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New stuff, huh


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hmm, Evil Revolution seems pretty fair. a Polymerization for Elemental and Evil heroes at the cost of half your lifepoints.


Servant Dragon is a little confusing. It's picture and name says it's a dragon, it's considered a fiend, yet it requires a Winged Beast. Is this card like Wicked Flame Sprite and its attack increases each turn, or does it go back down to 0 when the turn's over.


Evil Revolution: 9/10. I'm not a fan of the picture.


Servant Dragon: 7/10. a few OCG errors and a little confused bythe effect.

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thanks anyway... but yeah, the dragons effect is supposed to be cumilative, so it doesnt go back down. oh, its only considered a fiend because it is an evil hero, and the winged beast part is just to make it dragony, you know, like since its a fiend instead of using an actual dragon, i thought just using any creature with wings would be more suitable.

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