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Vylon Gamma - Vylon Omega Support


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To me, Vylons always felt incomplete, awkward, and full of missing links to each other.

Their most viable form is currently recognized as the Sigma OTK, which is fine. It's a decent enough deck, but it doesn't really make use of the wonderfully designed aspects of the vylon anywhere close to their full potential.

I believe this Synchro, however contrary to how most Vylons work, is the kind of support they need. There are also other powerful vylon cards which just have no viable faclilitators. I wanted to give a link to all of those cards in one versatile, but balanced card.

And of course, to make their Boss Monster (Vylon Omega) actually viable to someone in a competitive setting. He's a wonderfully designed card once he gets out on the field, but WOWEE is he tough to actually get out. So the main goal was to make it easier to get him out, and this is out i propose to do it:

[b]Vylon Gamma
Level 7
Vylon Tuner + 1 or more non-tuner monsters
When this card is synchro Summoned, you can equip one "Vylon" Union monster from your deck to this card. Once per turn, you can activate this effect: Until the end phase of your opponent's next turn, all face-up monsters on the field, and monsters summoned to the field have their level reduced by 1. Then, destroy one equip spell equipped to this card. You can not activate this effect if there are no equip spells equipped to this card.[/b]

Seems fairly modest right? All it does is search for the mostly crappy union monsters upon summon, and can use them as fodder to disrupt the opponent's plans for their upcoming turn.

HOWEVER, this is the set-up for omega.
I tried to make it fluid, but still situational.

I tried to work with the existing cards, like I said. The ability was always there, they just need something to connect them.

The two big cards, are Vylon Element, and Vylon TesseRect.

You'll want to equip tesserect to this card, it's the key to summoning omega(Assuming you used a level 3 Vylon tuner to summon this card)

And you'll also need to acquire Vylon Element. Which is fairly simple, just having equipped a vylon equip to one of the synchro material monsters would've netted you the search for it.

After activating it, try to destroy an opponent's monster by battle. Upon succesful destruction, tesserect can bring back the tuner used to summon Gamma. It should be an originally level 3 Vylon tuner. Already we're at the cap for Omega! Oh what to do...

That's where Omega's second effect comes into place.
By activating his misleading effect to lower all levels by 1 until the end phase of the opponent's next turn, he destroys tesserect at the end. Which results in element activating, resulting in another Vylon.

Which can be the same vylon tuner, or another level 3 vylon tuner. And when summoned, it will be level 6.

Leaving you with a grand total of 10 Stars.

Level 6 Gamma (Lowered from 7)
And Two level 2 tuner monsters.

The deck has two very good level 3 tuners (Stella, and Cube) So there should be an ample supply to pull off this combo.

[b]Note:[/b] With Stella, the combo can change a bit. You'll need to activate gamma's level edit effect BEFORE he attacks if tesserect would have no other viable targets in the grave. It's still doable, and well worth the risk.

[color=#ff0000][b]Aspects Subject to Change:[/b][/color]
Atk/Def are currently relatively abstract, They are based on nothing but the general attack power of monsters of this power scale.

The name seems fairly fitting, in that Gamma Waves can disrupt chemical bonds. And he disrupts the ability of monsters to bond together via xyz, and synchro. And considering the naming scheme of the other Vylon synchros (Alpha, beta, omega)

Of course, I'm not entirely familiar with the original meaning of the names, so any suggestions are welcome.

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[b][color=#0000cd]Update: [/color][/b]After testing, i came to the conclusion that his attack should be lowered.

The deck becomes very fast, and merely having the material to make him, and one vylon equip spell(or element) is enough to make omega if the opponent has a monster to destroy.

I think making him more reliant on the different equip spells is the proper route.
Mostly filament so he can get through the backrow, and material to give him a boost of attack power to get over more monsters.

Also removed the equip spell limit, it just made him awkward and did really nothing to balance him.

Concerns: The fact the unions can special summon themselves brings a sort of karakuri style spamming ability, however the unions are dead draws and being the only targets leave the search pool fairly restrictive.

Omega Himself may be too facilitated at this point now that he can make proper use of the equip effect. Grabbing tesseract again not only enables more synchro spamming, but establishes a fairly easily maintained "soft-lock" on the opponent.

He negates effects, and cannot be destroyed once. Slap in royal decrees to the deck, the anti-target equip spell (searchable) and he's essentially indestructible. As the only average answer to that is dark hole, which is made moot by one tesserect.

This wouldn't be a problem if his attack was more like shi en, or laggias. In that it's possible to make a monster capable of ramming/running over without setting off any alarms, but at 3200 attack, that's not likely.

What offsets this is, if the combo is interrupted at any point, or somehow shut down after establishing itself... the deck really has little room for recovery.

I think the lower attack of Gamma(1800), and the need to destroy a monster (so you can't just derp it first turn usually) is enough to balance this, and puts a hard cap on the deck as tier 2 at most with Gamma, if even that. As the deck is very fragile until it establishes itself.

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