post #145

2. Sig: 5

3. Post Count: 3

4. MISSION 1/A: 50





*if i forgot anyone or forgot some thing CP worth PM me!!!

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i thought of an idea of a Monthly newsletter. We can start there, is there anything you like to contribute???


Worst Card Of The Month

Best Card Of The Month

Card Set Of The Month

Club Of The Month

Fan-Fic Of The Month

Written Card Of The Month


If Theres anything else any other suggestions to do here just tell me. If you would like to hold the contest you mentioned earlier you can...




EDIT: Dejhad is there anything you would want to be in charge of???

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sure, maybe we could make a spellcaster contest or a different forms of feral imp contest, I could post it on the contest part as a "Crystal Gathering" contest (members or non-members allowed) and then as we get more people we could make then "Crystal Gathering" only contests

(or we could make a crystal beast contest but that cant be allwe do)


Edit: ok, i'll get to it (I might need more points for prizes)

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Hey you should have seen that duel, he had Phoenix Enforcer and Sparkman, I had nothing, i played lightning vortex, destroying all his monsters and dark fused a evil hero dark gaia with 4000 and then since i only had 4300 lp left I mechmorphed it and attack him directly!!!! 8000 attack, i'm still waiting for a responce though

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