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Josh's Card Garage [Requests]


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Well, i thought this might be a good idea, because i prefer to be challenged with contest and limitations.

This is where You can Request cards for me to make, you can supply the picture etc, i think this will be a good idea for card makers on this forum who make cards regularly. So they can make for specifications. It can also help people from Fan Fics or such, or people who are currently making text based cards to make proper ones.

Here is what my Garage Can Do For You:


These are the Rules for submitting cards to be created:


@Specify Whether you want the name made up, or if you already have one.

@Card Type Monster/Magic/Trap/Ritual/Fusion/Random and Trap/Magic type.

@Attribute [Do not state if you want it to be chosen by creator]

@Level [not required]

@Pictures - If you want the Creator to just do the text and stuff, supply the picture, or let the creator do it themselves.

@Set [not required at all]

@Type [not required at all]

@Power, Try not to state exact points, as its too easy otherwise.


This may sound stupid, but for some people they dont ahve time to do a lot fo cards in the maker, and some people may want to ask for cards, but not in a contest sort of way, another thing, could these type of things be turned into shop sorta things, because the points in forum are not like real, so you could trade and buy custom cards. I supose that would mean another sub forum though lol.


Please Someone try me, i want to help people make cards, as i need things to do when im bored and i like challenges.

and this is free, you dont have to have prizes, it is for the creators pleasure only.


Awaiting First Request ;)

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